A/N: Ah, the epilogue. Yes, it is Tokio's life in the future after Okita's death. There's a large flashback section to clear up some things from the previous chapters.
Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin.
Chapter 10
Epilogue: Tokio's later story
October 10 of 1878 ::Tokio's writings::
Dear Soujirou,
It has been a year since I last wrote to you. I hope you weren't lonely. You must like the irises that Tami put on your grave; she is an expert gardener. I pray to you everyday. Do you hear them? Hajime and I visit as often as we can. He has night duty at the police station, you see, and quite busy. We recently had a problem with a man named Makoto Shishio. He wanted to burn down Kyoto and Hajime took it upon himself to find the perfect assassin to kill him. What he found was a very gentle man named Himura Kenshin, the former Hitokiri Battousai. In the days of the Bakumatsu, he had killed my brother but he has truly changed himself into a man who now carries an odd sword that had the blade on the wrong side with a vow never to kill again. He lives with an energetic young girl named Kaoru and a little boy named Yahiko. I have visited them during Himura-san's absence.
Before Himura-san left, he told me that he was very sorry about Seinosuke's death. He said that my brother was an excellent swordsman, one of the best he'd seen during his service in the war. I hold no grudges against the man; Soujirou, my brother and he were only soldiers in that dreadful war.
Hajime told me that he would be back as soon as he could, which took two months and eighteen days. I hope you were watching over him. As you said, I try to keep him out of trouble the best I can, but he likes to be around them. You should have known. He bought a little bit of property next to our house and built a little building so that Tami and I could open a floral shop together. We also sell some of the kimonos that we made there also.
It has been ten years since you've passed, but not a day goes by with me wishing you were here. I know it is unfair to Hajime, but he seems to understand. We have three children, all boys, and they can be quite a handful when it comes to training with their father. I love them all very much and I love Hajime. But don't think that I will ever forget you. I seem to say that to you every time I write.
I like to invite Himura-san and little Kaoru to our house for dinner. It's amusing to see Hajime's countenance when that small man comes with the same warm smile on his face. He is very much like you; morally and philosophically. At times, he brings a young man named Sagara Sanosuke which seems to annoy my Hajime greatly, and Sanosuke is also not very fond of Hajime. I enjoy Sanosuke's company and he behaves well in front of me; the perfect gentleman. But I'm afraid that he is the target of constant teasing from his friends.
My three little boys have taken a deep liking to Himura-san and Sanosuke. I think even Hajime has gotten used to having them around. As for Kaoru, I'm afraid she is not a very good cook. She takes liking to burning things unintentionally.
Himura-san invited us to Kaoru's dojo for dinner and showed off his simple, yet wonderful cooking. He even took further measures to cook Hajime his soba (I'm very sure he enjoyed it thoroughly).
Soujirou, keep watching over my family. What a silly request...you are always watching over my family.
With deepest love,
Saitou Tokio
::In her room::
Tokio put the letter away in a special box where she kept all of her letters to Okita. The candle which she wrote by was getting low and the melting wax had pooled around at its foot. A rough hand was placed on her delicate shoulder which then trailed up her neck to cup her face.
"You haven't written to him in a while...is something wrong?" A deep voice asked from behind her.
In the mirror before her, she saw her husband tower over her in the dim light. The flickering candle light threw shadows around his face which made him look even more mysterious. She smiled lightly which quickened Saitou's heartbeat. Her eyes seemed to have a mind of their own as they started to water. Tokio hung her head and covered her face with her hands, weeping.
"Hajime, I feel so guilty...I don't write to him as much as I use to. But I miss him so much..."
Saitou usually didn't see his wife cry but when she did it was for a good reason. He wrapped his strong arms around her shoulders and spoke. "Okita is waiting for your letters to stop coming. Just like how he waited for your letters to stop during the war. You are moving on with your life with me and our sons. Souji is merely waiting for your letters to stop so that he can just look after you."
