![]() Author has written 8 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, xxxHOLiC, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sherlock Holmes, and Sherlock. I'm completely redoing this profile because I hate it. I usually tend to not do this--"I'll just write this profile and never touch it again for as long as I live," basically--but I'm going against my ways for just this moment. I've been an anime fan since 6th grade when a friend of mine introduced me to Naruto. I've also loved Harry Potter and The Adventures of Tintin since BIRTH. I play the string bass, the guitar, the piano, and can basically play any other instrument if given a few minutes (I play well by ear, and I'm VERY musically-inclined). I love almost ALL music, excluding most country and rap. I LOVE books--I do not think I can express this enough. I'll try to finish my stories. I have a bad habit of not being able to finish the stories because I'll get an idea, then get an idea for a later part, and miss the part in the middle and the ending. It sucks. I'll try my hardest. Oh, I also LOVE Star Trek. Woo. And Sherlock Holmes. Obsessed with that at the moment, and it shows NO SIGN OF STOPPING! I'm partial to all things Sherlock, but am more loving towards the BBC Sherlock series. I'm in denial of the second season, and to further demonstrate my obsession, I've begun the 1000 paper cranes just to wish Sherlock alive. Obsessed? Yes. Okay, so bad news first: I was working on a project with a friend of mine, and I was using her laptop when BAM! My grip slipped and her laptop fell...ON MY FLASH DRIVE...WITH ALL OF MY IMPORTANT PICTURES (OVER 2000 PICTURES OF BBC SHERLOCK ALONE, DAMMIT!!!!), AND THERE'S NO WAY TO FIX IT...GODDAMN IT...OR GET MY FILES BACK...GODDAMN IT...I just want to go cry in a corner and wallow in my sorrow...So yeah...HIATUS TIME... Good news...Ummm...NO GOOD NEWS. Well, I'm working on multiple pieces of fanfiction, so my plan is just to frickin' SPAM with them, and maybe you guys'll spur me into continuing them...?? P.S. Just fell in love with The Adventures of Tintin...again. I've been meaning to watch the movie, and my friend allowed me to, so now I'm re-reading all the original comics and watching the cartoons and live-action (Jean-Pierre Talbot is the CUTEST). P.P.S. I LOVE reviews, guys. I know these stories suck (I wish I could put the ones I have on my USB on here, but the first chapters aren't even finished, so I'm going to buckle down and DO THEM so I can continue writing), but leave a comment anyways. I like to read what people think. |