Author has written 13 stories for Rurouni Kenshin. Eeni is crafting a doujinshi based on Misaki-toyodome's epic Saitou/Tokio story, The Courtship of Lady Tokio. (A doujinshi is a fan drawn manga.) It is wonderful! Please check it out. It gives those of us who loved CLT an opportunity to revisit the story, but this time in a visual format. Eeni is an excellent manga artist. She has 7 chapters finished. Here is a link to chapter one. Click on the picture and the chapter will open. http:///member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=30360096 Here is a link to the second chapter. Just click on the picture and the chapter will open. http:///member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=30691607 And the *BIG* news: Misaki-toyodome has started a sequel to Courtship of Lady Tokio. It's called MEIJI KEIKAN ROMANTAN(Meiji Police Officer Romance). It is posted here on ffnet. Here is the link: Here is a description in her own words: “Meiji Police Officer Romance” - a sequel to “The Courtship of Lady Tokio”. Filling in the story of Saitou Hajime through the manga timeline. Introducing the Fujita family, with flashbacks to the first days of his marriage and his Shinsengumi days. History, politics, action, and old-fashioned Japanese romanticism! For those of you who are very interested in Japanese culture and history, Misaki-toyodome has posted expanded chapter notes for MKR on the MKR Tumblr page. Here are the links to the expanded notes for the first chapter: Chp 1 Pt 1 http:///post/33207961431/notes-for-meiji-keikan-romantan-chapter-1-part Chp 1 Pt 2 http:///post/33207967821/notes-for-meiji-keikan-romantan-chapter-1-part Chp 1 Pt 3 http:///post/33207974138/notes-for-meiji-keikan-romantan-chapter-1-part As many of you know, Rurouni Kenshin was made into a live action movie that was released in Japan on August 25, 2012 to great reviews. Fans outside of Japan can finally see this wonderful (in my opinion) adaptation of RK. The casting is great. The movie is available for viewing on-line and there are a couple of reputable places that are selling an English subbed dvd (although probably not the 'official version'). One place is http:///stores/STUFFYOUWANTED/item/samurai-cinema-samurai/rurouni-kenshin-2012-live-acti/lid=34294659 It would be fun to see this movie on the big screen, but who knows if it will ever receive a wide-spread release in the U.S. The trailers and clips that were released looked great. Click this link to see the official movie trailer. If you are a Saitoh fan, check out this trailer for the live action movie. Eguchi Yosuke was well recieved in his role as Saitou, according to the movie's twitter site. This movie had its US premiere at LA EigaFest which ran from Dec. 14-16, 2012. The dvd was released in Japan on December 26, 2012. You can watch the English subbed movie in parts at this link http:///rurouni-kenshin-live-action-2012 The Bakumatsu era Saitou makes an awesome appearance at the beginning. Two sequels to the 2012 live action Rurouni Kenshin movie were released in Japan, one in August 2014 and the other in September 2014. Most cast members from the first movie reprised their roles, plus other characters from the Kyoto Arc made an appearance, such as Misao, Aoishi, Okina, and of course arch villain, Shishio Makato. If you do an internet search, you can probably find somewhere to watch RK: Kyoto Inferno and RK: The Legend Ends on-line. Watsuki has written more RK manga. It began in the June 2012 issue of Jump SQ. Here is a link to scans of the new manga from the June 2012 Jump SQ http:///manga/rurouni_kenshin_kinema_ban/c001/ And last, the first part of the remake of the Kyoto arc, Rurouni Kenshin Shin Kyoto Hen (Part 1) - Homura no Ori, (from the perspective of Misao) made its debut in Japan on Dec 17, 2011 and it was released on dvd in Japan on March 21, 2012. Here is a link to an English subbed version on Anime Fave http:///rurouni-kenshin-shin-kyoto-hen-episode-1/ The second part of the new Kyoto Arc was released on dvd on August 22, 2012, a few days before the live action movie made its debut. Here is a link to the English subbed version of Shin Kyoto Hen Part 2 http:///rurouni-kenshin-shin-kyoto-hen-episode-2/ As many of you know Watsuki is a scum bag as far as his behavior is concerned, and in my opinion needs to lose some body parts. Many former fans will no longer read or write RK because of this and I fully understand their viewpoints. There are some historical