Author has written 21 stories for Song of the Lioness, Protector of the Small Quartet, Harry Potter, Old Kingdom/Abhorsen series, Immortals, Tamora Pierce, Wicked, Misc. Books, and Oz Series. Hey. Call me what you wish; I think Oboe's the name that's sticking. I am a band geek, and yes, I do play oboe. We're sorely underappreciated. Really. Go and hug an oboeist. Your day will be just that much brighter. You do know I'm kidding, right? What I like: knitting, Wicked, Doctor Who (red bicycle when you were twelve), Warehouse 13, NCIS, writing, reading, knitting, crochet (actually I'm a complete yarn addict and loving it), 60's music, musical theater in general, Rent, Doctor Who, hugs, Pirates of the Caribbean, Doctor Who, Shakespeare, writing, my computer, Latin, review replies, lots and lots of other things... I can and will quote at you, believe you me. What bothers me: cold showers, bad grammar, Will Turner, being sick, success complexes, bad moods, playing the "this is my first story so be nice" card. (It just doesn't make sense to me. Don't hate me if you've done this, please. It's only a pet peeve.) Books: Wicked and Son of a Witch, most of GM's books, Beauty, Sunshine, anything else by Robin McKinley, His Dark Materials, Narnia, the Old Kingdom trilogy, The Dark Is Rising sequence, Thornyhold by Mary Stewart, anything with King Arthur, Kerry Greenwood's Phryne Fisher mysteries, so much more. My newest hobby is surfing Etsy like a fiend. Try it. It's amazingly fun. Currently reading: Murder in the Dark, by Kerry Greenwood. If you think Elphie's hat is SCANDALACIOUS copy this to your page and spread the WICKED cheer! This is a shared account, but you probably can't tell, since I haven't written anything since...a long time ago. I am also a band geek, probably more so because of marching band. I play flute, mostly. Likes: flute, piano, clarinet, wicked, rent, pirates, old movies, movies in general, pie, pushing daisies, sushi, my dog, writing, reading, my camera, sharpies, probably some other stuff too... Dislikes: TWILIGHT!, bad music, history paper, pushing daisies being cancelled, being cold, meat, alarm clocks, annoying people, some other things... I'm tired now, so that's enough about me. You probably aren't reading this anyway, unless you are, and then that doesn't make any sense and just proves how tired I am. Bye! Happy New Year! |
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