Angel-Thanks, I can really concentrate on Sunrise, Sunset now, after I complete this. Naw, she can't use silk, it isn't as strong, it would snap under the pressure. (Laughs.) Yeah, good point, he would be able to disable the bell. Oh, that's okay, Wing Zero isn't my favorite any way. I like Deathsycthe Hell better. Hmm, I'm sure Pegasus and Kaiba won't mind if the Blue-eyes are borrowed a little while longer. (Hands over said shadow realm creatures.) I just have to have them back before 3 on Fri..They are having a big duel that day. (Waves at the nearly hidden Heero behind said computer.) Honestly, you think A-chan won't notice you there?

Hoshiko Megami-Yep, last chapter.

CosmosAngel1-(Laughs.) Hmm, you and your Youko make quite a pair I must say. Hmm, you know me, I just love to keep everyone on their toes, just because it helps me write. Though I doubt Youko will concede an apology to me, any more then I shall suffer to offer another one, so your guess is as good as mine, to what he might say. It's okay, you don't have to sign in if you don't want to, I must say the new fanfiction menu is a bit awkward..Anyway, you'll find out about Kiba in due time, I only hope his wolf blood hasn't boiled over..(Winces.) Last time wasn't a fond memory.

Kallista Starshooter-I know nothing really happened, but with the end here, I needed to lay the ground work for the first chapter of Sunrise, Sunset. I mean tie them together. Yes, I actually did draw a picture, but I don't have a scanner to upload it or it would be on my website. I'm hoping with my Tax Return Check I'll be able to purchase one. Thanks.

Thanks for the Reviews Everyone. No ownership of said two shows.

It was then, as Apollo stood in the digital world that they had been transported by the backstabbing big five, that he truly felt his power would offer no safe havens to the group that had step off the blimp, especially the Kaiba brothers. In the digital world, he had no way of knowing the adverse affects of his magicks's against the technological bubble that held them. However, the small arcane spell that kept him invisible didn't seem to have any bad effects so far, he only hope that would hold true through this little trip. It was not to be said he was without other means to defend the Kaiba's with all the cunning abilities he had, but it left a pit in his stomach. As he shadowed the Kaiba brothers, his eyes fell on the duel disk that rested on the eldest's arm, and he prayed that those skills would not be needed. Closing his eyes against the pounding headache that been slowly building, he let out a tight breath, and continued his thoughts. 'If they were needed, I would be unable to help, because I did not study dueling as far as those cards were concern.' He remarked, and kept a tail on his protectees.

Kaiba felt the apprehension of being followed, and using the excuse of looking for away out of this digital fantasy, scouted the general area with narrowed eyes. He noted the world here was to resemble a desert with a temperature moderated by some outside force. False winds swept his hair back, and cooled the back of his heated neck, but still kept a careful gaze around them. Noticing a door appeared before them, he swiftly told Mokuba not to approach, but the youngest argued that it could be a way out and to the rest that they had been split from. Although not really caring for Yugi's little cheerleading squad, this had happened on his blimp, on his watch, and that unfortunately made them his problem. Muttering an inward curse, he nodded to Mokuba, but approached the door first, stepping through to find an very familiar mansion. Seto then placed a restraining hand on his brother's shoulder, and Mokuba turned to him questioningly. "We're being led around like dogs for a purpose, stick close to me Mokuba." He warned, and with a nod of compliance walked on.

Away in another direction of the technological generated world, the yugi-tachi awoke and realized they were separated from one another. With a nod of determination each picked a direction and walked, hoping to come upon one of the others. Yugi had relinquished control to Yami, but they kept in close conversation worrying for their missing friends. Seeing a flash of movement spurred Yami on, thinking it was one of his friends, however when he reach the lake clearing, that wasn't what he found. He found the shadow monster 'Deep Sea Warrior,' waiting him. "That's impossible." Yami mutters, and turns a full ear to the chuckle that pours from the monster.

As their trek through the digital world increased, they came to do battle with the notorious big five who only wish to steal their bodies, so that they may live in the real world again. They converged only to discover the duel for Kaiba Corp was just beginning in a virtual rendition of Kaiba Land. Riding on a small cart on the train tracks they crashed landed on a small island rock to see Kaiba standing against what they thought was the ultimate virtual menace. For once even the most reluctant of the group cheered and urged the young CEO to claim victory. While Yugi absently wondered where Mokuba was.

