Title: Needed

Chapter 30 - Epilogue

Disclaimer: Harry Potter, Sailor Moon, and Silverfall belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

I just want to say thank you to all who have put up with my slow updates.

This will be the end of Needed.


The mayhem that the war had caused the Wizarding world in Great Britain was a difficult one to repair. It had taken a few years before everyone was settled enough to slowly, but surely recover from the aftermath.

Schools, buildings, and homes had to be rebuilt.

Bodies had to be buried, and trials had to be held – the most taxing was finding suitable authorities to replace the old ones, making sure that the correct sentences would be carried out.

Amongst those tried was one Lucius Malfoy, and his end was sealed when the man was given a place in Azkaban – now monitored by veteran Aurors that would later be replaced by carefully tailored devices created from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

The devices served as surveillance cameras but magically enhanced to always be trained on the subject no matter where they were inside their cell. Should the subject be acting strangely, the devices would alert nearby Aurors on duty.

However, Lucius Malfoy had not lasted long in Azkaban – the elder Malfoy had killed himself in his cell two weeks after imprisonment. The means were unknown, but rumors – later confirmed Hermione – speculated that Lucius hanged himself with the standard white sheets all prisoners were provided. The fixture that he used to hang himself off of was the railing on top of his cell door. It was a small distance between the top of the door to the ground, and the amount of time it would take before he died would have to have been hours, but the deed was done.

The only one to attend the man's funeral was his wife as Draco Malfoy had been held in St. Mungo's.

Draco had not been the only one to suffer critical condition during the Final Battle, but he had been one of the worst cases the staff had come across. Draco had been reduced to insanity from the Cruciatus Curse his father inflicted on him.

When others had found the young man convulsing on the ground, Madame Pomfrey accompanied by Hermione Granger had hurriedly tried to treat him but came up with no answer to mentally heal him. Thus, he was swiftly transported to St. Mungo's and had remained there – right beside Neville's own parents and Lockheart.

Those close to Draco visited regularly, hoping any sign of sanity would appear on glazed gray orbs but to no avail. Pansy had promptly burst into tears at the sight and had to be guided out by her then-boyfriend Theodore Nott. Hermione could barely stay in the same room.

Narcissa, surprisingly, had come to visit quite frequently, always with a vase full of flowers and a solemn expression on her ageless face. Now that her husband had been laid to rest, she was free to do as she pleased – one of which was to provide her only son with as much support as she could offer.

Especially since months after the Final Battle, no one could find where Harry Potter and Serenity Moon had disappeared to. The only thing they knew for sure was that the Dark Lord Voldemort had been defeated when the bright light had settled and a large crater was left behind with a broken yew wand at its core.

For months people rejoiced just as much they mourned. In consequence, Wizarding Britain erected a memorial site for heroes that died in the war.

The largest ones were in the center made of square black marbles that floated off the ground, each one named after an Order member.

Minerva McGonagall – died as honorably as always with a stoic face and brave heart. She pushed her beloved Headmaster aside, taking the Killing Curse meant for him while at the same time, firing one last curse toward a nameless Death Eater heading towards one of her students.

Rubeus Hagrid – dove in the line of ten Death Eaters and werewolves when he saw Hermione, Ron, and Blaise cornered. Fang had perished with him when the wolf hound tried to claw at a werewolf to get to his master.

Sibyll Trelawney – the Divination Professor had died at the hands of Voldemort himself when she had noticed Serenity and Harry were busy trying to cast the Spell Web. She and Draco had bought the two enough time before they unleashed the spell.

Septima Vector – the Arithmancy Professor had taken down a group of Inferi along with her when she cast a powerful Fire spell that erupted all within a 50 foot radius.

Charity Burbage – the Muggle Studies Professor had been cornered on the staircases fighting against 5 Death Eaters by herself before being taken down by a werewolf. Not much was left of her in the end.

Argus Filch – sacrificed himself to the Dementors so that the left over lower years that had fool hardily believed they could play heroes could escape.

Many more had died, but these were the ones that – perhaps – had sacrificed the most during the Final Battle.

A year soon came to pass, followed by another.

