
Disclaimer and A/N: Minekura Kazuya owns all the characters butchered herein. She would be appalled.

Welcome! You are now officially in MY world. Congrats! You've stumbled upon worthless, pointless fiction! -cheer-!

No, really. This is crap, and I almost didn't post it…but I decided to anyway. I needed something lighter (and more fluff prone) than the current portion of Complementary I was writing. So, this was born. Inspired by two entries in 'Still Journeying to the West Drabbles' by Sakurazukamori6. (The one on preferences, and the more recent one on Hazel) and a line was inspired from a bit of 'Irony Gods' by CyhScaevola that still amuses me to no end. The title to this abomination comes because I was scrolling through my extensive music list and decided that song title fit nicely for a scene in each part of this….so I used it. So sue me.

Takes place during (let's pretend this situation is what happened only a day before Goku's near death experience) then after (speculatively after, seeing as it ain't done yet) Even a Worm.

WARNINGS: Shounen-ai throughout……OOC Goku, and angst now……likely OOC Sanzo, WAFF, and spoilers in part two, internal monologues… Like I said, this is pointless and crap. Forgive moi?


Bring on the Rain

Part One


"I wonder," Goku mumbled under his breath, "What it would be like to touch the sun…"

The youth sighed and let his arm fall back to his side limply as he watched his guardian outlined in the inn's window. Even in a night as dark as this one - it was raining heavily making it even darker than usual - his sun still shone brightly. Now he laid in bed, trying to sleep, but still with his mind latched onto the brooding monk that smoked in the faint glow from the moonless sky.

He was across the room on a small futon, and knew Sanzo's senses wouldn't alert him to whispered musings. He sighed a little too heavily though, and knew it had gotten the attention of the monk, "Just because I'm stuck rooming with you doesn't mean I want to hear you all fucking night. Now shut up and go to sleep."

Goku blinked rapidly, "But…I just sighed…"

"I can hear you whining in my head, idiot. Go to sleep, already, and give me some peace."

The young man gulped and hoped Sanzo only referred to the inklings of one another's mood they innately had, and not some actual ability to read his thoughts. That was a scary thought. 'Holy shit, he'd kill me!' he whined mentally, his eyes screwed shut. Thankfully, he knew such a thing was impossible; he also knew Sanzo always referred to their 'extra' sense as if it were truly speaking, and not just a hum in the back of their minds.

At this moment, his ever present Sanzo sense was as cold as the monk himself - he was withdrawn and melancholy, just as the blonde always was when it rained. And this storm was forecasted to be long, lasting possibly into the weekend. Goku took one last lingering look at the silhouette of his savior, before turning his back and closing his eyes. Sleep overcame him easily, despite his own misgivings.


"Damnit all," Sanzo cursed, scowling darkly at the mud he was currently wading through. Because of the condition of the roads in the town, they had to walk to its outskirts for Hakuryu to transform, leaving the four men to tromp through the soggy mess of dirt paths.

Goku, laden with the group's baggage, scowled at the grumbling monk, "Try wearing real shoes."

Sanzo fumbled in his robed for his gun angrily, and Gojyo smirked from his other side, "What's the matter, Sanzo-sama? Robes too wet for you to find it?"

A strangely animalistic growl escaped the sopping blonde, who abandoned his search in favor of stomping ahead of the other two.

"Ya know…it would make Sanzo's life a lot easier if he could summon his weapon like we do…" Goku commented, "How come he can't?"

Gojyo snickered, "Don't give him any ideas, huh? Besides, I think there's a one-weapon-per-being limit in the void…thing."


The harisen-o-doom appeared over their heads and clocked them soundly, making both men yelp in pain, "Jackass!" Gojyo shouted over Goku's nasal whining.

Sanzo smirked down at the two, "Having this handy is just as useful."

Goku stopped complaining and watched the monk walk away, "OH! I get it! I always wondered where the fan disappeared to…"

Gojyo shrugged and leapt into the jeep, muddy boots and all, stretching back languidly and peering up into the drizzle. Goku put their things under the tarps kept for such weather and joined him, also watching the rain.

