ok... so i know i have not update this fic in like... forever. and i am very sorry bout that. and another thing is that... this is the last chapter. i had no idea i would have made this the last chapter, but i hope it was worth the wait for guys. please enjoy.
Chapter 12
"Eevee use tackle, and then dig!" May commanded her Eevee.
"No! Use shadow ball and iron tail instead!"
"Vee? Eevee!" Eevee screamed as she tripped over herself and rolling over the ground due to being confused about the attacks her trainer was calling out. "…vee…"
"Eevee!" May cried out, running towards her pokémon.
May was out in the field behind the pokémon center, training for her upcoming contest; or at least trying to. She was so worried about what would happen between her Bulbasaur and Ash's Ivysaur. She figured the best way to take her mind off it would be to train with her other pokémon for her contest; but that didn't help. She was so out of focus that her pokémon were suffering from it.
"Eevee, are you ok?" May asked, picking up Eevee and cradling her in her arms.
"Eee…" Eevee replied with a smile, recovering from her dazed and confused state.
"Oh good," May said. "I'm sorry Eevee. I guess trying to practice didn't help take my mind off them,"
"Ee vee," Eevee shook her head, telling her trainer it wasn't her fault.
"Thanks Eevee," May thanked her pokémon, bringing its face up to hers and rubbing them together slightly, causing Eevee to coo with comfort.
"May's taking this a lot harder than I thought," Ash said resting on the back wall of the pokémon center, Pikachu at his feet. "She can't even focus on her training,"
"Pi kachu," Pikachu agreed.
Ring Ring
"Hello?" Nurse Joy said, answering the main video phone of the pokémon center.
"Hello Joy," Prof. Oak replied from the other side. "Are Ash and May anywhere around? I've got some great news for them,"
"They're out back," Nurse Joy replied, "Hold on I'll call them," at which she left to go call the two. A minute later she returned.
"They'll be here in a moment, so wait a while," Nurse Joy said to the pokémon Professor.
About a minute or two, Ash and May finally entered the pokémon center. During the time they took to get inside, Nurse Joy was talking with Prof. Oak concerning what was going on with May and the others; but more May, so he didn't have to wait for the two to come in for them to talk.
"Sorry we took so long Nurse Joy," Ash apologized upon approaching the front desk where the pokémon nurse was standing.
"It's not a problem." She replied. "I'm transferring your call to the phone in far corner,"
"Ok," Ash answered as he and May went over to the mentioned phone.
"Aah… Ash, May, finally," the professor said on the other side of the video phone.
"Sorry we took so long professor," Ash apologized. "We were a little busy,"
"How's my Bulbasaur doing?" May asked.
"Your Bulbasaur's doing great May. Better than we expected," Prof. Oak replied.
"Really?! Can I see her?" May asked.
"Sure… just hold on a minute," after a minute… "Ok, here we go," the said bringing Ivy to the screen.
"Huh?" May and Ash said at the same time.
"Professor… that's Ivysaur," Ash said, pointing at the pokémon.
"Take a closer look," the professor said.
"Wait a second…" May said after a while, and then gasps, "THAT'S MY BULBASAUR! I know that heart shape pattern anywhere,"
"Wah!" Ash said surprised.
"Indeed May. Your Bulbasaur evolved." The professor said to her.
"After Ash's Ivysaur returned to the lab, she wasn't very happy seeing him the way he was. She kinda had a bit of an argument with him, but they seemed to have worked it out," he explained.
"Wow! Ivysaur… you evolved for Ash's Ivysaur?" May asked her Ivysaur, water beginning to form in her eyes.
"Ivy saur," she replied while nodding her head.
"I guess true love really does know no boundaries," May said.
"By the way professor, where's my Ivysaur?" Ash asked.
"He's outside waiting for Ivysaur here,"
"Well I guess you should be going now Ivysaur. Don't want to keep your mate waiting," May said to her Ivysaur, happiness and relief finally coming through.
"Ivysaur…" Ivy blushed.
"Ivy Ivysaur!" they heard a distant call to which Ivy replied and turned back toward the screen, gesturing to her trainer that she had to go, to which Ash and May laughed.
"Since when is my Ivysaur so impatient?" Ash laughed.
"I guess since now," May added. "Anyway, I'm glad things worked out between you two. I was really worried about how you would react when you saw Ash's Bulbasaur return as an Ivysaur."
"I can't say it was easy for them," the professor said, "But at least they worked things out,"
"And I'm really happy about that," May replied.
"Bye Ivysaur. I'll see you soon," she said to her pokémon as it waved goodbye to its trainer with its vines. The professor then put Ivy down so that she could go to meet Ivysaur.
"So… you feeling any better May?" Ash asked his girlfriend.
"Yes… much," she replied.
"Glad to hear it," the professor said. "So now you can focus on your upcoming contest without worrying,"
May nodded and thanked the professor for looking after her Bulbasaur/Ivysaur. They said their good byes and went to tell Brock and Max the good news. They were happy for the two trainers, especially May, since now she can focus on her upcoming contest.
Ash said goodbye to his Charizard and Squirtle, since they were getting ready to leave. May's Squirtle was having a hard time letting go of Ash's Squirtle since the two had become very attached, but both May and Squirtle promised her that they would see each other again. After they said goodbye to the two mentioned pokémon, they turned to say their goodbyes to Nurse Joy and thanking her for allowing them to stay longer than they had to, and then heading off to May's next contest.
At the lab, in the garden…
The two Ivysaur lay in a huge patch of flowers, their favorite spot in the garden, basking away in the sun, their faces touching and rubbing together. The world round them seems to not exist between the two, for their only focus were each other.
and... thats it. hope the ending was ok. please review.