By Spring of 2000, Hogwarts was proclaimed fit to open by that Fall – accepting old and new students alike into its halls.

"Draco please get better." Pansy had not been able to visit for the past year, having gone to Beaubaxton to finish her schooling instead of waiting around for Hogwarts to open up.

Behind her were Blaise, Hermione, and Ginny – the former two visiting the most out of everyone. It seemed that with each passing year, there were less and less visitors. Everyone seemed to have been slowly, but surely moving on with their lives.

"I'm sure he can hear me somehow," Pansy tore her eyes away from the motionless boy who favored to sit beside the window.

"I'm sure he can," Ginny forcefully swallowed – it was never easy for her to see someone helpless, it wasn't in her nature.

Hermione said nothing in response, choosing instead to come kneel in front of Draco and taking his cold hands into her own warm ones.

"Come back to us soon, Draco," Hermione began, "There's a lot that has changed in Hogwarts – things that you probably would want to be around for."

Getting the hint, the others came closer with Narcissa standing off to the side pretending to fiddle around with the vase of fresh flowers – carnations, this time.

"I heard Neville is going to be training under Professor Sprout – acting as her assistant," Ginny piped up.

"That werewolf is coming back – Lupin – and taking over DADA," Blaise said, getting hit on the arm by Hermione as a consequence, "Don't worry – Professor Snape will be covering those full moon days."

"There are rumors that a new Arithmancy Professor is going to be hired on staff – someone by the name of Amanda Mercurias," Hermione added, "I hope that she'll be a good teacher."

"…and if all goes well, my dear," Narcissa drifted over, laying a soft hand on her son's cheek, "Then I will accept the Board of Director's offer as the new Transfiguration Professor."

At her words, all eyes fell on her but were ignored in favor of her only son.

"Then let us hope that Draco overcomes this," Pansy said, breaking the still silence.


After the defeat of Chaos, Serenity had fallen unconscious from the sheer pain that she had undergone. The energy, magic, and sheer willpower became too much for her mortal body and it had all fallen away.

She and Harry had died that night, only to be reborn again.

When Serenity had awoken as Cosmos, she knew what was to be expected of her. She did not need the Galaxy Cauldron to tell her that her duty in the mortal realm has been fulfilled. Nor did she need to be informed that she needed to take up her stance as a guardian.

For a long while, as her eyes fell on Harry's unconscious form she wanted to rave and throw a tantrum at the unfairness of it all.

Why was it that she had to be the one to be left behind when Harry Potter would be allowed to clamor back into his rightful place on Earth?

Why was it that Harry was able to live out the rest of his life without being duty bound by Fate and Destiny?

Why was it that….Serenity would always be the one to bear the brunt of the fate of the Galaxy?

Serenity had thought all of this as her blue eyes gazed on his still form. But for the life of her, Serenity could not go through with it, and instead kept her silence. She had allowed herself only to form a bitter smile and a few tears to escape her tear ducts.

She would swallow her pain and bitterness before she would go through with her duties. With that thought, Serenity bent down and woke Harry Potter up so that he could get on with his life, while she went on with hers.

Serenity, no matter how much she wanted to live a normal life, was not fated to be normal. And no matter how much she would want to escape her Fate, she would not wish it on anyone else.

The life of a guardian was a lonely path as she recalled.

(Sailor Pluto, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Saturn – all of you must have been so lonely).

No, she would not let these duties fall on anyone else.

Wiping a stray tear and pasting on her best smile, Serenity waited with baited breath as she slowly found Harry coming to consciousness.

"Harry…wake up."

Harry groaned, trying to muffle the voice as he turned over, trying to go back to rest.

"Wake up, Harry…"

A cool hand touched him on the shoulder but he brushed it off, burying his head deeper under his arms.

"Silly boy."

A twinkle of laughter before the hand touched him again, this time shaking him more insistently.

"Go away…" Harry groggily said, wincing at the roughness in his tone. It sounded as if he hadn't used his voice box in years.

"It's time to wake up, Harry. You can't stay here forever."

Blinking away the sleep, and shaking the fogginess in his head, he slowly rose from his position. Bright green eyes instantly drew towards crystal blue.