"Is it just me, or had this last year made you hate the rain as much as those two?" Gojyo mumbled, peering askance at the two men in the front seats.

"Sometimes," Goku agreed just as quietly.

Catching Hakkai's suspicious look in the rearview mirror, Gojyo realized how quiet he and the monkey had been. He quickly remedied the situation by stretching his legs out…into Goku's torso.

"You stupid kappa!" Goku shouted, trying to wrestle the limbs off of him.

"I'm a grown man and need more space than a chibi saru like you."

Goku's face grew dark, "Oh shut up you idiot! Stretch the OTHER way!"

"Nah, this way feels better."

"Perverted ugly bastard, get off me!"

"Ugly? Look who's talkin' - I mean, who'd want you?! I've never seen you with a girl!"

"So? Just because I'm not a perverted water sprite doesn't mean I don't have the opportunity!"

"Opportunity? Do you even know what that means, bakazaru? I thought the biggest word you knew was starving!"

"Shut up, asshole, I know what it means."

"And when have you ever had opportunity?"

Goku smirked, not realizing he now had he attention of all the passengers of the jeep, "I can think of eight times off the top of my head."

Gojyo didn't bother doubting this as the truth, he knew the monkey wasn't one to lie about something so stupid, "Then why in the hell didn't you go for them, stupid?"

"Not my type."

"You have a type?" Gojyo drawled, eyeing his comrade, "And what type is that?"

Gojyo didn't notice the dart of Goku's eyes as he glanced to his guardian and back, "Like I'd tell you, kappa."

"Oh come on! I feel like we're bonding here! For the first time, I feel we have common ground…and now you want to take that away from me?! Think of all I can teach you…"

The sound of the hammer of the shoureju being pulled back made Gojyo pause, eyeing the silver revolver as Sanzo glared, "Stop corrupting the monkey."

"I'm not doing anything, bouzo!"

"You won't teach him anything, are we clear?"

Goku watched the exchange with barely hidden interest. Grinning inwardly he poked his head in between them, "What if I want to learn?"

Bang. The shot was deafening as it whizzed past his ear, giving Sanzo's answer in a very Sanzo-like fashion. Goku fell limply back into his seat, but his grin was still there inside. He absolutely absorbed every moment of ill-concealed jealousy and possessiveness the monk showed…even if it was only master to pet, he would take what he could get. Hakkai's announcement of a quick lunch break only heightened his mood.

The rain had stopped for now, but the dark storm clouds on the horizon told them it would rain again soon. Hopefully they would make it to the next town before then.


"Good to see you again, Sanzo-han," a thoroughly unwanted voice cooed as they entered the inn. Sanzo stiffened - as did the rest of the group. This was the last person they needed to run into after a long, wet day, being caught in the downpour for half an hour before reaching housing…

"No greeting for your old friend? I'm so crushed," Hazel mock pouted, his hat shadowing his eyes.

Sanzo brushed by the bishop without a word, intent on the inn's counter beyond the lobby. Sanzo's sleeve was latched onto by the annoying silver-haired man, a smile playing on his lips, "Come now Sanzo, have dinner with me. Your companions too…if I can't convince you to join me alone."

"Fuck off. I'm getting a room and going to bed, thanks."

"Funny, that is…seems Gato and I got the last of the available rooms. Pity that, hm?"

Sanzo appeared to twitch infinitesimally, shaking the other man off his robe, "Ikuzu," he called to his three companions; Hakkai and Gojyo had stayed off to the side eyeing the Western man with distaste while Goku chattered to Gato. All three turned to him on his announcement, "We have to find another inn."

None questioned him, in fact they were relieved to get away from the duo, but Hazel coughed into his hand to stop their movement. He smirked malevolently over at the three trying to hurry our the door before lightening said smirk into a smile for Sanzo, "'Fraid this is the only inn in town. Now, Gato and I really don't need the two extra rooms adjoined with ours…I would be more than happy to allow you gentlemen to use them."