Tokio coughed a laugh as she recalled something that Soujirou had said. "Hajime, while Soujirou was still here he told me that he would be jealous if I died before him...he said that Kami-sama could look at me all day and that it was his job to do that instead."
Hajime snorted. Cute, Okita...real cute. "Okita had a tendency to say things like that."
"Are the boys sleeping?" She asked.
"Yes, I'm guessing that they were tired from practice today."
Tokio sighed and nodded. "They do love kata..."
Saitou looked at her reflection in the mirror. "The police chief wants me there tonight. I will leave now. The meal was good, Tokio. You can sleep in, Ijime and Tami will be here early."
The police man left her to sleep alone in the dark as he stepped out into the fresh night air. Tokio stared after him then looked at the futon laid out for the both of them. It was not unusual for her to sleep alone but tonight was going to be different. For some reason, it was going to be the night where she was going to let everything go. Yes, tonight would be where Soujirou would linger merely behind and not in front of her anymore.
Love him, loved him, forgive him, forgave him, the past tense was the present tense for her. 'It should be this way,' Tokio thought.
::May 3 of 1868::
"Would you marry Saitou-san?" The question was asked to her stiffly and awkwardly.
Tokio watched him fight with the inner part of himself. She spoke to his back while tightening her arms around him. "Do you want me to?"
"No," he answered bluntly in a soft voice, "no, I don't want you to. But for your happiness, I want you to. For my selfishness, I don't. You must understand, To-chan, that this decision is not up to a dying man. I don't have a say in this matter." He cast his eyes elsewhere around the room.
"No...this decision is up to my husband." She whispered quietly against his back.
Suddenly she was thrown aside by his arms swiftly. Sliding against a wall rather viciously, Tokio heard violent, hacking coughs emitted painfully from his throat. He was on his hands and knees, spitting out blotches of crimson blood, while at the same time trying to breathe. Working to regain her senses from the crash, she crawled towards her husband. Souji weakly tried to push her away, but Tokio struggled to wrap her arms around him. Desperately clutching him, she tightly shut her eyes. She prayed to anyone that would listen that he would stop and get better. Please...please help him.
After what seemed like eternity, she opened her eyes as his coughing calmed and breathing returned to normal. Tokio let out a long breath that she had been holding and Souji was limp in her arms. He let out a soft groan of soreness that felt like fire inside his body.
"To-chan, are you okay?"
She forced a little giggle. "I should be asking you that, Soujirou."
There was a slight pause. "Did I hurt you?"
Tokio shook her head. "I'm fine, Soujirou. Do you want some water?" She took his silence as a yes.
Gently taking his cup and filling it with water, she handed it to him. He downed it in a few seconds and she refilled it without him asking her to. Tokio watched her husband carefully as he took a second drink of water to wet his parched throat. She opened the window a little bit to let in fresh air. The doctor had told her to keep the air well circulated if she did not want to contract the disease. It would also help relieve some of the pain for Soujirou.
Tokio gazed outside. It had started to rain. The little sakura tree on the hill was barely visible through the sheets of rain. She slid her hand out of the window to catch a raindrop. Water slid down from her hand to her elbow and dripped to the floor. Souji watched her in fascination at the delicate picture she made. He stood next to her and knelt there, listening to the rain and her soft breathing. She didn't seem to notice he was there. Tokio just watched the rain trickle down her forearm.
Souji breathed in the fresh, new air with deep content. It seemed to prolong his life just a little precious amount. Kami-sama had granted for time to stop and let the dying man watch his wife peacefully and quietly. He reached out to grasp her hand that rested on her lap. Tokio turned to face with a graceful smile. Then she decided to fling the rainwater that had been collecting in her hand right on his face. Surprised and, well, surprised, he just stared at her in astonishment. She laughed in delight at his expression. His countenance relaxed into a grin then widened even more as his mahogany eyes sparkled with a mischievous idea.
Okita slid his arms around her slender waist from behind. "Do you mind the rain, To-chan?" He whispered devilishly into her ear while the same boyish grin played on his face. The man felt her shiver and he was about to continue his whispers when the shoji door slid open. A soft chuckle resounded in the silent room.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything, Okita." Saitou said.