She nodded in response, and offered him a hand up which he gladly took, wincing at protesting limbs.

"We've been asleep for a little more than two years."

"Two…years?" at her nod, Harry's memories slowly caught up with him and panic instantly flooded his system, "Hogwarts! What happened to the war? Voldemort… is he?"

Serenity smiled, "The war is over, and everything is now focused on reparations."

Harry sighed in relief before he started to come to terms as to where they were. Everything was dark, and right below them was a bubbling Cauldron.

"We had to go through death before rebirth. In the process, we have managed to win the war."

"At the price of our lives," Harry surmised.


"Does that mean…?" Harry couldn't bring himself to finish his thoughts – the idea of being dead was hard for him to swallow.

"No Harry, you're not dead," Serenity chuckled.

"Then what are we doing here?"

"You are to return back to Earth," Serenity waved at a now-open portal that appeared before them.

Harry felt the tingling sensation of excitement mixed with nervousness at the thought of going back. The unknown future was staring him in the face, and he wanted to know what awaited him. He could finally be free of the prophecy that hanged precariously over his head, and live his life.

"We won."

"Yes, we did." Serenity stared at him, amused.

"This is great!" Harry hurriedly took a step forward, instantly feeling a wave of dizziness over take him at the unnatural way his body was behaving.

"It'll pass," Serenity mused as she caught Harry's weak body, "It will take some time, but your body will soon catch up with you."

"Thank you."

Serenity nodded and stepped away once she was reassured of Harry's capabilities. The now-nineteen year old wizard came closer until he was at the entrance of the portal that would take him back to the Wizarding World. Looking back, he carefully studied the young woman and smiled.

"What are you doing all the way over there? C'mon I'm sure everyone is waiting."

Serenity only shook her head in the negative, "No Harry, I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

Harry frowned, "Serenity?"

"This," Serenity waved to the Cauldron behind her, "…is the Galaxy Cauldron where everything begins and ends for me."

Serenity gave a minute shake of her head as Harry's brow only drew closer, confusion marring his once-cheerful façade, "I was sent to your world to stop Chaos, who happened to have inhabited your Lord Voldemort."

Slow understanding dawned on the Gryffindor Golden Boy as bright green eyes darkened at the implications of Serenity's words. She had come to their world solely for the purpose of fulfilling her duties.

"What's to happen to you, then?" Harry couldn't stop himself from asking.

Serenity slowly revealed a small bitter smile, uncharacteristic of her angelic face.

"Whatever guardians are supposed to do, I suppose. Stay here and watch for all of eternity."

Harry understood the burden of expectations – he had lived all his life under the guise of what was expected of him. The thought of living all his life under that burden was overwhelming.

"All of eternity?"

She nodded, the smile falling to be replaced by indifference. However, Harry could see that there was regret shining behind those crystal blue eyes. In that instance, he felt a deep well of sorrow for Serenity's fate. He couldn't idly stand by and allow this to happen – he was a Gryffindor after all. It was in his nature to help others out, even if it meant at the cost of his life.

"I can't let that happen."

"Harry there's nothing you can do – you should go, everyone's waiting for you."

"They're waiting for you, too!"

"Everyone will eventually move on with their life."

Harry dropped his arms to his side, scowling at Serenity's words. Yes, everyone would eventually move on – everyone had to, they couldn't just stay set in their ways. Change was inevitable.

However, there was one person that might miss Serenity the most.

"Even Malfoy?"

Serenity fell silent, a flash of pain, regret, and longing appearing before she carefully reconstructed her mask once more. Draco Malfoy was someone that she held dear to her heart, if no one else.

Not knowing how to respond, Serenity turned away to face the bubbling Cauldron.

"Please go Harry."

Harry was about to make a move forward, to force Serenity to listen to him and return to the Wizarding World. However, Serenity's stance and rigidity was answer enough to his lingering questions.

Perhaps he wouldn't have to wait for long before she would follow him.

"For what it's worth," Harry spoke up as he neared the portal, "You may not need Malfoy in your life, but he surely needs you."

Harry was right up to the swirling pool of mass colors, and gave her one more parting glance.

