[A/N Ash has had a terrible accident, and is sent to hospital for an operation. All of his friends were immediately called; May was the first to arrive. When Ash finally awoke, well, read and you'll find out. Advanceshipping.]

Remember me.

They all sat solemnly in the waiting room; an upsetting silence filled the air. Only hours ago the young trainer by the name of Ash Ketchum was happily battling Cynthia for the title of champion, until it all went wrong.

During the final battle stage Cynthia's Garchomp was using aerial ace, but Charizard, who Ash was using, dodged. Normally this would be great and Ash would have been able to attack again, like in other battles, but not so, the attack didn't stop as it headed in the raven haired trainer's direction. He was knocked off of his platform and fell 15metres to the battle field below.

He was immediately rushed to hospital.

Now everyone was waiting in the waiting room, silently and sadly.

May sat there in the loneliest corner of the room, crying her eyes out. Dawn and Misty noticed and walked over to her.

"Hey May, are you alright, it looks pretty lonely over here." Dawn asked. May didn't answer.

"May? Are you awake?" Misty said. May nodded. "C'mon, why don't you come join the rest of us? It's easier to deal with things in groups."

"No. Now leave me alone!" May muttered.

"May, we're just trying to be nice. Ash is important to all of us, we know what you're feeling right no-…" Dawn started. May lifted her head and looked at her angrily.

"No you don't! You have no idea what I'm feeling! Now LEAVE ME ALONE!" She cried, running into the ladies toilets.

"Man, I think we messed that up. Trying to cheer her up and we make it worse." Misty sighed.

"D'you know what she meant? I mean, we all are really worried about Ash, why should she be different?" Dawn asked. Misty put her hand in front of her face and whispered in the younger girl's ear.

"Rumour has it that Ash and May were having a secret relationship, and when she left they had a secret long distance relationship." Misty whispered. Dawn's mouth went 'O'.

"That's why they were acting so lovey-dovey when she came for the Wallace cup." She realized.


"C'mon, let's go and talk to May; I really can understand why she is feeling alone right now." Dawn said. Misty nodded and they walked into the ladies toilets.


May sat on the lid of a toilet inside one of the small cubicles, curled up in a ball and crying into her knees.

"I can't believe he might be gone… they said the surgery could save him, but might not… I r-really h-hope he'll b-be alright…." She sobbed. Suddenly someone banged on the cubicle door.

"May? Are you in there?" Dawn said. May stayed silent but her sobs were quickly heard by the two girls. "May, c'mon, we know how you f-…"

"No you don't!" May shouted. "No one does!" Misty and Dawn sighed.

"Look, May. There's been rumours going around for a while, that you and Ash were having a secret relationship, if that's true I know how you feel, I lost someone like that once. Luckily for you Ash has a chance of surviving." Misty said.

"How'd you find out about me and Ash? We kept the secret well."

"Rumours. Brock most likely figured it out. Plus you were apparently acting lovey-dovey at the Wallace cup." Dawn said. They heard more sobs.

"I feel so terrible about this… I wasn't even at his battle." May whispered, just loud enough for the other two to hear.

"Hardly any of us even knew he was having a battle with Cynthia. No need to worry about-…" Dawn started.

"Yes there is! Ash called me up and asked me to come to see him battle, it was a simple question but I made an argument out of it!" May exclaimed.


May quickly answered the video phone as soon as Joy had left her. As her boyfriend's face appeared on the screen she beamed.

"Hi Ashy!" She giggled.

"Hi May," Ash chuckled. May smiled.

"So Ashy, why ya callin'?"

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come and watch my championship battle next week, I'm finally battling Cynthia for the title!" May's face fell.

"I'm sorry Ashy, but I can't." She said sadly.

"Wha?! Why not?!" Ash exclaimed. May sighed slightly and placed her hand on the screen.

"The masters' contest is coming up next week, it takes the whole week. There's no chance I could get away long enough."