Earlier as Seto and Mokuba had trekked through the digitized mansion reliving memories of one who claimed to be Gozabura's true son. They came across the six year old looking boy with soft turquoise hair cut in a similar if not haunting representation of Seto's own. His azure eyes stared heatedly at Seto, he kidnaped Mokuba from right in front of him, before dropping Seto away from their position.

Apollo watched in hurt as the young Noa, reaped soulful wounds upon the two brothers. Watching the home movies, including the one of Noa's death brought profound pain and guilt. Though, he knew that he cared and was loyal to Seto and Mokuba above the computer filed Noa. Thinking no more, he unshielded his presence and leaped toward the startled child. Whom gasped in surprise at not counting in on this variable. He tackled Mokuba from out of the twisted child's grasp, and turned to leave the dreaded mansion. Apollo found his way blocked by the big five, but took no recourse as he barreled past them, hoping to find Seto and leave.

Noa cursed angrily at losing his best wild card, before sending the big five to be trapped in the virtual world. Then a smirk spread across his face as his prior thought raced in his mind. He controlled this world and with that thought, made a carbon copy of little Mokuba, but this one loyal to only him. "This will weaken's Seto's defenses, and I will not be lonely any more." Noa swore, and transported himself to wait for the settling duel between the should be CEO and the real CEO.

Seto cursed holding a tight fist around his locket that hung below his hollow in his throat. "Mokuba!" He cried out, and started toward the structure that loomed in front of him. In his surprise he saw a replica of Kaiba land, not that he was that surprise as Kaiba Land had been built by him a year ago. Though what unsettled him was that the move to open the back door as it was, was the exact same, and only four people knew that. Himself, Roland, Apollo, and ..Mokuba, but he knew none would betray him. With a scoff him moved the bishop into checkmate and watched as the two doors flung open. Strolling by the majestically standing Blue-Eyes White Dragons, he noted that everything appeared exactly as he designed all the way to the Blue-Eyes train. Kaiba could only scoff at the mimicking of his establishment.

If though by the goddess of luck, Apollo and Mokuba found their bearings and just in time too, as they arrived for the Seventh Turn of Creation as Noa had claimed it to be. Watching as Noa puppeteered Seto's emotion by having the false Mokuba stand against him. Apollo halted Mokuba's foolish run toward the danger, and instead they watched as Seto broke through the horror by playing the magic card, 'Last Turn,' and using his soul card against whatever Noa would place. They observed the shocked Yugi-tachi who stared confused as Noa played his Deck Master against the terrible Blue-Eyes. Yet, Noa revealed his hand as the Ark broke apart and his Deck Master's true appearance stifled the Blue-Eyes.

Apollo let Mokuba go as he saw the outcome of the exchange. He ignored the cries of shock though when he saw the blast of power heading toward the two reuniting brothers. Tapping into his Sayianjin abilities, he prayed he would get there in time. Leaping in front of the large blast that was meant to detain, possibly destroy the two, he gave them a smile. The light consumed then, but neither brother could move, as Kaiba was still weak from the exchange and Mokuba desperately wanted to touch his brother for a hug. Reaching out as the light began to die down, Noa noticed movement still, and flung another blast turning the two into a tearful sight of a heart-wrenching statue. Light gone the Yugi-tachi could see now the damaged done, Apollo was gone, and the Kaiba brothers a statue forever reaching, but never touching. Hearing the prideful crows above them, Yami turned up to Noa angry, and in the path of a true duelist engaged a challenge to Noa. Noa accepted, Yami leaned next to Kaiba picking up the fallen deck and shuffling in with his. Baring a scowl, Yami raised his duel disk in a sign of defiance. The duel for their freedom, and for justice began.