"Draco needs you, because he loves you."

Harry didn't bother saying good-bye at this point. From the sudden fragility that took over her body, Harry knew that his last words affected her more than anything else that he said.

He loved Serenity, but he knew that he could live without her in his life. He would be able to carry on in his life, and someday find someone to replace the emptiness in his heart. A substitute for the one he dearly loved and will always love.

However, Draco Malfoy was another altogether. He knew this based on the display of bravery and stupidity that Malfoy has done over and over again – all for the sake of his love for Serenity Moon.

(Don't let us wait for long, Serenity).

With that, Harry Potter left and willfully thrust himself into the swirling portal that would take him back to the Wizarding World.

A gust of wind, a bright light, and then all Harry knew was darkness.


A cool breeze drifted through the blinds, sending it cascading off to the side, allowing the dark room to be filled with the moon's rays. All was silent in St. Mungo's, especially in Ward 49.

As the rays drifted further in the room, it came to rest when it reached a bed in the back of the room where a prone figure laid. Luminescent rays almost seemed to caress the occupant, illuminating its pale skin and white blond hair.

As the blinds began to flutter from another gust, the rays retreated from the sleeping patient but only to be replaced by a flash of light.

Surprisingly enough, all the patients in the room did not stir and so none were the wiser that they received a guest in their midst.

A shimmering female form appeared with blond hair and crystal blue eyes, and as her eyes gazed on the prone form in front of her despair overtook her once-peaceful features.


Falling to her knees, Serenity Moon – now Cosmos – felt severe anguish at the sight.

"I'm so sorry, Draco."

Serenity watched the deep breaths coming in and out of Draco's prone form. He was not in pain, of that she was glad. However, he was situated in an area where those who suffered so greatly would have no chance for a cure

It pained her.

"I should have come sooner."

Serenity reached over and placed her gloved hand over his.

As she stared at him, she allowed her thoughts to drift back to the moment Harry had left.

Her barriers had fallen with each passing second that drifted through the silent dimension. There was no life and no sound aside from the bubbling Cauldron. All she could do was spend her time reflecting back on her past.

It was here that she felt the most pain – her thoughts straying to the ones that she left behind on Earth, and those that she had failed in her past lives.

Artemis had told her that she needed to move on, and focus on her duties. But he never mentioned the cost for doing so.

"What am I to do now, Artemis?" Serenity dryly called out, knowing that there would be no answer.

Time crawled to a standstill for her, she had all of eternity. However, it did not take more than a few hours – for her – before silence was broken with a frustrated sigh. Wordlessly, a portal appeared in front of her.

Blue eyes swiftly gazed through before pinpointing the location and image that she sought.


A flash of light, a whispered voice, and then darkness.

Harry was wrong, because it worked both ways.

"I need Draco, just as much as he needs me."

She just did not realize this until now.

An unknown amount of time passed since Serenity arrived at St. Mungo's. After she calmed herself down, Serenity began to address Draco's current dilemma.

He was unconscious, his breathing even, and no telling signs that he was injured at all. It made her wonder what was ailing him.

Everything was blurred as she thought back to the Last Battle – adrenaline pumped through her veins, making everything more surreal and purely instinctual. There was no gray whilst in the middle of a fight – everything became kill or be killed. Those who allowed emotions to get in the way resulted in getting themselves hurt, or worst – killed.

It made her wonder if something similar happened to Draco because of it.

"It doesn't matter," Serenity said aloud, shaking unpleasant thoughts away before standing back up.

Wordlessly, Serenity procured a small illuminating jewel from thin air –the Silver Crystal.

"You will get better Draco – I promise."

With those words, Serenity's eyes have fallen shut as she stood over the young man's unconscious form.

"Cosmic Moon Power."

Bright white light filled the room, enveloping not only the figure before the young woman, but everyone within. In Serenity's heart, all she could do was wish for healing energy to emit from the Silver Crystal that she held within her hand.

Slowly the light began to fade away, and with it came the response that she sought.

A large intake of breath, a flutter of lashes, and the appearance of gray eyes.

Draco was awake.