Gojyo sneered at the nutso - obviously crazy, in his opinion - priest that currently only had eyes for their leader, "'More than happy' sounds like a serious medical condition, to me 1. Have you seen anyone about that?"

Ignoring the half breed entirely, they could all see Sanzo's indecision. On one hand, it was pouring outside…and promised to keep pouring through the night. Even forgetting for a moment two of their members' aversion to rain, that was not a pleasant thought in the topless jeep they traveled in. On the other hand…staying meant not only rooming near to Hazel, but having to take something from the annoying, maniacal man.

Hakkai, ever being the reasonable party member and putting aside his own contempt, stepped forward and placed a hand on his friends' shoulder, "As much as it pains me to say this, Sanzo, we don't have a choice. I doubt Hakuryu could go on even if we wanted to, which I know none of us do. It would be a miserable night, and we're all bound to get ill…"

Sanzo shook off his hand and glared down at the blue eyed bishop, "Fine. But don't think this is anything other than us having no other choice."

"Such thankfulness, Sanzo-han," he said, smiling sweetly, "Come on then. Gato."

The sextet wound through hallways, grumbling at the predicament they now faced. A night in Hazel's company was not any of their ideas of a good time, but all any of them could think about was going to sleep. Even Goku, usually so adamant about getting a meal, wouldn't risk spending any more time near to the man than necessary; he absolutely despised the way he acted around Sanzo. Always near him, always laying his hand on his arm…and for some reason, Sanzo didn't just pull his gun on him like he did everyone else. It was strange…and only strengthened Goku's dislike.

In minutes, all six of them were sitting in uncomfortable silence in the common room that Hazel had rented, Gojyo and Sanzo smoking and scowling, Hakkai forcing a very tight smile, and Goku hovering protectively between Sanzo and Hazel at all times. This seemed to annoy the bishop more than anything.

Sanzo was perched in the window, staring up at the ceiling as he smoked and ignored the other occupants of the room. Every so often, Hazel would lean back towards him as if to speak or a hand would reach towards the blonde, but Goku was always there to block wandering hands and glare to silence meaningless words. After a handful of botched attempts, Hazel finally snapped.

"Well, we adults need to talk, why don't you run off to bed, lil one?" Hazel cooed, the smile on his face more of a sneer.

Goku clenched his fists, "I'm not a kid."

"Sure you're not," the silver haired man cooed mockingly, and not even Gojyo snickered or chimed in. This was not the time for teasing.

"You…you…!" Goku stammered, wishing very much to be able to punch the infuriating man in the face.


Sanzo's quiet voice saying his name - his name! - broke his reverie. He turned to his guardian with wide eyes, blinking away his anger, "Sanzo?"

Violet eyes focused solely on him, "Go."

Goku felt his breathing stop and his eyes burned with familiar tears, "S-Sanzo?"

The monk did not answer, did not look away, despite the pain he could feel burning him from the wide golden eyes. He merely met it and absorbed the pain said look wrought within him, accepted that as the penance for the hurt he was causing, and giving his own look back. Goku finally couldn't take that damned enigmatic look anymore and turned away, heading to the door. He broke into a run as soon as he had shut the door behind him, sprinting out into the soggy streets for some fresh air.

Looking back up at the window of the room they were residing in, he saw the shadow of his master joined by another…one with a hat. Goku's heart clenched as he watched the second shadow linger far too close to the first. Goku willed back his tears and turned his face up into the first raindrops that began falling from the sky.

As the sky opened up, Goku didn't bother leaving for shelter. The droplets rolling over his face and soaking his hair did the job of concealing the tears he could no longer hold back. He didn't know how long he stayed there, conscious of nothing but the rain and the echoing emptiness he felt.


A/N: This is a TWO shot, so there will be a second part. Sorry it's not much, but I wanted something I could work with…

Man, I wish I could think of a way to write a oneshot in which I mercilessly slaughtered Pippi (Don't know her real name, but Pippi works fine for the little harlot)…but that would be even more pointless than this will be. le sigh

1 - If you know where I got this…and actually read this story…that means we have two very important things in common, and I will grace you with chocolate and love. :)