Author has written 12 stories for Pokémon. Hi everyone, Lets get this started. If you didn't know myself or my stories, I'm a big AdvanceShipping fan. Heck its the main reason that I joined . A little about me: I'm a 28 year old male who just graduated from the University of River Falls, Wisconsin. If you really want to know anymore than that I think you can manage without it. Favorite Anime: Pokémon Clannad/ClannadAfter Story Cardcaptor Sakura Gundam (SEED, SEED Destiny, Wing) Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and the list could go on for quite a while if I felt up to it, I have hundreds of series watched so far so I have plenty of opinions of the various genres. Pairings I Like: Ash/May (AdvanceShipping, Pokémon) - Like I said its the main reason I'm here, they look better together than Ash/Dawn and far better than Ash/Misty. Pikachu/Eevee (RevivalShipping, Pokémon) - Okay so I like this one as an Advanceshipping push, partially due to the fact that Eevee is one of my favorite Pokemon. I'm only sad that this one will never completely happen. With Eevee's evolution into Glaceon the closest it can be is now Glaceon and Pikachu, and by that time I would be hoping that Pikachu would have evolved as well. Other than those I'm usually neutral over other shippings, or I support the primary couple in the series and don't get into the pairings that much. Pairings I Dislike: Drew/May (Contestshipping) - I never did like Drew for some reason, most likely due to his narcissistic nature and changing from taunting rival to caring pretty boy in seconds. And when I officially became an Advanceshipper it just gave me more reason to disregard this one. Though I have to say that we Advanceshippers give him a really hard time in our stories and at times I almost feel sorry for him. Ash/Misty (Pokéshipping) - Only when its Misty vs. May and Misty wins. Sorry to all you devoted Pokéshippers out there, but if May isn't in the story I probably wouldn't mind reading it too much. Homosexual Pairings in general - Hey, if you want to post and read them that's your choice. I have nothing against them in general, its just that I usually find them kinda odd to read. Plus there aren't really characters who show tendencies of this nature. Although there are one or two exceptions. Story number twelve is complete. Thanks to everyone who read it. And just a bit of an announcement, as some of you may have noticed I have turned on guest reviews to get more opinions of my stories. But realize that if you do send a guest review, while I am grateful for your comments, I will not be taking the extra time to find and send you a reply or clutter up my review pages with my own responses. It's easy enough to create an account here and I'll be happy enough to respond to those who choose to do so. |
cascade88 (0) LittleMissMidnight (77) Matkin22 (15) | PikamasterADV (11) projectarceus (0) S. Muffin (31) | WingsofRain (8) zeaeevee (27) |