![]() Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Temeraire. UPDATE: 2/14/2020 PC finally died on me so all my writing is being done on a tablet. Updates to the story will be slow but will come. Find me on AO3 as TheMadDalek I'm updating there too. Only doing Rise there right now (its been there since 2016 but its been updated as of 9/19/19) will post others there later. UPDATE: 9/19/2019 Still on limited internet but I'm finally finding time to stuff an hour or two of writing into my busy life so Rise is on the ...eh...rise. So ya'll are gonna get a few chapters soon but I'm not making a promise on scheduled posting as that always falls through. Hope all my readers are well! Fics that are in the rewrite: Shimmerscale: The-Snake-That-Lived. I will post over the old story and put all the chapters I have up at the same time. No idea when I will start posting. I have grown tired with the old idea of Voldemort's son and all that, it has been done to death and when I started writing it I was newly introduced to the idea and wanted to do my own. Harry in the new version will still not be a Potter by birth, but the parent(s) will be canon people and the Horcrux will not play that much of a part in Harry's personality this go round. The title will also change to The Thing under the stairs. Hell, a lot is changing, the only thing that isn't really is the Harry 'clone', the fact that Harry will have an animagus form early (though the form is not a snake), that Vernon is still the good guy, that Harry is in Slytherin and will be Dark though not evil. Thunder Goddess series. Now called Thunder God and a lot has changed about it to make the story flow better. Fics on hold until the brain can remember what was to come next due to data loss when the computer hard drive failed: QAlien. Will get a revamp when I get the time and remember where I was going with it. Fics that are on hold until the muse comes back: Windchaser. No one seemed to like this one so I will take it down soon. Fics that are still going: Thunder God Series: Book one is called Rise. The Chameleon. Fics that are WIP and haven't been posted: The One Who Was Lost. Forever Knight / Harry Potter crossover, no longer being written: Harry Potter has an incident with a time turner in the Department of Mysteries and turns up in England's past right before the Plague hits. Harry is later (after a few years of hard life) discovered by a wandering Vampire and is turned, eventually making it back to his own time the long way but no longer worried about his old life. This story would have Harry keeping the name Potter but being named Hannibal instead of Harry(no one would know he is Harry Potter and I envision him looking like Benedict Cumberbatch just because he had to look different from 'Harry Potter' and I figure Benedict would make a creepy looking vampire in this story), and meeting up with a few of the FK characters through his life. Once he makes it back to his own time (early 1990s) he helps out with the war against Voldemort as a secret player and would have killed Voldemort off right after his younger self would have been sent back in time. I would be toying with the FK timeline for this one because Hannibal would be moving over into their canon events after killing Voldemort. FK world would be unaware of magic and Hannibal would keep it that way for the most part except for a couple of trusted FK characters he has befriended. He would still have some contact with his old friends but it would be in the fashion of him having been in the war helping them rather than 'Oh I was once Harry and miss you'. He has been centuries without them, he will have learned to cope. IF someone wants to take up this FK/HP crossover they can have it, I only ask that they not make Hannibal a 'Romanticized Vampire' or a sparkly type - think old time nasty vicious, bloodthirsty thing that really has no need to seek out human pleasures except as a lure to feed/kill. This isn't a vampire love/porn novel - and to send me the link to the story so I can read it too! Challenges: /topic/44309/69510939/85/#147418453 Should be the first one on that page. Fics I've read and cannot remember the names of...Please point me to them if you can! Once I've found/been pointed to a fic I was looking for, I will add the names of the fics and a quick summery of what I posted here as a search request so that people know it has been taken care of. And in case anyone else was interested in reading the fic: I asked about this in an Author's Note in my story, Rise, and a reviewer got back to me about it with a fic they thought was the one. I thought it was too after reading parts of it, but after re-reading the reviewer suggested fic, Harry Potter: Dark Memories by Blueowl, there are a ton of things that are not the same. I've thought a lot about this and this is what I can pull out of my cobwebbed brain. As far as I remember this other fic was a pretty long one, like Dark Memories length at least, and written fairly well too. Very complex plot wise and therefore it is really hard to keep the details about it straight. I say "I can't remember" or "don't know" a lot here because of this fact. But, here is what I can vaguely remember: Time Travel or Dimension Travel fic. Traveling Harry plays two parts (possibly): Harry Potter and a much different and older/mature looking alter persona that takes on the wizarding world. Said alter is powerful and not very nice. But Harry is kinda like canon when not playing the alter. (if it is NOT the same Harry playing both parts, then it makes sense why they are so different) I do know that this alter looked pretty close to how Mage did in Dark Memories, being a mature looking man with the blue eyes (not grayish though), facial hair and graying. But he had some kind of cool battle robes and just seemed to scream evil-ish Doctor Strange in character design but without the bright colors and uber Marvel powers. Harry used a pendant - that he either had to put on/take off to deal with the Glamour, or he could just think about becoming the alter and hiding it when not using it - to give him the alter's appearance. This was the ONLY appearance he could get with the pendant, he couldn't just think of another face as it was keyed into the runes he put on it. Harry got the pendant in Knockturn (Diagon? One of them) early on in the story, I think from