Title: A Different Beginning
Characters: Sam, Teal'c, Daniel, Jack, Jolinar, Hammond
Pairings: None for now.
Rating: PG for now.
Summary: What if Jolinar took Jack as host instead of Sam?
Notes: Written for this prompt: Jack as host to Jolinar, but she jumps into Sam while in the cell to escape. And so they will believe Jack when he says he is himself and that Jolinar is Tok'ra.

~ is internal speech

bold is symbiote talking with the flanged symbiote voice


~They'll never let you go. Snake!~ Jack hisses at his uninvited 'guest'.

~Then we will both die. The ashrak will execute me - and you with me.~


~It is nothing to make fun of. An ashrak is a highly trained assassin.~

~My people will stop him. We're safe - except from the NID.~ Jack mentally grimaces.

You are overconfident! An ashrak is trained for this! He will not stop. Ever! He will find us, and he will kill us.~

~Then give my people some information that'll convince them to move us! Tell them how to find him!~

~I cannot tell you how to find him. I do not know his face. I told you this! I cannot risk giving your people any other information.~

~You won't! Because you're a damn Goa'uld!~

~Silence!~ Jolinar rose and started pacing, trying to get some of the anger and irritation out of her body. She usually never paced, but the situation was grating on her nerves. She had taken an unwilling host!

~Yes, you have, and I hope to hell it bothers you - even though I don't understand why it would. Snake! Goa'uld!~

~I...did not mean to think that out so you could hear it. I must be more distressed than I thought. I am not used to having to guard my thoughts, nor of having an antagonistic host.~

~Antagonistic? Why the hell do you think you'll get when you just take people like that?~

The door opens and Sam enters. Jolinar assumes a straight position with her hands clasped behind her back. ~Now be silent so I can concentrate on your underling.~

~She is my second in command, not my underling!~

~Is that not the same?~

~Well...we don't call people underlings here! She is a Captain.~

Jolinar scoffs. ~A minor matter of semantics.~

Sam approaches the cell, where Jolinar is standing and looks at her. "So... we are going to talk. You are going to tell me who you are and why you are here."

"You must let me go."

"Not going to happen. If you agree to leave your host, we can talk."

"You do not understand."

"Then tell me."

Jolinar stares at her silently for several moments, then sits down on the bench in the holding cell.

Sam sighs and pulls a chair up to the cell.

~Tell her something! You said the ashrak would kill us otherwise!~

~I cannot risk telling your people anything. They would not understand. I must leave. Then I will find another host, and let you return.~

~Right! Because that's what Goa'uld do!~

~No, Goa'uld do not do that, but I am not Goa'uld.~

~Of course you are!~

~You do not understand.~

Something in his...her? voice makes Jack hesitate. It is also strange that the symbiote is talking to him. Goa'uld did not do that. ~Okay, by all means. Tell me then, if you're not Goa'uld what are you then? Because you sure as hell seem like one!~

~Yes. Biologically I am Goa'uld, but I belong to the Tok'ra. We are the Goa'uld resistance. Also, 'she' would be a more appropriate address than 'he'.~

Goa'uld Resistance! That fazes him! That is not what he has expected.

~Tell Carter!~

~We are hated by the Goa'uld. Our existance is and must remain a secret as much as possible. Our survival depends on our ability to hide, and to blend in.~ She looks at Sam. "Let me go."

Jolinar stands and walks up to the bars again.


"Let me go through the Stargate. I will find another host and send your friend back to you."

Sam rises also. "Right. Wait, you can do that? I mean, you can leave a host without killing them?"

"Yes. It is possible, but not easy. I could die, but I promise I will try."

~Tell her about the ashrak!~

"Why didn't you save the Nasyan man then? You killed him to take O'Neill instead, so you could infiltrate our base!"

Jolinar takes a deep breath, and Jack feels to his surprise that he...she feels sorrow.

"The Nasyan man died because his wounds were beyond my natural abilities to heal. That is why I left him."

"Okay, then why were you there to begin with? I mean, hiding out like that among villagers doesn't exactly seem like what your people usually do."

~Tell her!~

Jolinar continues to ignore Jack. "O'Neill's mind would be intact. He would be like he was before."

Sam shakes her head. "I can't trust you."

"I could have killed you and many others when you stopped me from going through the Stargate."

"You didn't want to die. That's why you didn't."

"It would not have killed me. I am too valuable."

Sam looks unhappy. "Right. Which is exactly why we'll never let you go. You can just as well start talking." She turns and walks towards the door.

"I have done nothing to harm you. But you would not let me go even if you did believe me."

~Don't let her go without telling her about the ashrak! Tell her about the...Tok'ra.~ Jack urges.

~Then you try!~ Suddenly Jolinar bows her head and 'pushes' Jack forward.

He finds himself in control, and almost falls from the surprise.

"Carter! Stop! Don't go! There's something you need to know!" Jack exclaims.

Sam freezes just as she is about to knock on the door, and she turns.

~Careful what you tell her!~

"There is an assassin coming to kill me!"


"Jolinar says there's an assassin on his way! Also, she says she's Tok'ra."

His eyes flash as Jolinar grabs control again. ~I told you not to tell her this!~

"Colonel? Uh?" Sam hesitates.

Jolinar sighs. "I am Jolinar of Malkshur. O'Neill is correct, an assassin is coming to kill me."


"That is of no concern for you, but you must belive me! He will kill me - and O'Neill."

"You're safe in here - and you're not going anywhere, so if this is a trick..."

"It is not. I request to speak to the Jaffa."

~Teal'c, his name is Teal'c. Not 'the Jaffa'.~ Jack points out.

Sam hesitates, then leaves.