characters that show up in his manga. Shinsengumi members, which he can not claim as his. What I have written here is about some of those characters. Hi, Just a reader here, not really a writer. I consider what I have "penned" to be essentially exercises in character development, the "left over" result of being a drama student eons ago! I became interested in fanfics years ago while trying to find something new and different to watch, while recovering from a knee injury and subsequent surgery. I hobbled into my son's room and just picked a DVD off the shelf. (All I knew at the time was that it was some sort of Japanese "cartoon" that I'd bought for him at a 90% off sale.) It happened to be one in the RK series. After watching it I was told that it was based on something called a "manga". Well, I finally figured out what that was, limped into the local bookstore to see one "in person" and then went on-line to find a translation, which I then read. (Thank you Maigo-chan!) In the process of looking for the manga translation on-line, I stumbled onto some fanfic sites and decided that reading some of the RK offerings would keep me from not being bored while perched on the couch after surgery, letting my knee recover. (I finally got tired of watching O'Reilly, Hannity and Greta!) In my "favorites" section I have listed some of those that kept me entertained. Being an 'antique' compared to most who frequent this site, I tend to like to read about the "older" Kenshingumi residents, usually Hajime/Tokio or Meg/Aoshi. I also like stories that have a "happily ever-after" type of ending. (I don't find movies or books with unhappy endings to be entertaining. There is too much of that in real life, and I read for 'escapism', not to be reminded of what is on the tv news everyday.) The masterfully done, now complete epic, The Courtship of Lady Tokio, is an excellent, very worthwhile read. Eeni (http:///gallery/39020331) is even making CLT into a doujinshi! (See above for links to the first couple of chapters.) CLT's author, misaki-toyodome, is continuing Saitou and Tokio's saga as they make their way together during the Meiji era in a new story called Meiji Keikan Romantan. It is posted here on ffnet. There is a link to it towards the top of this page. I personally find reading unfinished stories frustrating, because I always want to know how the thing ends. For that reason my favorites list is comprised of finished fics with only a few exceptions because I like them so much. Included in that list is a five-part Meg/Aoshi AU by Cherie Dee, that is technically not finished, but the last chapter of the last part leaves the couple in a very satisfying place, and if that fic happens to end there, there is no doubt about "The End". Saitoh and Tokio also make brief appearances in Dee's series, the wolf as Aoshi's CO, and Tokio as a medical colleague of Megs. I think that the action between Saitoh and Tokio in the AU, Captain Miserable Finds the Greener Grass, is a real hoot! The author added a companion series, All the Small Things, that tells the "rest of the story" about some CM moments. The author, Talentless Hack (a misnomer if there ever was one). Her's are stories that I will always add to my favs list, completed or not. Hack has a Saitou/Tokio fic called 'Room's on Fire' posted on her Live Journal, which is not posted here on ff net. Here is the link to Chapter 5, just scroll to the bottom of the page for links to the first four chapters, so you can start reading from the beginning. http:///102250.html Hack has also written a little bit of a S/T western that also appears on LJ. Here is the link to the first part http:///34017.html#cutid1 Here is a link to the second part of that S/T western http:///95357.html In 2008 Hack posted this bit from the sequel that she is planning to write for Captain Miserable http:///57530.html#comments Bird in Hand explores the very beginnings of Saitoh and Tokio's relationship and his marriage to Yaso, something that is rarely written about. The Place Where I Belong by Jesphoenix05 (which she recently completed) is an AU fantasy crossover, which is actually about an ancestor of the original wolf. In this one I really like how the author develops the relationship between Haji and Tokio. Think of Me gives additional background for the characters and events mentioned in The Place Where I Belong. Jesphoenix05 is continuing her saga about Saitou and Tokio as a couple in her sequel, The Place Where We Belong. Tale