"Nnn…" A smooth, alabaster hand slowly rose up to touch the bridge of his nose.

Ever so slowly coherence settled into half-lidded gray eyes and with it came the sudden realization of just where he was.

Blond locks that lengthened over time fell in front of his face as he slowly turned to survey his new accommodations.

"Hello Draco."

Grey eyes settled on blue, and at the sight of the familiar face a small smile settled over dry, chapped lips.


It became excruciatingly evident to Serenity right then and there, that to the two of them, it didn't matter what circumstances occurred beforehand. As long as they were together, nothing else mattered.

They were all that they needed.

(I don't care anymore – I give up.) Tears fell down the sides of her face, whether from sheer happiness at seeing Draco awake, or the thought of what she was about to do next, she didn't know.

It didn't matter; she had already chosen her newly paved path.

Serenity chose Draco.

(As a guardian, I am bound by duty and honor to do what is expected of me. But as myself, I am not bound by anything but my own expectations, wishes, and desires. And that side of me wants Draco).

Serenity didn't care if the Fates came crashing down on her then and there, she didn't care if the world came to an end, or if Chaos chose to rise up from the Cauldron to destroy everyone and everything. She was tired of playing by their rules; she was tired of constantly thinking about the galaxy.

With an exhausted but serene smile, Serenity dropped to her knees and buried her face into the crisp bed sheets of Draco's hospital bed. Instinctually, Draco lifted a pale hand and pressed it over her mane of golden hair.

"I feel like I had just woken up from a long dream…" Draco absent mindedly stroked her hair while Serenity shifted her face so that she could peer at her beloved's drowsy, confused face.

"You have."

"…how long?"

"Does it matter?" Serenity took Draco's hand and brought it down to her face, placing a chaste kiss on the back of his hand.

"No-I guess not." Draco let a small, tired smile appear on his face before he slowly began to succumb to sleep. Serenity could clearly see that he was still trying to keep himself awake, but she understood that just because the Silver Crystal healed him, didn't mean that he would instantly be re-energized and fully functional. All the critical wounds inflicted on him have been lifted, but his limbs would need to be retrained to function on their own, and Draco would need to learn to get through the mental trauma that he received during the war.

"Go to sleep, Draco." Serenity slowly began to rise, but was stopped when his hand clutched onto her tightly.

"Will you stay?"

"Always, so long as you'll have me."

"…good." With that Draco succumbed willingly, a satisfied smile on his pale face.

"I'll tell you everything when you wake up," Serenity softly whispered, more to herself than to the sleeping man before her, "I promise."

Content with herself for the first time in a long time, Serenity found a chair and sat on it, waiting for the next time Draco would awaken so that she can tell him everything that happened in her life thus far.

It would be a difficult story to tell, but Serenity knew that Draco would accept it for a fact and would want some questions to be answered. Serenity would give him those answers.

She did not know how much Destiny and Fate would play itself out after this moment, but Serenity knew that no matter what she would love Draco for as long as she has with him.

For now that was enough and it was all she would need.


Six Years Later:

A large, immaculate structure of white ornately decorated with dabs of silver and crystal blue stood on a large expanse of land. Every which way, children's toys and various playgrounds dotted the site with children laughing and playing – happy with the place. The Children's Center for Orphaned Wizarding Children was built only three years ago, and in that span of time it became a haven for children who had nowhere to go after the war or just in general.

Beside the doorway of the lone building stood a young woman of 25 watching the children as they dotted to and fro between playgrounds, merrily chasing each other as a new game sprung up amongst all the chaos.

"Hey Serenity!" Harry and Neville jovially waved as they waded between more children that stopped to greet the two regular visitors.

"Hi Harry! Hi Neville!" the children could be heard from the distance.

Serenity inwardly bit back a laugh, as Harry and Neville were torn between stopping to greet the children and talking to them or running up to Serenity for some form of salvation. It was not a secret that Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom came around every week or so, more so if they could spare the time. Though for all their visitations, Harry and Neville were quite well known in the Wizarding World.

