Hey, this is it, the last chapter. Beware: extreme cheesiness in this chapter. If you feel a little queasy run to the nearest restroom facilities. That's my warning, please enjoy and thanks to all of you who reviewed. I got over 100 reviews, thanks everyone! And now, here's the long awaited last chapter to 'Fallin'.
::Last time::
Serena looked back at her friends and smiled then turned back towards the evil queen. 'Thank you for your support guys. This is for you!' she thought. "MOON CRYSTAL POWER!" Serena cried white energy from everywhere began to shot towards the crystal that she held in her hands.
::This time::
Beryl quickly reacted by beginning to gather dark energy from anything that was nearby including the Oz building and the generals. "Queen Beryl." Malacite said as he began to weaken. "Shut up you irrelevant fool!" Queen Beryl said as they continued to be drained of their energy. "But you said before tha-" Zoisite said but was cut off by Beryl. "It doesn't matter what I said before. You've already had your chances and I should have gotten rid of you like I did before!" Beryl said as she released the negative energy that she had gathered, causing all of the generals to scream in pain.
At the same time Serena released the positive energy she had gained and it shot out in a white beam, clashing with the black beam that was coming from Beryl. The pilots watched without blinking as the two beams of light fought each other. It looked like one was winning then the other would gain the upper hand. This happened numerous times before Queen Beryl let out a scream and a large amount of energy began to take over the beam that Serena had.
"My friends, please help me." Serena said softly. Heero looked at Serena slightly confused but just kept on watching Serena.
Being the first of the inners to join Serena, Ami was the first to stand up. Quatre looked up through watery eyes to see Ami dressed in a light blue spaghetti strapped dress looking down at him. She had a calm look on her face as she lightly tightened the grip on Quatre's hand, which had been holding hers, and he felt a wave of memories wash over him. He had seen her as a princess during the silver millennium, then a shy bookworm in another life. When he finally opened his eyes he was standing behind Ami who was standing next to Serena with her gloved hand holding onto the long white sword that the silver crystal had formed into. "Mercury Star POWER!" she yelled and a blue light flashed.
Next to move was Raye who was now dressed in a red strapless dress that brushed over the ground. She stood up all the way and sent a look at Wufei, which transmitted all of her memories over to him. 'Just believe.' said Raye's voice as it echoed through his head. He opened his eyes to see himself standing next to Quatre, whose hands were resting on Ami's shoulders, his eyes closed in concentration. Wufei looked back at Raye who was also grabbing onto the sword. She appeared to be really tired so he too put his hands on her shoulder and he felt a little of his energy leaving his body through his finger tips. "Mars Star POWER!" Raye yelled and there was a red flash.
Trowa felt Lita move and looked over to she her, only dressed in a dark green dress that hung off her shoulders standing next to him. She sent him a small smile before grabbing his hand. The instant that she had, there was a green flash and he received the memories of all of Lita's past lives as a Sailor Scout and all his questions were solved. He opened his eyes to see himself and Lita standing on the other side of Serena, Lita with her eyes and a troubled look on her face. Just as it looked like she was going to give out he gently placed his hands on her shoulders and she continued to feed energy into the sword. "Jupiter Star POWER!" she yelled and there was a green flash.
Mina was the last to move. Duo watched as the others walked forward and glanced at Mina who blinked then smiled. A smile graced Duo's face as he helped Mina stand. She was now dressed in a gold dress that was strapless on top and stopped at her stomach, then a gold skirt flowed out from her waist and lightly brushed the ground. The Venus symbol shown brightly in place of her tiara and it shot out to his forehead. After getting the memories of her being the leader of the inner scouts he looked around to see Trowa standing next to him. He looked back at Heero who was still looking confused. Duo smiled then turned back around and placed his hands on Mina's shoulders. Heero would remember soon enough. "Venus Star POWER!" Mina yelled and there was a golden flash.
Heero looked at all of his friends as they stood in front of him. 'What the hell are they doing?' he thought then a new voice entered his head. It was soft yet firm and telling him to trust them. As if he was being forced by something Heero felt his legs begin to walk forward.
He stopped in front of Serena who still had her back to him. His hands lifted up and rested on her shoulders. There was a bright silver flash and he received the memories of Serena being a princess, then a ditzy blonde and a slacker then being a Sailor Scout and meeting Darien and the other scouts. He also saw that him and the other pilots were also apart of the Silver Millennium. He himself was the commander of the Silver Moon Army. Trowa was Setsuna, Sailor Pluto's brother. Quatre was Mina's brother. Duo was the brother of Hotaru, also known as Sailor Saturn. And Wufei was a member of the King of Mar's personal committee.
He opened his eyes and for the first time since the incident in the hall he smiled a true smile.
Serena opened her eyes and said, "Moon Crystal Power!" and there was a silver flash. Beryl's eyes widened as a large ball of white energy shot from the sword that Serena had in her hands overpowered her measly beam and continued towards her. "NO! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!" Beryl yelled as the ball hit her and turned her into nothing more then a file of moon dust that simply blew away.
Exhausted by the tiring feat all the girls clasped, powering down back into the revealing outfits that Oz had put on them. "What a rush." Duo said somewhat worn out from transferring energy to Mina. He crouched down to check on Mina and paled. "Guys, she's not moving." he said and looked over to see the rest of the girls in the same state. "You don't think they're...dead do you?" Quatre asked swallowing the lump that was forming in his throat.