a hag or some dealer on the street. It was either an un-enchanted pendant that Harry liked and wanted to use for his Glamour or it was already a mild Glamour pendant that simply distorted features. Whatever the case may be Harry made it so powerful with runes that it was impossible to tell he was using a Glamour at all. It also looked so different after he fiddled with it that everyone who saw it thought it was only a family heirloom and not a disguising pendant. I can't remember if he obliviated the person he bought the pendant from or if he had a Glamour on when he got it. Or if he got the pendant from his own verse when he was older and brought it over. Harry was pretty much the only one involved with the 'being disguised' plot and mirrors were used whenever he spoke to someone if he was in a hurry or playing the young Harry part (if this wasn't another Harry entirely) and couldn't get away for a face to face. He was outed as being the alter in Hogsmeade (I'm pretty sure it was in the village but maybe wrong) during one of the many battles/raids that happen in the story. He fights along side Dumbledore during this battle when the pendant takes damage (or he was injured, no idea which happened) and the spell failed, causing the guise to drop. Dumbledore finds out about the ruse at this time, helping Harry away from the area to keep his identity safe. No one else sees the Glamour fail (or if they do they don't know it is Harry wearing it). This reveal doesn't happen toward the end of the fic (like it does in Dark Memories) but more like in the middle, with Dumbledore helping Harry to keep up appearances for the rest of the fic though I cannot say for certain if Harry told Dumbledore about him being a Time/Dimension Traveler or not. I do know either way (there being two Harrys or just the one) that Dumbledore knows it is 'a' Harry under the guise once it falls. Dumbledore HAS a moment of feeling lost/betrayed because he {at the time} thought of this alter as a friend. He gets over it pretty quick though after he has a talk with Harry when the fight is over. I think Harry had an impressive title and/or name for his alter. It causes fear and respect from everyone after they know of him and his deeds for a while. Harry also seemed to have stolen some ideas and or personas/properties of a few not very well known wizards who were long dead so that he had a history that His alter was not seen by Dumbledore as a friend or allied with them right off the bat, instead Dumbledore was very worried this was a new Dark Lord or an old one come back because of the previously stated hiding/changing of oneself. And with how powerful and ruthless this alter was. This right here is a big point of the fic, as Harry pulls a lot of his persona's abilities/aura/political maneuvers from a wide variety of people he has known in his previous run, but mostly Voldemort, Grindelwald, and - for the 'I'm Harmless so don't fear me' or 'love me because I'm wonderful' moments - Dumbledore. Harry was definitely a bit twisted when it came to playing the alter and it was this difference that really sold the two identities. I know Harry used a Harry's alter persona meets Dumbledore (Not sure if it is first time he meets the Headmaster as the alter or not) in Dumbledore's office and has a good row. The alter shows up here to interrogate Dumbledore on a move Dumbledore made in the current war. Harry played both his roles (possibly, still unsure if another Harry was involved) with the aid of a Time Turner (he WAS at the school in either class or the Great hall at the same time his alter was fighting somewhere else.) Unless he had someone in on it and pose as him with Polyjuice, or there was already a Harry in the verse (who may or may not have been let in on the secret) but I'm pretty sure it was the traveler Harry playing both parts. I know a Time Turner WAS in the story and used a bit, but to what purpose I am not sure. I think the meat of the story (the going back/having the alter) started early on in HP's life (past HP not future HP. I know the one that traveled back had to be over fifteen), but I can't remember how far back he arrived. Harry takes on this alter persona and doesn't really have an Order, but acts more like an old Grey, borderline Dark Lord that was well respected/seen as friend by Dumbledore later on once they clear the air between them, but a bit before the alter is outed as being Harry to Dumbledore. Not having an Order doesn't mean Harry's Alter didn't have followers but it wasn't like how it was set up in Dark Memories. There is enough of a power/personality difference that no one suspects the alter could be Harry Potter. And although he is powerful, it isn't really an OP!Harry/God!Harry fic. He is on par with Voldemort at the very least, and does know a lot of dark magic (more dark than light which is why Dumbledore is scared)but uses it more for overpowering in a fight (and for show) if he needs it than just because. It is more that he acts from the shadows with well thought out plans (instead of rushing in) that makes him seem so powerful. I wish I knew the name he used as this alter and if it was a cross over story or not. Really wished I had faved it or bookmarked it but I didn't do that way back when for some reason. The fic was made before the last book came out but I'm not sure if it was done before the Sixth book. I do know that it focused on the alter persona's life and how he changed how the canon played out from the shadows, more than it followed 'Harry Potter' through the book's events. Doesn't mean we don't see those events when 'Harry' is being shown, but they are not covered in great details unless they deviated from canon in some way. If I remember anything else I will add it on.
( The below text is Copied from Arch Druid’s profile here on FF) Check this out... I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile So, let me get this straight...Kelsey Grammer can end a 15 year marriage over the phone, Larry King can be on divorce #9, Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with EVERYONE. Yet, the idea of same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really? Re-post to your page if you are proud to support equal rights Places you can find my art/fics: DeviantArt: Lordofnightmarespast Tumblr: TheMadDalek AO3: TheMadDalek ArtStation: Nikola Jochec NikolaJochecArt |