of Kenji is another work in progress. Besides being a very engaging tale about the Himura family, it has some really great action between Fujita Tsutomu (Saitoh's son) and Himura Kenji. Life at Saitou's Ranch was put on my favs list the first time it was finished. It went through an update to add more to what was originally posted and is now a completed work. Yours Sincerly has started a fun and very interesting AU called Lady Justice Must be Blind. She also has written a couple of delightful S/T shorts. Check out her fanfiction author's page for the links. One thing that I have noticed over the years is that occassionally one of my favorite fics has disappeared from ff net. Since I have the habit of reading my favs once a year, or so, I find it disappointing when one of them is missing. Case in point, the first version of Life at Saitou's Ranch, which was a very entertaining read, but is no longer posted. Although I really enjoy the completed version, which is posted on ff net, I wish I had a copy of the first one on my hard drive to reread from time to time. So, if there is a tale out there in ff net land that you dearly love, and want to reread occasionally, you might want to put a copy of it on your hard drive (for your personal reading enjoyment, *only, not to repost somewhere else, etc.) I realize that "real-life" comes first and many people are not able to finish what they started even though they would like to. I do appreciate all of you authors out there, who have devoted so much time and effort, so that the rest of us can escape from our "real lives" and be entertained for a while! (And please don't worry if it takes years to update a fic; your faithful fans will be delighted!) June 2020 There are two more RK live action movies that were scheduled to be released in the summer of 2020, but due to covid the release has been postponed until the summer of 2021. I have been writing, but with the group, Gumi Reloaded, which you can find here on ffnet. After many years of hiatus a couple of the original GR writers, plus a new one, who writes Okita (yeah!). did a flurry of writing from May 2019 to January 2020. GR is on hiatus again, but a tremendous amount of content has been written and not posted. I hope that at least some of it can be posted within a year. Anreg 5-16-16 If you want to read what I have written about the life of Hajime and Tokio in 'sequence' here is the order. As I add chapters to Life the Saitoh Fujita Way and related one-shots, I will update the following list: The First Time I Saw Your Face Life the Saitoh Fujita Way Chapters 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Tales in Tonami Life the Saitoh Fujita Way Chapters 12, 4, 5, 17, 18 With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies A Long Awaited Reunion Life the Saitoh Fujita Way Chapters 6, 20, 13 Another Battle for the Wolf Life the Saitoh Fujita Way Chapters 14, 22, 23, 24, 19, 15, 21, 16 Thanks Irena for letting me use your original drawing for an icon! (Sorry the scan and post did not turn out as nice as the original.) If you are interested in reading a Meiji era Rurouni Kenshin based RPG, check out this page http:/// This rpg is on permanent hiatus, but the posted threads are an interesting read. An AU RuroKen RPG called Gumi_Reloaded started in the spring of 2012 at DreamWidth, but it is currently in hiatus. Here is the main threading site. http:/// There is a game description on the site's profile page. Here is the apps site http:/// Check out the app profile page for details, in case you might be interested in joining if this rpg becomes active again. The Gumi_Reloaded RPG is posting its finished writing projects here on ffnet. The stories can be found on the profile page for Gumi Reloaded. Here are a couple of websites that have interesting information about the historical Saitoh Hajime/Fujita Goro and his family: http:///saito_hajime.htm and http:///articles.php?cat_id=19 (scroll down until you see Saitou's name) P.S. My favorites list is comprised of finished fics (with a few exceptions). However, there are many unfinished Saitou/Tokio fics which are interesting reads. There are also fics where S/T are not the primary focus, but make more than a casual appearance. As I reread these unfinished stories and ones where S/T appear as secondary characters, I plan to list some of them here in alphabetical order. All of them are on ff net. If you want to see a long list of S/T fics that are posted here on ff