Author has written 13 stories for Dragon Ball Z/Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon X-overs, Animorphs, Harry Potter, and Digimon. Howdy. I'm a lost kid who just likes to write. Not necessarily well or good by any means, but I do like to write. I'm certainly no J.K. Rowling (but is anyone, REALLY?) but I'd like to think I'm kind of decent ahaha. I'm a fan of Sailor Jupiter, Harry Potter, Digimon..a bit of Dragon Ball Z and though I don't write of it, Queer as Folk. I generally write a strange combination of fluffy smut, romanti making out? Ugh, please don't go! I'm not that bad, I promise. I do not update that frequently which is a shame, I know. Just, well, as you know, life gets in the way. Hope you enjoy your stay here, stay for a while...have a cup of coffee, leave a little review too..please. :3 |