Destiny Bond (Advanceshipping, PG)

Hello all!

This will happen to be my first Pokemon Fanfiction. It's set in the late Sinnoh region and Advanceshippy.

Reviews are welcome, of course.

Obligatory Disclaimer:

I do not own Pokemon or any related intellectual property. This Fiction is in no way associated with Nintendo.

Here's the Age breakdown on the Main Characters:

Ash : Nearly 15 years old

(1 year Indigo League + 1 year Johto + 3 Months Orange Islands + 2 years Hoenn and Battle Frontier and 8 months Sinnoh)

May: Nearly 13 years old

(2 years Hoenn and Battle Frontier + 8 Months in Johto for the Grand Festival)

Dawn: 10 years and 8 months old

(8 months Sinnoh)

Brock: Nearly 22 years old.

Chapter 1: Reunion Plans

It was snowing violently in Snowpoint City, but after all; this wasn't described as the world's coldest region for nothing.

The Sinnoh region, located far north of the Kanto-Johto landmass, was a cold, though admittedly, it was a rather beautiful place.

The southern and eastern parts of the continent were nice, warm and comfortable. Of course, they were nowhere near the warmth of the sub-tropical climate of Hoenn which was located below the Kanto-Johto landmass.

Right now, however, we find our trio at the Snowpoint City Pokemon Center, cosily protected from the frigid weather outside, rejoicing at the victory of a familiar Pokemon Trainer on having earned his seventh Sinnoh League Badge.

The Battle with the Snowpoint Gym Leader; Candice, was not easy – as is expected of a Gym Battle. However, our hero pulled through (with a little bit of luck and quick thinking, naturally) and managed to secure the Icicle Badge.

'We finally got our seventh badge, Pikachu!' came the voice of the boy with messy jet-black hair, covered partially by a hat. His features were not overly handsome in the classical sense, though his dark brown eyes portrayed the welcoming warmth of friendship and compassion.

He had a well-built, muscular body, symbolic of his one and true passion: Pokemon.

He held the blue Icicle Badge in the palm of his hand triumphantly. His two very good friends, and of course his very best friend, the yellow, mouse-like Electric Pokemon – Pikachu were excited at the thought of his needing only one more badge to obtain entry into the Sinnoh League.

'So Ash – are you ready to win your last Badge?' asked the oldest of the Group. The Pokemon Breeder was fairly tall, at least compared to his fellow traveling buddies. He had brownish skin with matching spiky black hair. You could never tell whether his eyes were open or shut.

'Sure I am, Brock! Right Pikachu?' Ash replied enthusiastically.

'Pika!' exclaimed the mouse.

'Don't forget though; I still have to get to the Grand Festival in Pastoria City!' interrupted the youngest of the group. She was a beginning Pokemon Coordinator, but was quite good at it. Her slim body was complemented by her blue eyes and blueish hair. She often wore a fluffy white hat on her head: Sinnoh was cold, after all.

'We haven't forgotten that Dawn.' Brock answered, smiling slightly.

'Yeah, next stop: Pastoria City!' Ash said. He looked out of the window and his expression dimmed, slightly; 'Of course, we can't go anywhere if it keeps snowing like this.' he commented.

'I just hope it stops soon, though the forecast says it'll take two more days.' Dawn replied.

'Don't worry Dawn, we'll get there, I promise." said Ash. He soon left to the Pokemon Center's general hall, explaining that he was going to have a check on the Egg he had got from the mysterious traveler they had met on their journey.

Dawn looked reassured. You can always count on Ash Ketchum to cheer you up, no matter what the situation. Ash was, after all, like the older brother that she never had, and she knew that Ash felt the same way.

Downstairs, in the Reception Hall, Ash Ketchum approached the Center's Nurse Joy.

He was really excited about the egg. After all, who wouldn't be? He had only ever got two eggs in his travels before; The First one in the Kanto Region, which soon hatched into the Pokemon Togepi.

However, due to the fact that the first person Togepi saw was Misty, it became hers. Ash was a little disappointed of course, but as time passed, he didn't mind it at all. After all, he knew better than to get on Misty's bad side, and she was his friend – right? And Togepi left her eventually, though reluctantly, in the end.

The second egg he had obtained, hatched into a Phanpy, an adorable, small and blue elephant which possessed a good amount of power. He picked it up from the Professor's lab for the Battle Frontier quest, or rather, Phanpy came to him, to be a part of his team again, evolving into a Donphan during his Battle Frontier Quest.

But it, and most of his Pokemon, were all back at Professor Oak's lab and he missed them. He missed his friends to, although all of them were out fulfilling their dreams, and that fact made him happy; Misty was a Water Pokemon gym leader, Tracey was with Professor Oak – someone whom he really idolized, Max was in Petalburgh City right now, finishing school (he was devastated that he couldn't collect his first Pokemon on his 10th Birthday – he had totally forgotten that he needed to make up for all the school he had missed), and of course May-

'Ash?' asked the Center's Nurse Joy, giving him her trademark smile.