net, check out the 'favs' section on the profile page for Yours Sincerly (please use this spelling). Sometimes newly posted fics, or updates of those already posted do not show up when you go to the "Just In" list for a particular fandom. For those of you who enjoy fics written by Kamorgana, please go to the Yahoo Group: rk_bad_boys_citrus_paradise to find the updated versions. There is a link at the bottom of her ff net profile. Kamorgana used to have a wonderful page on GeoCities, where she posted all of her stories. Due to Yahoo dumping GeoCities (growl), everything posted there is now gone forever. Children of the Revolution Author: Kamorgana. This is actually a 7 chapter Enishi/Megumi fic, but in chapter 4 the Fujita family makes an appearance for the rest of the story. If you like to read S/T fics, this has some nice action/interactioin with the wolf and his family. Collateral Damage - Author: Tamlin. This is Tamlin's sequel to "Terms of Engagement". It is a work-in-progress, first posted at the end of 2008. Tokio is scheming again; this time trying to save her husband from himself. Tamlin completed "Terms", so I have confidence that she will see this one to the end, also. Constant Reflections Author: tsunami1156. In Chapter 5, "Women", the wolf mentally compares a couple of women whom he knows. It is a short, but fun read. Falling - Author: L. Sith. This is a humorous take on how the two met and the misadventures between them. Started in 2003, it was last updated at the end of 2006. Since the author continues to write other fics, perhaps we will see more of this. I hope so, because after the last scene that was written, this fic just begs to be continued to its conclusion. Hajime - Author: Chiharu Kamashiro. This interesting piece is written in Tokio's first person point of view. We only know her husband through how she views him. The last chapters contain adult material, so I wouldn't recommend this fic to young readers. It has not been updated since 2006, so it is unlikely to be finished. The Heart of the Wolf - Author: KaibaKitty. This is a 2009 posting, a work-in-progress, about how the two met. The writer gives warnings for blood, violence, and some coarse language. It is very engaging, and worth the read. Hopefully, the writer will continue to the end of this one! JIA Case Files: Street of Tokyo - JIA Case Files 2: Boulevard of Las Vegas - JIA Case Files 3: Canals of Venice - Author: Istoria. This completed trilogy is actually an ensemble piece with all the RK characters. However, there is enough Saitou/Tokio action in JIA Case Files 2 to make it a fun read for S/T fans. I recommend starting from the beginning with the first story in the series even though only the wolf appears in that one. Kitchen Confidential - Author: zealot1138. This is a Kaoru/Saitoh AU set in the fast paced world of upscale restaurants. Very entertaining. It was last updated in 2009, but the author hopes to add more. (I hope so, too.) Normally, I stick to the Tokio/Saitoh pairing, but this alternate pairing is well written and caught my eye. Life in a New Era - Author: Ehwaz-Ansuz-Kano. This is a 2010 posting, a work-in-progress. It begins in Tonami where Hajime and Tokio live in the Kurasawa household. It has an historical context, which works very well. I noticed that that author has completed all of her other fics, which bodes well for this one. The Neighbors Will Talk: Chapter 8 - caseyedith. This is part of a collection of oneshots. This one happens to be about the wolf and his family. It is a nice little bit, a worthwhile read. Thanks to Yours Sincerly for calling this one to my attention. Ookami no Kiba Blue Jeans. This is a wonderful first person tale from the point of view of Tokio's personal journals. It was last updated in 2002, so there is very little hope that it will ever be finished, even though the author continues to write for other fandoms. But what is there is a satisfying narration of Hajime and Tokio's early years, when he was a member of her family's household. Ruroken Haiku Collection - Author: SiriusFan13. Wrote a collection of haiku about RK characters. Number 70 is a haiku about Tokio, 9 and 51 are about Saitoh. Sacred Sword - /s/547964/1/Sacred-Sword (you will have to cut and paste the url) Author: Zosocowe. This is a very nice Kenshin/Kaoru/Kenji fic. But in Chapter 7 the author introduces the Saitoh family into the action, and continues it through Chapter 17. The interaction between members of the