Meanwhile, back on the blimp the Kaiba corp employees for lack of a better term were playing a card game. Sure, they wondered at their employer's presence on this strange island they had been force to land on, but nothing could be done by them. As they were specifically told by the voice that had come over the intercom at the time of their landing. One of the suits grinned, his expression of course hiding behind his cards. Looking up at his companions, he scanned them, before locking on one in particular. "Got any nines?" He inquired, and his prey nodded throwing three cards his way. Pleased he place the book down, and shuffled to find his next draw. Glancing at his lonely king, he let a mental sigh tremble through him. Looking next to him, he decided to ask the suit there. "Got any Kings?" He asked, the suit beside him smirked and shook his head.

"Go fish." He responded, and the game continued on. Watching this pathetic view of non-professional behavior was a pair of crazy violet eyes. He scoffed turning away, as his once sandy blonde hair swung behind him, in an ashen gray. It represented his blackened heart. Bored, he exited the blimp, of course threatening his sister as he did so, and entered the technological building. Marik Ishtar was attacked by annoying robots who screeched, 'Intruder,' at him, unamused he raised the rod that hung beside him. A invisible pulse left from it, and the robots were destroyed in small explosions. He cackled at the destruction and walked further in, hoping to find the pharaoh. For awhile he walked around growing bored with the whole thing, when he came across a keypad that kept an interesting door locked. Smirking, he raised his rod, gaining access to the room.

Isis kept a weary hand on her Tauk, annoyed slightly at the detour that had been forced upon them. Still, knowing the destiny set for three specific players, she dropped her hand and went to where Odion laid from the disaster of trying to raise a false Ra. As she walked to the hospital room on the blimp she bypassed the shifty Bakura, who laid unmoving on his bed. Her brother had sent Bakura's soul to the shadow realm after the duel. Shaking her head, she entered the hospital room, and sat watching over Odion. Laying a hand on his brow, she prayed in hope. "Please Odion, you must wake up, you are the only one that can contain my brother's evil." She whispered to him.

Destiny and Fate watched the movements in Noa's fortress closely, waiting for the block Apollo would make for the Kaiba brothers. Quickly the combined their powers, pulling him from the hit, and placing him into the shadow realm for it was time for Cosmos's next round of training.

Yami smiled as he felt the spirits of his friends behind him. Though they were all stone, Yugi showed him they still begged him not to surrender to Noa. Yugi led him to a room that held his most recent memories. Joey appears before him, along with TeĆ”, Tristan, Duke and Serenity. Reminding him as long as his friends are in his thoughts they won't be far away. They continue to encourage him to continue, but Yami states that he has nothing have left to fight with. After this charming statement, Kaiba appears with Mokuba at his side. He scoffs, telling Yami that he can't let this punk, Noa win, and reminds him that he has his cards as well. Yami smiles at his friends for their support and nods.

Standing from his kneeling position, he stares determinedly at Noa. "I won't give up Noa." He declares, and draws his card, requesting his friends to guide his hand. Drawing the magic card, 'The Card of Sanctity,' which allows both players to draw until they have six cards, he places it down to activate it. His friends appear before him, handing him over six cards, and he knows that this duel is his. Playing his first card, which is Monster Reborn, he summons back Kaiba's dreaded Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Noa laughs, reminding Yami of what exactly happened to Kaiba mere moments ago. He ignores Noa, and instead plays Polymerization. Noa remarks that you need something to fuse in order for the magic card to work. Yami smirks and shows him the other two blue-eyes while the magic card goes into effect. The Blue-Eyes Ultimate appears grandly on the field, and Yami plays Quick Attack so that his fusion monster can attack this turn. His monster successfully strikes down Noa's and reduces his life points to eight thousand three hundred.

Noa draws a breath after the hit, and glares at Yami with a smirk. "It's not over yet." He claims, and Yami glances at him unimpressed.

"You're wrong Noa." Yami answers back, and plays his final card. "De-fusion!" Yami cries, and Blue-Eyes Ultimate splits, leaving three very powerful Blue-Eyes Dragon awaiting Yami's command. "Attack!" He commands them, each striking three thousand life points a hit, giving a grand total of nine thousand. Noa falls to his knees in failure and Yami demands him to return his friends to flesh. Yami smiles as the rocky ledge he had been standing on lowers, and the sound of splitting rocks echo in his ears. However, Tristan still reclaims the body of the robot monkey, and he whines burying further in Serenity's arms.

