Reviews for Matchmaker Misao
Thief Rikku chapter 9 . 2/19/2005
Ki ki kii... *giggles* Now this was a very very hilarious fanfic! A very nice AU ficcy! _ *does the boogie* hehehehehe... XD

:O *shocked* Kinda thrown off when Megumi said how Aoshi was probably not great in bed! Even though that was implied as a joke, really! *exaggerated faint* hehe. So much funny moments! The condom part (honestly, it would have been super hilarious if he went on a date with a decent, woman with morals and he took searched into his pocket to fish out for his money to pay the bill and along with the money, he accidentally pulled out the man's sheath! What an amusing scene that would produce XD XD) I was laughing my ass off on the part where Aoshi had that contract typed up on the computer rofl. **

There were so many funny scenes between Aoshi and Megumi. Their interactions were very humorous, witty and very interesting! I was hooked onto their relationship! LOVE this fanfic! *glomps it* It's a shame that they won't be together later anymore T_T I guess I should be spanked for making such a blunt assumption but I have a strong feeling that the continuation of this story will eventually lead to a Meg/Sano ending, seeing as how our dear author (amongst many others as skilled as this one ) seems to be more favor of this particular pairing. Everything depends on the hands of the great Cherie Dee! *bows and worships* It was extremely fun while it lasted. I thank you for yet another excellently written Aoshi/Megumi fanfic! *tips hat* Review ya around once again! lol

~crazy hyper Rikku
aka Arashi chapter 9 . 11/25/2004
Very cute! I really enjoyed this one. I've never really given a lot of thought to the A/Meg pairing but you write it so nicely (and believably) that I can't say it isn't a really sweet pairing. AU Aoshi and Megumi make the greatest couple. I'm curious to see what you've got in store for Sano and Megumi in the next installment.
Larissa Hyuga chapter 9 . 11/11/2004
this is just so lovely! i really enjoyed the titles of the chapters and the story plot. gosh, pretty interesting Aoshi as a naval officer. i could never picture it and now i just find it *hot*...

anyway, it was after reading your fic that i consider writing an AU too.

Kaoru Kamiya chapter 9 . 11/2/2004
its kinda hard to believe megumi being with aoshi, it would have been much better if he was wiht misao but u kno the stories name is MATCHMAKER MISAO
Amberle-chan chapter 2 . 10/13/2004
Normally I wait for the end of a fic before I review (I actually thought I was at the end WMM when I left that one), but I just had to tell you about how I couldn't stop laughing when Megumi began to tell the sales girl about Aoshi's "performance problem." You've got Megumi's wicked sense humor down to a tee!
kenshinobsession chapter 9 . 2/20/2004
hehe... i finally had da chance to read dis fic... i luved it! of course, i luv all yur fics, for yur style of writing is... dunno, words can't describe it... hehe... well, update Realizations soon! _x
Shimizu Hitomi chapter 9 . 10/29/2003
EHehehehehe. This one's definitely my fave of the trilogy. At least, so far. Who knows what I'll think once you finish it all? _ *HINT HINT*

I love evil Aoshi. LOL.
idura-chan chapter 9 . 10/18/2003
Hi ya! :)

Thanks for the great fic. I really think you're a great writer. Your story setting is unique too. I just love Aoshi/Megumi pairing and can't get enough reading fics on them. Yours will definitely be in my favorite fic list! :) The intimate scenes between the couple is so cute. Anyways, can't wait for the next installment. And keep on writing. :)
Tenshi chapter 9 . 9/25/2003
At last it's done. I've waited so long for it. It's really a nice story. Now, i can sleep right, hehehe. Good job. More Aoshi and Meg stories.
GyNeEz-PuNk-NaNaShI chapter 9 . 7/25/2003
Bravo Bravo! this was so cool!
Reignva chapter 9 . 7/22/2003
Hehehehehe, so Aoshi is capable of evil stuff...Mwahahahahahhahahahaha! I loved this chapter! And I love your stories! Hope you update soon!


LongwindedGirl chapter 9 . 7/15/2003
Heheheheh. Don't know if I left a review... I was trying to read this the one day I had internet access on vacation and it could have self-destructed.

I think it is nice to see Aoshi finally catch the Fox. In my opinion, the fact that he clearly knows how to bring out and master her passionate nature makes him absolutely perfect for her.

Oh yeah. I'm going to try to do the shrine finally... so if you have your den of Megumi/Aoshi shippers, please let them know about it! I need a good series of links to fics, other shrines (?), and images. thanks!
kongykun chapter 9 . 7/9/2003
i've been out. love how it ends, but at the same time sad that like all great it must come to an end. but glad to now you're writing a continuation story. wonderful. great. excellent.
Mimi chan25 chapter 9 . 7/6/2003
Wow! Another Aoshi/Megumi fic finished. You know Cherie Dee I really like this one. I didn’t know Aoshi can be sometimes so naughty….he!he!he! They are just so kawaii together.

I want more! More!

Maybe you would make a sequel? Would you? Maybe about someone in the navy wanted Megumi for his own. (and its not Aoshi)


Well I can’t decide that Cherie Dee will

Phew! I think I said to much…..
chessy chapter 1 . 7/6/2003
This was a very fiun story to read great job.
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