Hey this is another story I'm working on but the first chapter is really short enjoy!


"Mommy daddy can you come tell me a bedtime story?" A little girl asked as she waited for her mother and father to enter the room. She had shoulder length black hair and brown eyes yes the little girl was Vanessa Ketchum.
"Sure sweetie so what story do you want to hear." Her mother May Ketchum asked.
"I want to hear a story about you and daddy during your pokemon journey."
"Well ok I guess I'll start off when I first told your mother my feelings for her or tried to anyway it all started several years ago...
"Hey Max how much longer until we get to Fortree City." Ash said eager to get to there to challenge Winona the gym leader.
"Well Ash we're almost there we should be just a days walk from the gym."
"Ash why are you so excited to get there." May asked.
"You know I'm always excited for a gym battle May." Ash said then all of the sudden Ash's stomach growled.
"It sounds more like you're excited for lunch," May said laughing.
"Well we have been walking for a while why don't we stop for some lunch." Brock replied. "Now I need to make fire so Ash you and May can get the firewood and Max and pikachu you can stay here and help me.
"Ok," everyone said.
Great this will be a great chance to tell May how I feel. Ash thought.

"Once I knew we were far enough away that Brock and Max couldn't hear I us decided it was time to tell your mother my feelings for her."
"May can I talk to you about something," Ash said getting more nervous by the second.
"Sure Ash what is it?" May asked.

"May I um I just uh," just then he was interrupted by guess who.
"Prepare for trouble your conversation is done."
"And make it double and so is your fun."
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all people within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light."
"Surrender now or prepare to fight."
"Meowth dats right."
"Team Rocket," they both said in unison. Then Jessie spoke.
"We're here for pikachu." Ash was boiling mad now, they interrupted him when he was going to tell May his feelings.
"In case you haven't noticed pikachu is not here!"
"Well then I guess well will just take all your other pokemon," James said.
"No way you'll have to fight us first go beautifly!" May said as she called out her

"Fine then go seviper!"
"Hold on May I'll help you go taillow!"
"Seviper use poison tail on taillow,"
"Taillow dodge and use tackle." It was a direct hit and caused seviper to crash into Jessie James and meowth which sent them into their balloon.
"Cacnea use pin missile," James said.
"Beautifly blow it away with gust," May said. "Well Ash I'll let you finish this up."
"I would love to taillow use wing attack on Team Rocket's balloon." And that was it the balloon blew away and Team Rocket was gone. "Well I have to say that was probably the easiest win against them."
"Then we heard Max calling us. So we quickly gathered some wood and ran back to camp."
"What took you two so long," Brock asked.
"Well Team Rocket came but we got rid of them," May said. "Oh yeah Ash you were going to tell me something," she said.
"Never mind it was nothing," he lied. "I guess I'll just have to tell her later." Ash thought.