Author has written 12 stories for Rurouni Kenshin, Yami no Matsuei, and Starsky and Hutch. I'm a 50-something single woman who discovered the world of Japanese anime several years ago. I've also become quite passionate about "Starsky & Hutch," a show I loved as a kid and am now enjoying again. I have worked as a professional science/medical editor for the past 30 years. I don't give many reviews because I do work as an editor. When I do review, I may come across as harsh at times when I make suggestions, but that's because I believe that you have the talent to become a better writer. You just need to work at it. In some cases, you need to find a better beta reader, one who knows grammar, the English language, and various writing techniques. If you've gotten a good review, you've really impressed me. Keep on writing and never be afraid to learn more about becoming an even better writer. I love to read/write fantasy stories, but I love writing fan fiction as well. And even though I am an editor, it doesn't necessarily mean that I write well. I'm deleted some of my own stories because I realized how bad they were. In my spare time, I love to sing. I've sung with my church choir, and I've performed my own shows in cabaret clubs. Needlework (needlepoint/cross stitch) is a favorite hobby as I watch my favorite shows. My favorite books are Tolkien's Lord of the Rings (I did my thesis on LOTR), but I will never write fan-fics for LOTR. Tolkien is the Master, and I will never mess with the Master. I'm also a big fan of Anne McCaffrey, Katherine Kurtz, Janny Wurts, Carol Berg, Terry Brooks, Robert Jordan, and Rachel Aaron. My favorite tv shows are "Star Trek-Next Generation," "Starsky & Hutch," "NCIS," "The X Files," "Babylon 5," "SG-1," and "The West Wing." My favorite anime is "Rurouni Kenshin," although I'm also a big fan of "Fullmetal Alchemist," "Escaflowne," "InuYasha," "Gravitation," "Yami no Matsuei (Descendants of Darkness)," "X/1999," "FAKE," and "Twelve Kingdoms." If you wish to email me, please make sure that you indicate "" in the subject line, or the email may be deleted. Some readers are misinterpreting "Three," thinking that there will be two more short stories. This is incorrect. All three of these short stories are contained in this one shot. There are no more chapters. The sketch of a 21st century Sanosuke Sagara was done for me by the very talented Kaneyoshi. You can find her other art at . Please review my stories. I'm hungry for reviews, and I need to be fed! |
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