For Neville, it was for his brilliant mind in Herbology – having discovered and bred newfound plant life to be used for potions ingredients. He was currently in the process of finding a way for his new plants to be capable of instantly curing Lyncanthropy, or at least making the change and recovery process to be relatively painless. In between his studies, Neville was well known and loved as an Assistant Herbology Professor to Professor Sprout at Hogwarts doubling as the Gryffindor Head of House in place of Minerva McGonagall.

For Harry, it was not only because of his part as the Savior of the Wizarding World. Harry had become rather famous as the unbeatable Seeker for the Montrose Magpies.

It was understandable that the children would be so fond of these two – being rather successful and famous.

"How is the Center?" Neville asked by way of greeting, ruffling a passing child along the way.

"Fine – it's only been three days Nev," Serenity grinned, rolling her eyes in the process.

"No Draco?" Harry asked, looking around for the blond aristocrat.

Draco would normally accompany Serenity whenever he got the chance, but they were far and few in between.

"Not today – perhaps tomorrow. Draco is off in the Wizengamot. There is a vote coming up."

"Oh," Neville blinked in understanding, while Harry looked at the two in confusion.

"You wouldn't remember it coming up, Harry, you were off in Portugal for a visit with the Braga Broomfleet team." Neville said by way of explanation.

"The vote is for the process of integrating Muggleborns to Wizarding Society," Serenity explained, "It's been a long time coming, but this proposal may actually work."

Ever since the end of the War, the Wizarding World had bantered back and forth of forming new policies instead of sticking to the old ways. A new change had to be created, and one of the largest arguments had been towards the teaching of the younger generation and the rights of magical beings.

A few policies towards magical creatures had been lifted since a lot of the war veterans remember their aid during war. However, it would take a few more years before it became completely abolished – such as allowing them to become fully integrated into Wizarding Culture or even going to the same school as wizarding children.

For now, the focus has been mostly on integrating muggleborns to wizarding society. It was not lost on the overall population that muggleborns were handicapped when it came to attending their first year to a Wizarding School. It was one of the reasons why purebloods looked down upon muggleborns – they did not understand wizarding culture.

Therefore a system for integration and teaching would be set up for muggleborns and halfbloods to help educate them in the ways of the Wizarding World. To placate muggleborns and halfbloods, a system would similarly be set up to educate purebloods in the ways of the muggles. This way neither side would be blind to the society of both worlds.

"Is Hermione going to be involved in this cause?" Harry asked a grin on his face – he knew that Hermione would always have a soft spot for these kinds of politics, despite taking a different career.

"Most likely, but at the moment, she's been quite busy. Hermione has been talking non-stop about this new spell she has been researching on. She wants to create a spell for Warding and Concealment this time," Serenity vaguely remembered the last time Hermione had stopped by.

"The children must have been ecstatic when they heard that," Neville chuckled to a frowning Serenity.

"They were – it took ages before they could calm down. They only calmed down when they managed to wear Hermione down, and have her show them a new spell," Serenity paused for a bit before realizing that Neville and Harry wanted to know what spell it was, "It was her latest creation at the time – made specifically for children. It was just a modified clean-up spell that instantaneously cleaned up your clothes while putting away nearby toys within 30 feet."

"Figures Hermione would come up with that," Harry shook his head.

"Especially since she's planning to have children with Ron," Ginny piped up.

"Ginny!" Serenity grinned at the beautiful redhead.

"Come back, have you?" Harry said by way of greeting when she approached him and Neville.

"What can I say? Britain will always hold a special place in my heart," Ginny flashed a bright smile.

"So how was Brazil? I heard Blaise was in the same location – did you two meet up?" Serenity spelled a table and chairs for her guests, figuring that they would not be entering the building but staying outside.

"Yes, Blaise says 'hi' by the way," Ginny flipped a wayward hair out of the way before spelling for drinks and snacks, "We're on a break again."

Harry and Neville shared a look while Serenity kicked and glared at the two to keep quiet. Ginny and Blaise's relationship has always been rocky for the two traveling models. Aside from that, they were also involved in different aspects of their secondary careers – Blaise with runework and Ginny with writing romance novels. Since Blaise and Hermione's amicable split after Draco's recovery, Blaise and Ginny had been having an off-again on-again relationship spanning the past six years.

