What do you mean, "about time":D It so totally did not take me 8 months to finish this chapter. Like, totally not. -rolls eyes- I did go on vacation, though, and that takes a month off of that, okay? Look, I thought it would have been a piece of cake to write smut. I mean, smut is smut, right? Wrong. It wasn't easy for me at all ;-; I seem to be horribly self-conscious about these things, I suppose.

Anyways, I DID finish it, which surprises me beyond what all of you can imagine, and I refuse to put off posting it until I revise the darn thing, so here it is. I don't know if I'm going to revise the whole story at one point. I truly don't know. I mean, if I'm going to have to change half the things I think I'm going to have to change in order to be able to read it from beginning to ending without feeling utterly embarrassed at myself, then it's already too much trouble. XD

Just read it, please. You guys waited long enough anyway.

Ore No Hitsuzen

Final Update

Chapter 14 : Epilogue

A whole month had passed since the evening of Doumeki's confession and still he remained on Watanuki's side. Things hadn't always progressed smoothly, however. Having to attend school and continue to face Himawari-chan every day while keeping his relationship with Doumeki a secret still stressed him out. At first it had felt really awkward to be around Himawari and not try to get close to her - but he had a conscience and morals and even when Doumeki wasn't watching he was determined to remain faithful. Without quite understanding why, he started to force himself to consider the dark-haired girl as an ordinary friend, and soon enough she didn't occupy any of his thoughts anymore. His thoughts were reserved by another face now - Doumeki's, and that didn't really make Watanuki all that happy.

Day by day, Watanuki started noticing changes in his everyday life. Some were drastic whence some were more discreet. The change in the way that Doumeki and Watanuki argued had changed only slightly. Watanuki still fought to be as loud and emotional as humanly possible and Doumeki continued to plug his ears against the pain and to call him a senseless idiot whenever there was a lapse in silence long enough for him to get the message through - but the tone of his voice seemed somewhat softer and once in a while Watanuki would catch a shadow of a smirk playing on his lips, making him feel like he was being teased instead of being insulted, which also didn't make him very happy.

The time he spent in Yuuko's house had undergone a drastic change, however. From the very first day that he had walked through the door, fully prepared to scream his head off at her about her stupid "gift" that had gotten him into such a mess, the whole atmosphere in her store had changed. Smirking, teasing, winking, innuendoes, safe sex talk - he never heard the end of it. Not to mention that although he was targeted less and less by spirits the more time he spent around Doumeki, the number of missions that he was sent to partnered with the stoic archer had doubled and he had to endure the very long spiel that Yuuko-san gave Doumeki every time he came to pick the seer up about how he had to make sure to keep Watanuki safe and walk him home properly, and reminders that they had a mission to complete, so they'd have to limit all intimacy to stage B until they were finished. As if immune to Watanuki's almighty glare of fury, Yuuko would always wink at Doumeki and end the lecture with a good-natured "call it your reward".

And Doumeki always took everything calmly as if it wasn't anything new and he wasn't feeling in the least embarrassed.

That also didn't make Watanuki very happy - or any happy at all.

Neither did the fact that on those evenings, Doumeki made sure to claim his "reward" as soon as they got to Watanuki's house. Yes… On evenings such as this one.

"D-Doumeki!" Watanuki gasped, just barely managing to slip his feet out of his shoes before the archer's hands were under his shirt. "Will you wait??"

"No," Doumeki replied without any hesitation at all, already trying to tug the shirt over the seer's head.

"B-Bu-But we're not even in the house ye-" His protest was interrupted when strong arms were wrapped around his waist and he was effortlessly lifted onto the living room's tatami mats. The arms then returned to his shirt, tugging it off completely.

"Now we are."

With his back still turned to Doumeki, he wasn't as embarrassed or irritated when he blushed. Still, if Doumeki would at least show some restraint just once in a while-

"Doumeki!" he gasped once more, his whole face flushing a deep red when he felt one of the archer's hands slithering down the front of his pants.

"Hm?" He could almost feel the smirk on the archer's face as he softly traced his tongue along the shorter boy's neckline. The chills travelling up and down his spine and the warmth that spread through his body at Doumeki's touch got Watanuki lost in a mixed sensation of heat and cold that aroused him despite how he fought not to be affected.

The tongue moved away from his neck to slowly tease his shoulders. A soft gasp escaped Watanuki's lips as he felt teeth slowly biting into his skin. Doumeki's adept hands and the breath in the back of his neck made his knees weak, so he was unable to resist when he was nudged towards the ground. His knees buckled and his palms hit the floor, his mind only half-registering the feeling of his pants being tugged back. It wasn't until he felt Doumeki's hands gently pushing him apart to reveal his tight opening that he snapped back to reality, the blush on his face deepening still.

"Doumeki! W-Will you hold it for a- Dou-!" Was that his ton-! …Yep. That was definitely his tongue. He'd done it before, but Watanuki was still just as surprised as he had been the first time. It was so embarrassing- "Doumeki, please-"

Doumeki pulled away, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. Watanuki wanted to glare at him, but was too embarrassed to turn around. He clenched his fists tightly in an attempt to control his breathing as he felt Doumeki's fingers where his tongue had been just a moment earlier.

"Doumeki," he gasped, his arms beginning to tremble.

