![]() Author has written 32 stories for Supernatural, Misc. Tv Shows, Inception, Grey's Anatomy, Avengers, and Fight Club. Hello there! Ironically I'm not sure what to write here other than that I mainly ship Dean Winchester and Castiel from Supernatural although I do have other little pairings dotted about. Destiel is my OTP and coming in close second and third are Mark Sloan and Jackson Avery (Grey's Anatomy) and Captain America/Steve Rogers and Iron Man/Tony Stark (Avengers universe). I feel that with each fic I've written I've grown and become better at it. I'm still not super confident about my ability to write and how well I can do it but I do know where my strengths lie (SMMMMUT!) and what I can do which is a lot more than when I first started writing which is good. I love receiving reviews, especially ones that will help me write better and steer me in a good direction so if you have the time let me know what you thought of any of the ones you read. I'll always make sure to reply to reviewers as well as I feel it is rude not to at least thank them for their opinion and or advice. I have a couple of plot bunnies bouncing around for all my favourite pairings so bare with me as it sometimes takes a little while to get them out of my head. Capman fics might take a little while longer as I do like to know my characters inside and out before writing about them so be patient! Ahaa. I hope you enjoy my little fictions and the ideas/images they create in your heads! Disclaimer: I own none of the characters in my fictions, they are the property of whoever created them. I just use them as my little playthings with no harm meant. |