Kaiba demands his cards back, of course not thanking Yami for his help again. Worried that Yami may have tainted his cards he glares and shuffles them back into his duel disk. Mokuba then gazes around when he notices the celebration is one short of a voice. However, the attention is diverted as Noa cries out angrily rushing at Yami, thinking to escape in his body. The power of the millennium puzzle and the sleeping power of the Pharaoh throw Noa back. Yami turns to Noa, furious and beyond frustrated at the continued games Noa forces them to play.

"It's time to let us go." His voice carries the venom of his anger, and Noa laughs.

"Your bodies have been where they always are, locked in my Virtual Realities chambers." He responds. Kaiba fits the pieces together explaining they didn't fall into a vortex, they were knocked unconscious. Noa agrees to the statement, and the skies darken, all look up and gasp, but recognition shows on the faces of the Kaiba brothers, and Noa. "Father!" Noa chimes happily. The clouds shift and face appears scowling down.

"Noa, you have failed me for the last time!" Gozabura's voice rings out and Noa pleads for another chance, but Gozabura spills the past and denies Noa's wishes. The gang then realizes they have to escape in order to stop Gozabura's plans for world domination by digitizing everyone's consciousness into the virtual world. Noa disheartened agrees to show the gang the exit, while making different plans in his mind.

Mokuba glances around, his eyes searching for Apollo. Worried he begs the group to stop for a minute and turns to his brother. "Seto, Apollo isn't here!" He cries out. Seto gazes around at the statement, and harshly turns to Noa, one fist darting out and clutching the collar. Noa gasps and looks up at the brooding brunette.

"Where is he?" Seto grounds out. Noa blinks, unsure at the comment.

"Where is who?" Noa asks trying to clarify.

"That nosey bodyguard of mine, Apollo Sol." Seto explains, his blue eyes narrowing in warning.

"I don't know." Noa dead pans. Seto growls lightly, assured Noa is lying.

"Don't lie to me.."He warns, but any further reasoning is cut off as Yami yells at Kaiba, that they have no time. Seto releases Noa from his grasp, glaring that the truth better be as he speaks it. Noa gulps and continues to lead to group to the exit. They find out Gozabura has locked all the exits, and Noa claims there is one more that his father doesn't know about. Quickly he leads them away, and straight into his planned betrayal.

The gang once again find themselves separated, but this time it is by their own memories. They realize this, and the memories end, they find themselves standing in a plaza. Yugi and friends look around and quickly notice neither Mokuba or Kaiba is with in.

Noa urges Mokuba to keep playing to reach the exit, as Mokuba plays he tells that it's possible to make a bionic body for Noa. He doesn't hear Noa's gasp of surprise, but he does here that Noa admits that the exit isn't in this game. Leading him to a dance stage, he points out the exit, Mokuba gives him a hug of thanks and Noa takes over Mokuba.

Noa laughs, waking up in Mokuba's body and heading for the control panel. He vaguely glimpse Marik on the screen, but pays him no mind, saying he'll die too. Quickly he sets the base to explode, but his long forgotten human heart begs him not to do this. Realizing he cares for Mokuba, respects Seto and Yugi, he tries to stop the impeding explosion. Unfortunately between the few minutes he had left the room in triumph, Marik had come in and smashed up the control panel. With desperation, he grabs the microphone and tells the group still locked in the virtual world the way to escape and hurry.

The group agree, but it seems Gozabura has caught on, and has placed digital representations of duel monsters in their way. The group fight to reach the exit as Kaiba faces down Gozabura in a duel. Kaiba listens to the announcement including the one with Noa in Mokuba's body. He tilts his head up, and directs a question to Noa. "Is Mokuba alright?" Seto inquires, and Noa responds in a positive. "There are still a few minutes left Noa?" He asks and Noa says the time of two minutes. Kaiba agrees that its enough time to finish the duel with his stepfather. The Yugi-tachi make it to the exit, but Noa asks Yugi to stay back and retrieve Kaiba. Yugi agrees and following Noa's instructions finds Kaiba finishing the duel with the win. Noa opens a quick portal for the pair to escape, and he leaves Mokuba's body thanking him for letting him borrow his body. The gang escapes the fortress, Kaiba ordering for the blimp to take off, escaping the fire like monster of Gozabura. However, the rockets are damaged in the explosion, but they manage to escape. While flying to Kaiba Corp Island, Mokuba mourns Noa, and the missing Apollo, he throws a pair of white lilies over board in remembrance. Kaiba walks up behind Mokuba and remarks that Apollo is much to annoying to be dead. Mokuba smiles slightly and agrees, however a whisper prayer escapes his lips.