Tokio blushed furiously and tired to break free of her husband's arms. He held tight to her. "Saitou-san, what are you doing here?"
The tall man knelt while the corner of his lip curled into a rare, amused smirk. "Shinpachi wanted to come also, but there was trouble with the new government concerning his position in the former Shinsengumi organization."
Souji smiled slightly. "Is it something that he can't get out of?"
"No, he will be able to figure something out." He grunted in annoyance at the thought of the second captain. "Your illness is getting worse, or so I am told, Okita." He stated casually that caused Tokio to flinch at his words. Saitou's golden eyes flickered towards the woman in Okita's embrace then back to Okita.
The smaller man grinned boyishly. "It's all men's destiny to die in some way or form, Saitou-san. I'm just dying eating bitter medicine and inedible tea leaves..." He made a face.
The woman in the room immensely felt uncomfortable. There was the other man that Okita was asking her about. Would you marry Saitou-san? Would she?
Tokio sat stiffly as she eyed the man in front of her. She felt constricted in his presence. Just seeing him ignited a frightening emotion. Until now, she had never feared him, but just looking at his sharp face and eyes, it made her nervous and suffocated. The man was never a scary person, just commanding and demanding respect that he felt he deserved. But knowing that her husband, who stared death face to face, was thinking about her remarriage to Saitou, it scared her beyond understanding. She couldn't imagine a life without Soujirou but he was already thinking about her with someone else. It frustrated her and it scarred her.
::Still flashback::
::8 of November 1875::
Saitou grew impatient with himself. He was regularly visiting Tokio now, to see how her family was doing and to see how she was coping with Okita's passing. But every time he went, there would be an undeniable feeling he felt for her. It only grew stronger each time he saw her smile. It was a sad smile, yes, he couldn't possibly match the happiness Okita had somehow managed to provide even to his dying day, but he was trying in his own way. The former third captain kept a ring in a pouch that he tied around the waist of his hakama. Yes, it was getting that serious. He growled. Tami jumped two feet at his sudden display of annoyance.
Tami grew used to the intimidating man visiting her sister but was still fidgety when she was in the same room as he was. Ijime was out managing a restaurant while she sew kimonos together. Tokio and she were living quite comfortably in a new little house that they bought with their father's fortune. Her elder sister managed the finances and the legal issues. Her quiet grace was rather respected by the men. Now she looked at the frowning man that sat on a soft futon.
"Saitou-san, do you need something?" She asked timidly.
He snapped his head up at her and glared, not in agitation, but in surprise at the interruption. His eyes darted to the tea on the floor in front of him then it settled on her again. "No, I'll just have tea." As soon as he reached for the cup, Tokio entered. The woman was startled when she noticed Saitou there but soon relaxed.
"Hajime-san, what are you doing here?" Her heart seemed to beat faster in her chest. She prayed he wouldn't notice.
He got up from his sitting position and sighed. "I was wondering if you would join me on a walk. There are things I would like to talk about." His eyes narrowed as he grew tense. His palms became clammy and his throat was dry. He cleared his throat to make himself talk.
Tokio was shocked at his request but was eager to know what he wanted to talk about. But the sun was already setting. Casting a glance at her sister, she smiled. "Of course, Hajime-san, but would you like to eat first before we go?"
"No," he said quickly but caught himself, "unless you haven't eaten yet."
Tokio shook her head. "I had a little dinner when I was at the market. Tami, can you make dinner for you and Ijime?"
Tami nodded and the other two went outside. Saitou felt less edgy now that he was out in the open. Walking with her slowly and enjoying the view of the river, he fingered the pouch at his side.
"How have you been doing, Tokio?" He murmured quietly like would usually when he came to visit.
And Tokio would always reply, "I've been better, Hajime-san."