"Then leave it until the next one! I really want you there to watch me May, I haven't invited anyone else!" Ash shouted.

"I'm sorry Ash but this contest is really important to me! And it should be important to you too, you helped me become such a great co-ordinator and you're my boyfriend!" May said, also raising her voice. "If you really want me to come why don't you just re-schedule it?!"
"Because the Pokèmon league supervisors are strict with rules! No changing dates. No exceptions!"

"Oh c'mon! Can't the great Ash Ketchum pull a few strings 'cause he really wants his girlfriend to be there!? Mr. Goodshow would probably help you!"

"He's not really available at the moment! This is the Sinnoh supervisors! He's in charge of all regions apart from there!"

"Then wait!"

"God dammit May! You're acting as if you don't wanna come to watch me!"

"Well you managed without me watching you battle in Sinnoh! Dawn was fine for that!"

"What the hell are you saying?! I love you! I'd never ever cheat on you! Actually, for all I know you and Drew might have been cheating on me!"

"I'd never cheat on you either! I love you a lot!"

"Then why won't you come and watch me!? This is the only opportunity I'll have till next year! Those contests are every 2 months!"

"Look Ash, this is really important to me, I promise I'll come and see you again after my contest!"

"That isn't good enough! This is a great opportunity for us to finally see each other in person again, and you just refuse to come! I miss you loads, I want to be able to act like a real couple, holding hands, kissing and hugging, we can't do that over a video screen!" Ash yelled.

"I know that Ash! But I've waited here for a month for this contest, and I'm not gonna miss it now!" May shouted.

"Ash? What's going on in there?" Delia called.

"Nothing Mom," Ash said, before returning his attention to his girlfriend. "Fine, if you'd rather be at a stupid contest with snot ball then fine! Good bye!"

"Fine!" May said. Slamming the 'end call' button so his face disappeared from the screen. She stormed upstairs and into her Pokèmon centre room. She sat on the bed.

After a few minutes, she realised she had just had the biggest, most stupid argument with her boyfriend, and she burst out crying. She tried calling him again and again but he just picked up and immediately cut off.

She just made the biggest mistake of her life so far.

"May…" Misty whispered.

"The last things I said to him were words of anger, now; I might never be able to apologize!" May cried.

"May, c'mon, you'll get your chance. Now come and wait with us, he might wake up any minute."

"Wake up? I thought he was in surgery?"

"Before we came in here they took him into a room. No-one's gone in, practically everyone knows the rumour, they want you to see him first," Dawn smiled. May opened the door and the other two girls led her to Ash's room. When she finally saw her boyfriend she ran over to him and collapsed her head onto his chest crying.

"I-I'm so sorry! I-I'm s-s-so s-sorry…. I was so selfish, so stupid… Please just wake up, be ok, please!" she sobbed. Misty and Dawn left them alone, standing just outside the door. May continued to sob she felt Ash begin to move. She lifted her head and looked at him, as his eyes slowly opened she smiled. "Oh Ashy, you're awake!"

"Wha! Who on earth are you?! And why are you in here?! Why am I here!?" he yelled, pushing her away.

"A-Ash? T-This isn't funny, stop messing around with me, I know we had an argument but there's no need to be like this!"

"What are you goin' on about? I don't know who on earth you are! Now get away from me!" Pikachu came speeding in after hearing his master's voice.

"Pika-pi!" He squeaked jumping onto his lap.

"Holy crap! What is that?!" Ash exclaimed. Pikachu looked upset.

"Ash! That's Pikachu! Your first Pokèmon and bestest ever friend ever!" May said. Tears were now welling in her eyes. At this point the others came in.

"What the hell!? Why are all you people in here!?"

"Ash?" Everyone said, confused. A doctor came in.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Who are all these people!? Why are they in here? And why was that girl," He jerked his thumb at May. "Calling me 'Ashy'?!"

