Hi there. this is my second fic. it is alot longer than my first fic. this is an Advanceshipping fic (ash & may). that's right... i'm an advanceshipper, i support ash & may 100 per cent.
DISCLAIMER: i dont own pokemon or any of the characters and never will... but i do own this fic.
Chapter 1
"Team Rocket's blasting of again!" yelled the trio Jessie, James and Meowth as they went soaring in to the sky.
"Was that Team Rocket?" said a very familiar red haired girl. It was Misty. Ash and Brock's best friend and past traveling companion from the Kanto region. She was traveling through the forest in hopes of finding Ash, since he was really good at getting lost in those areas. On the other end of the forest, was a certain green haired coordinator. Drew.
"What was that explosion?" he asked himself. Then he looked up at the sky when he thought he heard some people screaming and identified it to be Team Rocket. "If that was Team Rocket, it could only mean one thing."
Meanwhile… In the area of where the explosion had taken place…
"May, are you ok?" Ash asked his traveling companion after the smoke had cleared up.
"Yea. I'm ok Ash. Thanks." May replied with a slight blush set upon her face as Ash helped her up.
Ash and May were traveling through the forest, on their way to the next town when Team Rocket attacked with another attempt to steal Pikachu.
"How about you Pikachu. Are you ok?" Ash asked it.
"Pika pika. (Yea. I'm fine.)" He nodded to let Ash know he was ok.
"We should continue walking if we want to get out of this forest." Ash suggested.
"Yea, we should." May replied.
So they started down the path that would lead them to the next town.
Meanwhile… On the other sides of the forest, Misty and Drew were heading towards the area where they heard/saw the explosion. (A/N: they are in different sides of the forest heading in the same direction. They haven't met… YET.) Ash and May were still walking in the forest in an attempt to get to the next town. They continued walking and seemed like hours had passed, since they were getting nowhere quick.
"Ash, how much longer till we get there?" May asked, a bit tired. "It feels like we've been walking for hours."
"I don't know May. This path is suppose to lead us straight to the next town." Ash replied, a bit worried. "If we don't find our way out soon, we may have to camp out tonight."
While they were walking, they heard a rustling sound on the right side of the path. May became scared and Ash told Pikachu to get ready for whatever it was that would come out. Suddenly, they saw something, which seemed to be a human being. When the figure came out, Ash was surprised to see who it was and so was Pikachu.
"Misty?" Ash asked a bit confused.
"Ash!" Misty yelled excited to see him and ran up to him and gave him a big hug, but he didn't hug her back since he was in shock to see his long time friend. "I have been looking all over for you and I finally found you."
"That's great Misty. It's good to see you too." Ash replied.
He then looked to May to see her reaction to Misty showing up and realized that it wasn't a happy one, but sad. He was about to approach her when they heard another rustling sound to the left of the path, which was where May was standing. Pikachu got itself between May and the bush to protect her from whatever it was since she was already scared from the first rustling sound. Soon after the person that was making the sound appeared before the three trainers. Both Ash and May were shocked when they saw who it was.
"Drew?" May asked, just as confused as Ash was earlier.
"The one and only." Drew simply replied.
There was silence for a while, and then Misty decided to speak.
"Excuse me. But I don't believe we've met. I'm Misty. One of Ash's friends." Misty said, introducing herself to Drew.
"Oh yea. Hi. My name's Drew. I'm May's rival." Drew replied walking up to her and shaking her hand.
Ash and May just stood there, still a bit surprised to see Misty and Drew.
"So how did you guys find us anyway?" Ash finally asked.
"Well… I heard an explosion and when I looked up, I saw something that looked like Team Rocket blasting off. So I just figured I should follow the direction of where the explosion came from and I would find you eventually." Misty explained.
"Same here." Drew replied.
"Oh, ok. I think I know why Misty's here, but why are you here Drew?" Ash asked Drew as he went over to stand next to May as Pikachu jumped up on his shoulder.
"You guys are heading for the next town, right? So I thought I'd tag along for a while." Drew replied.
But Ash wasn't buying it. He knew very well why both Drew and Misty had showed up.
"Well… since we're all here we could go together." Ash said.
"That's a great idea Ash!" Misty replied excited since that was exactly what she wanted.
May was not too enthusiastic about the idea since she wanted neither Misty nor Drew around. Ash, of course, noticed this and felt the exact way she did. He didn't want them around either, but being the nice guy he is, he didn't want to just tell them to leave. Besides, Misty was one of his best friends and Drew was May's rival, it would give her a chance to get to know them better and it would also give Ash a chance to get to know Drew. So off they went down the path to the next town. They walked and walked, until they came into a clearing. They thought that they had finally arrived in the town, but to their surprise, ended up somewhere even better.
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please read and review. I won't put up the next chapter unless I get at least 5 reviews. And NO BASHING.