'What is it, Nurse Joy?' Ash asked her, spinning him away from his thoughts.

'There's a message for you from someone called May, from the Olivine City Pokemon Center in the Johto region.' Joy told him.

'May?' Ash repeated, not all that surprised. His friends were sure to keep in touch with him – after all they were his friends. May was just more in touch than Misty or Tracey – simply because she kept continually asking him for advice – he didn't mind that of course, their conversations often resulted in the development of battle strategies, beneficial to both of them; but it gave him the impression that she was ina real hurry to get her five ribbons. He never understood why she was being so hasty - she would then need to wait quite a while longer for the annual Johto Grand Festival.

Ash brushed those thoughts aside, it was her problem wasn't it? He thanked Nurse Joy for the information and strolled over to the videophones. A few pressed keys later, May's smiling image flickered on to the screen. It was just a video message – not a normal phone call. This was surprising as May always used to call and talk – she was the chatty-type after all.

She looked the same as ever – although the videophone concealed the entirety of her figure. On her head laid a neatly tied red bandanna with a pokeball symbol on the side. She had shining blue eyes that, coupled with a small smile and a fair face, seemed to give her a cheerful aura.

'Hi Guys!' said May's image, still smiling for some reason. Clearly, she was addressing all of them, not just Ash or Brock.

'I've finally got my fifth Johto Ribbon!' she continued. So that was the reason why she was so happy. The shiny gold ribbon managed to catch a brief glimpse of her phone's camera, courtesy of her gloved hand.

'It's been a little tough without all your support, but I've finally made it through. The Grand Festival isn't till four months, so I haven't got much to do here.' She paused for a little while.

'I'm on my way to meet up with all of you in Sinnoh!' May's image exclaimed.

'Since Ash told me that you all are going to go to the Grand Festival in Sinnoh, I'm going directly to Pastoria City;' She paused for breath 'Can't wait to show you my new Pokemon. I'll be at Port Pastoria in three days.'

'Bye!' She finished.

Ash put the phone down.

'Did ya' hear that Pikachu?' Ash asked his yellow friend.

'Pika! Pikachu!' It exclaimed. Pikachu sure sounded happy.

'Great then, let's go tell Brock and Dawn.'

- - -

'WOW, I GET TO MEET MAY??' Dawn literally shouted, hopping around the room with excitement.

'That was something unexpected.' Brock agreed, 'I wonder why May was so eager to come though, but I guess she's feeling a little lonely in Johto and all.'

I do wonder whether there is more to this than meets the eye. Brock thought briefly.

'Well, you don't really get lonely when you face a challenge, especially with your rivals; But I think that you would feel lonely not meeting your friends for a long time.' Ash said.

'I so hope that I get to battle her; It'll be good practice for both of our Grand Festivals!' Dawn said, still bouncing with excitement.

'I'm sure you will Dawn.' said Ash. 'Still we need to wait for the snow to stop if we're ever going to get out of here.' He gave a small sigh and turned to the window, which was now completely white and completely opaque.

- - -

Two Days Later...

'All Passengers, we have arrived at Pastoria City. Please be sure to check yo Luggage before leaving. We hope you enjoyed your journey.' The Captain of the ship announced on the ship's Public Address System.

'We're here you guys!' Dawn exclaimed. Now her thoughts were focused on the Grand Festival.

'Yeah, let's go find the site of the Grand Festival.' Brock suggested.

The trio (and Pikachu of course) began walking down the road, with Ash holding his Egg tightly.

They encountered a bifurcation in the road, there was a hastily painted sign, pointing to the right; to a dirt road. The sign read 'Way to Grand Festival'.

The trio instinctively turned towards the dirt path. A few minutes of walking later, the eerie silence made them a little uncomfortable.

'Are you sure we're going the right way?' Dawn asked, looking a little apprehensive.

'Sure, the sign said that the path leads to the Grand Festival didn't it?' Ash replied, although he was feeling a little out of place as well.

Suddenly, without warning, the ground gave away. Ash struggled to retain his balance – he still had the egg with him – he couldn't afford to let it fall. After a lot of muscle strain, he successfully managed not to fall in the trap – although Brock and Dawn weren't so lucky.

The Egg, however, had slipped from his hand and the blue-black pattern gave the impression that it was rolling like a black marble over a blue floor.

Ash tried to run for the egg, but first, he turned to look at Dawn and Brock, who had just managed to get on their feet after a copious struggle. They were all right. He positioned himself correctly and made a run for the egg, but he found that his path was blocked by an all-too-familiar Meowth hot-air balloon...

So...there you have it. I actually write Sci-fi, and this is my first time writing Pokemon and Romance.
I had actually outlined the plot for the sequel of this Fic. Turns out that I figured I have to give a decent explaination about how Ash and May get together.