"Oh dear, everyone, please come outside." The doctor said. They all stepped outside. "I'm afraid it seems your friend has Amnesia."

"What? No! Nonononononono! Ash can't have amnesia! No…. no…" May shouted. Delia ran over and comforted the girl.

"Don't worry, amnesia wears off, eventually. But there are things like sharing past experiences with them and just reliving things with them. Don't worry. Let's go tell him who you all are."


1hr later…

"So, that's my mom, Brock, Misty, Dawn, Pikachu, Ritchie, Sparky, Gary, Paul, who apparently don't wanna be here, Tracey, Kenny, Zoey, Professor Oak and Mai?" Ash said, the last name was unsure.

"M-May, a-actually…" May whispered. 'Why does he remember the other names we told him, and gets mine wrong? We were the closest other than him and Pikachu.'

"Oh, sorry. They sound pretty similar." Ash smiled. May just turned away. Ash frowned. "May, look, I'm sorry I don't remember anything, but it's not like I can help it."

"I know. It's, it's just… oh I-I d-don't know!" May cried, running out the door.

"I'll go speak to her." Delia said. She walked off after her. Ash sighed.

"Great, I feel like I've only just met her and I already messed it all up, I don't even know how." He said. "Now I have an urge to go after her, and I can't 'cause I have a broken leg and arm + several broken ribs."

"We know, but your Mom's good with situations like this." Brock said.

"Just wondering, what was my relationship with Maya like?" Ash asked.

"Her name's May. But to answer your question, she was your girlfriend of about 1-2yrs."

"Oh my god… No wonder she was so upset, I really need to talk to her now."

"Wait till she comes back."



With Delia and May….

Delia had finally caught up with May, she sat down against the tree trunk that May was leaning against and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Come on dear, you know it isn't Ash's fault." She said.

"I-I know t-that. B-But it's just so horrible! He doesn't remember me or you lot, but at least he remembers your names after we told him who we were, he keeps getting mine wrong! Mai, Millie, Mia, never my actual name! I loved him, and now he knows nothing about us, about our love and relationship, I can't bare it!" May cried, bursting into a fit of sobs. Delia pulled her into a hug and tried to comfort her.

"Shh, come on May, it's alright." She soothed. May pulled away.

"I'm sorry, but I'm so used to Ashy being the one comforting me." May said apologetically. Delia smiled weakly.

"I understand." She said. "I believe Ash still feels some of the bond that was there between you before this accident."

"That doesn't make any difference, he still doesn't remember me! I think it might be my fault that the accident even happened!"

"May, that isn't true. Ash was hit by and attack that didn't stop. How could that have anything to do with you?"

"Ash normally moves anytime he sees an attack that is coming his way, but he had his mind on a damn argument we had last week! He invited me, and me alone to watch his battle, but I thought my Masters' contest was more important and we got into a huge argument, I hung up, later I realized I'd made a mistake, I tried calling him but he picked up and hung up straight away. I made him hate me! He was too busy thinking about the argument, I bet, whilst he was battling and didn't see that attack coming." May explained.

"That's not true May, he had his heart and soul into that battle, he tried to move away from the attack, but got hit and fell still, it wasn't your fault, now come on back to see him, talk about your relationship and try to make him remember with tales of your travels with him." Delia said, standing up and holding out her hand to the girl. May wiped her eyes and took the hand, pulling herself up, letting go and walking back to the hospital.


10minutes later…

Ash sat on his bed, waiting for and opportunity to talk to his apparent girlfriend. He had heard several stories from his other friends, and he had not remembered a thing. Sighing he lay back, closing his eyes. Then he felt a hand on his. He opened his eyes and May stood there.

"We need to talk." She said.



Kim: Calm down.

Me: Nah. Now anyway, this fic will be quite long, I hope and I will probably update it more than my other stories. Don't get me wrong, I will update others, but not as much.

Read and Review!