Wolf's family and members of the Himura family in these chapters is absolutely priceless! This fic may have been pulled since I can no longer find it on ffnet. Through Your Eyes - Author: Stealiana. If you read and enjoyed the completed Through My Eyes, you will want to check out this unfinished companion piece written from the Wolf's point of view, giving his perspective on the same events that are described by Tokio in Through My Eyes . A note on the author's profile page, dated 8-2008, mentions that someday she will return and finish what she started. I am delighted to say that the author did return to this fic and updated it twice in June 2012. I hope that she will have time to add more in the future, since it is so interesting to see what is going through the wolf's mind during these events. Trying Moments - Author: Cherie Dee. There are only three chapters to this modern-day AU about how S/T met, but I think they are worth reading. It is regretful that this one remains unfinished. It has not been updated since 2005, so there is little hope that it ever will be. However, what is there shows that this one would have been one of the Saitoh/Tokio AU 'classics' had it been finished. The Wolf's Woman - Author: Glass Rose. This is a well-written engaging story of how the couple met and the events that transpired shortly thereafter. There is some sexual content in Chapter 4 that is integral to the story, but not appropriate for younger readers. Since it was last updated in 2002, it will most likely never be finished. This, in my opinion, is a tragedy due to the quality of the writing and the storyline. Under the Cherry Tree - Author: Shin Sankai. This is a Misao/Aoshi fic, but S/T make more than a casual appearance throughout the whole story. Most of the characters from the manga make an appearance at some point. KK are also a secondary couple in this one. Thanks to Yours Sincerly for mentioning this one to me. Shin Sankai has also written a couple of good, strictly Misao/Aoshi fics: Romancing the Artist and Himura Designs & Co. Vs Shishio Enterprises. Valentines for Every Year - Author: Adelaide MacGregor. Check out Chapter 2, "Forgotten as a Habit," for a nice Valentine's Day story about the wolf and his wife. FFnet author, Frenchie Leigh features Saitou and Tokio in some of her stories. Go to her profile page and check out Striptease (S/T are the main characters in this one), The Arrangement (they are secondaries here, but the last two updates have a very good dose of both of them). You will also find S/T in Fine Lines, From Ashes, and Human Enough. All of these are works in progress. The author is writing for another fandom now, so her RK fics seem to be on hiatus. If you would like to read a 5 part finished fic with a supernatural twist that is not posted on ffnet, go to Fuu-chan's FanFiction page http:///fanfic.html and read these stories in the order listed: (Tokio is a main character in most of them. Even though Saitou plays second fiddle to his wife in this series, he is a very supportive spouse and exactly what she needs as she navigates her way through trials.) Erin’s Gift (Listed on her page under ‘Tokyo Babylon’ fics. This one doesn’t include Tokio or Hajime, but the content will help when you read the other fics which do include Tokio and the Wolf.) The Other Side of Twilight (Listed on her page under Rurouni Kenshin fics) When Evil Smiles (Listed on her page under Rurouni Kenshin fics) Night Painted Hearts (Listed on her page under Rurouni Kenshin fics) Bad Blood (Listed on her page under Tokyo Babylon fics) Here is another completed fic that is not posted on ffnet. It is Turn the Leaves of Fancy by Lawless and it is posted on her Live Journal. (Years ago it was posted on ffnet. That is where I first read it.) It is actually a Meg/Sano fic, but I think it has enough S/T interaction to make it a worthwhile read...and to make me wish that this author would write a fic with S/T as the main characters. Chapter 1: http:///79644.html Chapter 2: http:///80008.html Chapter 3: http:///80180.html Moeyo Ken If anyone is interested in reading Shiba Ryotaro's classic, Moeyo Ken (The Burning Sword), please check out Divertimento's English translation which is being posted here on ffnet. According to the author of a couple of epic Saitou/Tokio fics, Moeyo Ken is regarded as the 'bible' of Shinsengumi fiction. |
Angrybee (35) jesphoenix05 (17) kamorgana (7) | legalronin (7) misaki-toyodome (2) | The Talentless Hack (33) |