Serenity and Hermione had observed the two, and figured that one of two things could happen. They would stop dancing around each other and finally seal the deal, or they could ultimately break it off because their relationship did not have a solid foundation to build itself on. There was too much fighting and too many one-night stands in between. Serenity and Hermione were betting on the latter to occur in the following months.

"Did you tell Ron yet?" Neville grimaced along with everyone else.

Ron had never been fond of Blaise, especially since Hogwarts years when he caught Blaise with Hermione that one night. He always feared that one of these days Blaise would come carting Hermione off – especially since to him, Blaise would always appear to have more in common with Hermione than he ever would.

"No, I came straight here. Besides, Ron is probably too busy with paperwork," Ginny waved her brother off, "In his letters he's always talking about finding a possible candidate for Chuddly Cannons and creating a new training regime for his team. Being a Quidditch scout and acting coach for the Chuddly Cannons is all well and good, but he's treading a thin line in it being an obsession."

"You have to admit that since Ron took up the job, the Cannons have improved a bit." Neville pointed out.

"The day that Ron beats Harry's team will be the day I give up romance novels," Ginny grinned, confident in Harry's ability and team to continue being successful in the years to come.

The four continued with their light hearted banter throughout the rest of the day, only stopping every now and then when a child would come running up to them or the actual matron of the Children's Center would come out to speak to them about a topic of concern.

It wasn't until night that the small group left, promising to meet up another day.

"I'm home!" Serenity opened the door to the Manor. Ever since Lucius died, she and Draco had lived in the Manor – Narcissa only coming by during Holidays ever since she took up the mantle of being a Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts.

"Welcome home," Draco came down the stairs, holding his wife close and greeting her with a chaste kiss, "How was the Center?"

"Fine, as always – Harry, Neville, and Ginny stopped by," Serenity wrapped her arms around Draco in return, "How was work?"

"I would have thought that Luna would come by; I heard she was in town with that husband of hers," Draco steered his wife down to the dining room, "You should invite her over – perhaps she would be willing to do an article about the upcoming vote. We need all the help we can get. It was a pain to get all that paperwork done, and trying to get the other Wizengamot members to agree with the changes that would have to be made."

"Sounds like you'll be busy for a little while longer," Serenity leaned up, kissing her husband on the cheek before sliding into her chair beside him, "Not too busy to accompany me tomorrow, I hope?"

"Never," Draco reached over, holding her left hand in his.

With that, the happy couple ate dinner and conversed on lighter topics – the Children's Center, Hogwarts and its staff, and their upcoming dinner party with their friends.

The six years spanning the moment of Draco's awakening was a road filled with ups and downs - it had taken only Draco a month to fully recover after Serenity's healing technique. This was followed up with uncertainty between the two upon Serenity's revealance of her true identity. Both sides were unsure when, or if ever, Fate would come out and force them to separate. However, over time they learned to simply take things as they came. They would love each other as much and as long as they could.

And it proved to be fruitful – with each day, Draco and Serenity's love continued to grow and solidify. They were married two years after their final year at Hogwarts. Leading up to Draco taking over his family's business and place in the Wizengamot and as a school governor. Serenity has never found her calling, and so instead had decided to partake as a regular volunteer at the Children's Center for Orphaned Wizarding Children that the two helped invest in and build.

Everything was – to Serenity's eyes – as it should be. She and Draco were happily married supported by their good friends in a world that no longer needed saving.

And as Serenity sat there enjoying a warm meal with her husband, she knew that Fate would probably – this time around – sit back and allow her this selfish wish.

"Thank you."

In another plane of existence, a fairly large group of people dressed in elaborate dresses and uniforms with ethereal wings watched on. They were happy that their Princess and dear friend had finally found what she needed.




Okay, yes, it was a crap ending. It held elements that I did want to put on there, but not all. I may change the ending some day. For now, it will remain as it is. I will now be putting one-shot scenes of the others that come into play. I may also come around to creating a side-story of Needed with a Harry x Serenity pairing. If and when I do create that one, beware – it will be much shorter than this and probably won't have as happy as an ending as this Draco x Serenity pairing.