"Hm?" the archer hummed softly, his fingers working in ways that flooded the seer with a feeling he could never get used to, no matter how many times he was subjected to it. It felt as if all of his reasoning was slowly deserting him, which made him feel vulnerable. What scared him the most was that he was beginning to look forward to it.

"Let's at least walk over to the bed that is right next door, maybe fifteen or twenty steps away-"

"Here is fine," the archer stated in his everyday monotone. Watanuki clenched his fists and shut his eyes, trying his best to keep his own voice calm.

"The couch then-"

"I said here is fine."

Right when he had decided to throw away the little control he'd been forcing upon himself and scream some sense into the immature and inconsiderate archer, Doumeki withdrew his fingers. Watanuki gasped, whining softly at the empty feeling that was left behind. His whole body shook in shameful anticipation as he felt Doumeki position himself against him.

"Doumeki-" The uttered name sounded more like a plea than a reprimand, and once more he could almost feel the archer's proud smirk as he pushed forward, burying himself within Watanuki in one sure thrust. Watanuki cried out, like he always did, biting down onto his lower lip as he waited for his body to become accustomed to Doumeki's size. It still hurt, but only in the beginning. Doumeki had been quick to give Watanuki a taste of just how good he could make him feel, thus making it practically impossible for him to reject his advances.

Doumeki slid one hand around Watanuki's chest, seeking out to distract the smaller boy as he began to move. His fingers easily located and claimed the sought-for nipple, almost tickling it as he ran a warm tongue up Watanuki's spine, thrusting forward and earning another gasp from the uncharacteristically submissive seer. Doumeki could tell the pain was gone by the way the smaller boy's shoulders shook as he thrust forward again. The same mouth that had screamed at him all day was now emitting the most arousing of sounds, fueling the fire within Doumeki and making it impossible for him to stop or to even slow down. His hand left the seers chest, sliding down to stroke Watanuki's own length, biting once more onto his shoulder and working his hardest to coax more of those riling gasps and moans from the other boy's lips.

It wasn't long before they moved together, warm bodies lost in a profusion of feeling that the mind could no longer keep up with. Watanuki was half-aware of himself gasping out the archer's name once, twice, three times, his fingers digging into the ground as pleasure built upon pleasure, bringing him to the peak soon, too soon. Suddenly Doumeki's arms were around him, back pressing against chest, and he cried out as he came, what was left of his reasoning spilling out of him and leaving him limp with exhaustion.

He felt himself collapse on the floor as he subconsciously fought to catch his breath, but he knew better than to let himself drift into unconsciousness. The first time was only the warm up. It never ended like that. He knew that well now.

Strong arms carried him off, perhaps seconds, perhaps minutes later, but he didn't open his eyes until he felt the soft mattress underneath his back. His heart had quieted down, but the fever hadn't left yet, mutating everything in his view and transforming it into something the same, yet different. He saw Doumeki, he knew it was Doumeki, but everything had changed. That was what he thought as he outstretched his arms up to his lover, closing them around his neck as he beckoned him into his embrace. Lips met, tongues danced, hands felt and hearts pounded deep in chests that glistened with trembling drops of perspiration. He knew he should be embarrassed to do it that way, his expressions openly revealed to the archer as he made his conquest, but he wasn't. It was probably the passion of the moment. Maybe Doumeki knew that. It didn't matter.

The night seemed to last forever, just like many others had before it. They joined over and over, losing themselves in each other's arms, demanding, giving, taking. It almost felt as if Doumeki would become part of Watanuki and they would never again be able to separate.

When morning came and the sunlight tickled Watanuki's eyes and woke him up, he wondered how he could have thought that. He winced as he pushed himself up and turned to look at Doumeki. The archer was still sleeping, his expression calm, but characteristically blank. He frowned as he watched him, also wondering why he let the archer have his way when he knew just how uncomfortable it would be for him the day after. Restraint was logical, yet he never told Doumeki to stop. He met each and every one of his requests with matching ardor and eagerness. Even watching him as he peacefully slept the morning after gave Watanuki the feeling that perhaps… Perhaps a part of Doumeki had become part of him after all.

He shook his head violently, clearing it of all the left-over mushiness. Boyfriend or not, reward or no reward, complaint or no complaint, Doumeki had once again demanded too much from Watanuki and was thus going to have to pay for it.

By waiting for him for the rest of the day.

Even as he prepared to awaken his slave-for-the-day in the way that he always did, by playing the role of a human alarm clock, he couldn't fight the smile that played on his lips.

After all, as hard as he tried to refuse it, he was-

-very happy.

Those of you that want to throw up, go right ahead. Lmao. Too much mush, but oh well. I kind of enjoyed finishing it. I've started reading actual gay novels now, so I'm getting used to the whole smut thing - even though I don't really know if I want to write another one myself. I skipped around a little with this one, not letting it get too hardcore, so let's just leave it at that.

I hope it wasn't too horrible. Doumeki and Watanuki would be embarrassed, you know!

Once again, I apologize for the lapse of time during which I seemed to have fallen off of the Earth, and thank you to all of you that actually read this through :) instead of deleting the alert with a "damn her, too late" or something along those lines.

Ore No Hitsuzen is finished...and I had one heck of a time writing it. To all of my reviewers, and my closet readers too, thank you VERY much for giving this story a shot.