"Far from it." a kind voice said and all the guys looked up to a woman in a green sailor fuku standing over them. "Sailor Pluto?" Trowa said standing and she nodded. "I'm glad you all have gotten your memories back." she said as they all stood up. "What's wrong with them?" Heero asked, cutting to the point. Pluto looked at him. 'Same attitude.' she thought. "They are in a dream like state, they used a lot of energy in this battle but they will be perfectly fine all because of you. You saved their lives." Pluto said and a blush graced Quatre's cheeks.
"That's not the only thing that took place. They chose to share their memories with you, which is a precious gift along with your birthright as you all remember. The girls will be out for a day or two but when they wake up they should take it easy for a few days. I'll see to it that you are responsible for their well being. They are humanity in its purist and simplest form and humanities greatest gift, just about the only chance at total peace that this time has." Pluto as she began to fade. "My time here is short but please take care of them. They are more fragile then you think." she said as she completely faded. Duo looked around at the guys who were still looking at the place where the most mysterious of the scouts once stood.
"I never understood your sister Tro. Well, let's get them home before it gets too cold." Duo said as he picked up Mina underneath her head and knees and lifted her up. The other guys agreed and did the same, then began to walk towards their Gundams. Heero was picking up Serena when he heard a groan. He stood up with Serena in his arms and began to walk towards the source of the sound and stopped when he was towering over Darien who had a pained expression on his face. Darien looked up, fear was apparent in Darien's midnight blue eyes but Heero kept his face indifferent. No words were exchanged between the two but there was obviously an understanding that there was a new future king of the earth. Heero looked down and noticed that next to Darien's hand was a single red rose. 'Serenity never really like Roses anyways.' Heero thought as he stepped on the rose and turned around, walking from Darien.
*2 days later: Winner residence*
"Duo shut up you baka you're going to wake them!" Wufei voice carried into the room. "Well, isn't that what we're trying to do!" Duo yelled back but the rest of the argument wasn't heard because Quatre closed his door and made his way back over to his bed where Ami was still asleep. Ever since they had returned Quatre spent most of his time in the room watching over her. When Sailor Pluto said they were going to be out of it, she really meant it. Quatre sat down at the end of the bed, looking out of the window that showed the prefect view of his estate. He didn't even feel the stir of the bed when the person occupying it sat up.
"Where am I?" a voice asked and Quatre whipped around to see Ami sitting up with the rag that was once placed on her forehead and the comforter in her lap. She looked at him and sent him a small smile. "Hello Quatre." she said and he smiled and quickly pulled her into a hug. "Nice to see you too." she said laughing happily.
"Hey I thought I heard-hey, you're awake." Duo said walking into the room. "Hello Duo." Ami said. "HEY GUYS! Ami woke UP!" he yelled and Trowa and Wufei appeared at the door.
"Well, if it isn't the weak onna!" Wufei said and Ami couldn't but to laugh.
"Hey, watch your tongue Chang!" a voice said and they turned to see Raye standing there still in her angel costume just without the shoes, halo and wings.
Wufei instantly lit up, ran over and gave her a hug, and kiss on the cheek making her go scarlet. "Don't tell me you're going soft on me." she said smiling as she was pulled into Wufei's embrace again. "Awww, Wu-man and his onna." Duo said and a pair of hands covered his eyes.
"Guess wh-" Mina was cut off when Duo turned around and captured her lips in a kiss.
"Goodness, I just woke up and I already feel like I'm going to puke. Get a ROOM!" Lita said as she pushed her way into the room, purposely bumping into Duo and Mina.
"Hey Lita." Ami said happily. "Hey Ames, so I take it we fried the bitch." Lita said when arms wrapped around her stomach. "It's not polite to cuss." Trowa said in her ear and she laughed turning around to face Trowa.
"Oh really and what are you going to do about it?" she asked cockily. Trowa said nothing but grabbed her hand and began to pulled her out of the room but stopped when he saw Heero standing at the door. "Hey, Heero buddy, so is Serena awake yet?" Duo asked trying to straighten himself out from the miniature make-out session with Mina. "Hn." Heero said turning around and leaving the room. Everyone else just shrugged and went back to what they were doing.
Heero walked back into his room and looked to see Serena still laying un-movingly in his bed. He walked over and sat down next to her. He picked up the bowl that sat on the table next to the bed and replaced the cold rag that he had placed on her head. As soon as the colder one touched her forehead, Serena's blue eyes fluttered open then focused on Heero's, which had widened a fraction of an inch. A smile spread across her face as she stared up at him. Heero was at a lose of words until finally he just went with his heart and bent down, clamming Serena's lips with his own in a sweet kiss. Serena grabbed Heero's shirt, pulling him closer to her and intensifying the kiss. A light 'awww' was heard from the door and without thinking or pulling away he grabbed the bowl that was sitting next to him and threw it at the door, causing it to close. An 'Aw man!' was heard from outside the door as it closed completely. Serena pulled away and laughed.
"I love you Heero Yuy." she said and he smiled back. "I love you too Serena Tsukino." he said as he once against bent down and covered her lips with his own.
Oh my goodness! I'm completely done! Wow! I'm so glad that I am. Thanks to all those who reviewed any of my chapters. This is dedicated to you! Thanks for the support! Let me know what you think!