The once blimp turned airship lands on Kaiba Corp island, and the four remaining duelist lead the pack off the ship to the duel tower. Kaiba explains the will have a four-way duel in order to decided the rotation of the two remaining duels. The outcome is Marik versus Joey, and Yugi versus Kaiba.

Cosmos let out a whoosh of breath dodging the pointy staff directed at her. Weaving out of the way, she cast a small spell knocking them all down and declaring her the winner. Suddenly her standing proud was destroyed as a body landed on her. She blinked to regain her focus and noticed a sheepish Destiny getting off of her. "Sorry about that hime." Destiny apologized giving her a hand up. "I've got some good news!" She chirped, and Cosmos looked at her sharply her eyes falling into a puppy-eyed pout.

Fate laughed from behind the pair, and walked up, giving a hug to Cosmos. "You'll be leaving her soon." She stated, and both sisters vanished. Cosmos groaned at the vanishing act, and just gestured to continue training.

Elsewhere in the shadow realm, Destiny and Fate were letting Apollo get acquainted as they talked. "We'll give you the signal to retrieve her from this realm." Destiny told him, and Fate cut in front of him.

"Until then, no contact or such with Serenity." Fate ordered, Apollo sighed, but nodded his consent. Fate chuckled at the downed expression, drawing Apollo's attention. "However, we can transform you to help train her with Dark Magician." Fate implied, and watched as Apollo nodded. With a wave of both of the sisters hands he changed and appeared beside Dark Magician who startled. Fate placed a calming hand on his shoulder and turned to Apollo. She tilted her head, a smirk sliding on her face as Destiny awed.

"You make a cute Moon Envoy." Destiny chuckled. Apollo glanced down at his changed expression, and looked pleadingly at Fate.

"Could I at least be the Sun Envoy, dark blue isn't really my color." He clipped, Dark Magician muffled his laughter at the whine that slipped in those words. Fate blinked, raising a hand to rub her forehead.

"There is no such shadow creature." She stated. Dark Magician cut in before a true whine could escape the Solarian King.

"Seren doesn't know all the shadow realm creatures." Dark Magician smoothly remarked. Fate threw up her hands in exasperation, Apollo's form shifting again.

"Is that better?" Fate bit out. Apollo nodded happily at the more suited tones to his person. "Fine, now go train Serenity." She ordered and the two popped back to their home. Dark Magician turned to the 'Sun Envoy,' with a questioning glance.

"Who are you exactly?" He asked, and Apollo stunted, studying the man before him.

"Apollo, and you are?" Apollo responded.

"Dark Magician." He returned. Apollo's eyes flash in recognition as did the magician. The two father's of Serenity started talking, a few minutes into the chat they were laughing like old friends. Up in their space of the universe Destiny and Fate groaned at the two men.

The rounds of the semi-finals were over, Marik had one by default because he played a shadow game against Joey forcing him to pass out. Yami beat Kaiba, now with the recovered Joey, the cards Kaiba gave him, the never-ending support of his friends and his partner, he stood ready to face Marik.

Luna and Artemis made a quick turn in the confusing maze that surrounded them. Quickly they leapt over the projectiles that poured from the sides, and headed for the iron doors in front of them. Seeing light pouring through the cracks they tumbled out onto the Earth. Standing back to back, with the last of their energy they transported to Rei's shrine. Passing out on her bed, as they bodies touched down. Their last thoughts being to tell the senshi of their capture when they wake.

Finally, the end of Interlude. Of course I left the ending open, so that the beginning of Sunrise, Sunset made sense. Everything has been put in their place. Anyways, I'm glad and sad to see this end...anyways, please review. And big thanks for those who stuck with me all the way though. :) You guys are the greatest. Much CARE,