Saitou sighed heavily and stopped his feet, planting them firmly on the ground. He faced the river as he talked. "I...have put forth a lot of thought. It may be too sudden for you, but I've been making sure that you were getting better. Okita helped me realize that I've been missing something. I've gone to his grave and asked for permission, but I think he hesitated to answer me." He turned to face her now. "I asked him if I could marry the woman that he left behind. Tokio, would you be my wife? I can't replace Okita, yes, I know that. But..." For the first time ever, Saitou Hajime ran out of words to speak.
There was a very deathly pause. "Yes, I will."
The man's face grew darker. "Are you doing this to make me happy or to make you happy?"
She smiled a true smile in a long time. "Both."
::End flashback::
Tokio had made that decision, to marry Hajime for their happiness, and she knew that she had made the right one. On the day of their wedding, they visited Okita's grave first thing in the morning. They both silently asked for his forgiveness and his blessing for their wedding...and he granted both.
But not being able to let go of his memory, she struggled with guilt and shame every minute of every day. Now, she was going to change that. Now knowing that Hajime was her husband in the present and will be in the future, Tokio had to let Okita go. Her first husband, that taught her selflessness and true love, had forgiven her and it was her turn to forgive herself.
"Soujirou, you know I love you even now, and I have been very foolish to realize that you held a grudge against me. You never have and you never will. You have looked out for me even after you died and now it is Hajime's turn to look after me. I think both of you apprehended that I really needed looking after..." She smiled to herself, "I will love you, but I will love Hajime more than I loved you because he deserves that much from me, ne, Soujirou? Will you allow me?"
She waited for a response. After a small silence of her thoughts, she nodded. "Thank you, Soujirou."
::Next morning::
"Okasan, Okasan!" Her youngest shouted excitedly as he burst through the bedroom door.
"Yes?" She was brushing her long hair.
"Kenshin-san is here! Can I go play with Yahiko?" He jumped up and down in front of her. It was hard to believe that he was Saitou's son.
"Be careful, Tatsuo, remember what happened last time." She warned while smiling. He nodded uncontrollably and ran back out the door. Tokio got up to follow her hyperactive son to greet her guests.
"Kenshin-kun and Kaoru-chan, good morning. What brings you here?"
"Ohayo, Tokio-san. We just came to see how everyone was doing. Here, these are also for you." The young lady beside Kenshin, Kaoru, held out a box wrapped in cloth. Something reeked inside of it.
If Tokio was not such a serious and dignified character, she would have had a very large bead of sweat forming on the side of her head, but since she is such a serious and dignified character, she held her composer and set it on the porch of her house. "Thank you, Kaoru-chan. Why don't you all come in and have some breakfast?"
They gladly accepted and went inside. Tokio lingered behind and stared out on the yard where her three boys were playing with Yahiko, all laughing and shouting while running around continually. She smiled and looked up at the sky. Her train of thought was broken by Tatsuo's voice and his insistent tugging on her kimono.
"Okasan, you look happy today. Come play with me."
Thank you to...
Evil-Addict - Thank you for your reviews. I really appreciate them!
Hassun – Wow, you are the best. Thanks for your reviews. I like reading them!
sonia – I'm sorry if I made you cry! T-T I will cry with you. Thanks for all of your compliments. As for a site with more Okita x Tokio, I have no idea. I really didn't even mean it to be a Okita x Tokio... sorry, I wish I could help you --;;
JadeGoddess – Hehe, nope didn't realize until he proposed.
Miburo Kid – I adore you. Thank you for your constant encouragements and reminders that I needed to update. I dedicate this chapter to you. Wow. Thank you so much.
::Author's notes::
T-T Holy crap, I actually finished it... I'm so proud of myself. I hope you didn't mind the ending a little. If it's a little unclear, then I'll try to fix it up more. If not, then I'm gonna leave it alone. Wow. I am actually DONE with this story. It took awhile updating, so I'm very sorrie. --;; I just ran into some writer's blocks. Well, it's done. Let me know what you think! Thanks for sticking with me and my story! 3
From the Author,