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![]() Author has written 9 stories for Harry Potter, and Doctor Who. I'm The Winged Lion of Coruscant. In case you didn't realize. If you didn't realize, you probably have pretty serious problems, seeing as you clicked on that very name to get through to here, but hey, who am I to judge? ;D Oh, you wanted a real name? Too bad. You can call me Lion. Or Ditto. Or AQ. All of which I'm called in various corners of the Internet. ;D I'm a writer, aged fifteen, and a WriMo-er (that would be NaNoWriMo and other similar challenges (such as JanNoWriMo, which is pretty much the same thing, but in January): challenges to write fifty thousand words a month). I'm a Doctor Who freak fan (Wholigan). ;D That's pretty important. I also love Star Wars. I dabble in Star Trek (TOS, of course ;D), Harry Potter, and Kingdom Hearts. I use waaaaaaaaaay too many smilies. ;D And I’m Doctor-centric. Ohyes. /nodnod/ I love the Doctor. Seriously. And Obi-Wan. I love to read and write, but that’s pretty obvious, no? ;D I also love reviews. I'm pretty shameless about it, too ... ;D Hmm. I suppose I could straight-out list what I like right here in one giant, super comprehesive list, but that’d be boring, right? Much better to simply stick to the time honored method of even more boring individual lists. But hey. At least you can skip over them if you want to! Favorite Books: The Discworld books; Percy Jackson and the Olympians; the books by Walter Moër (a seriously underrated German author; he doesn’t have great plots, but they’re entertaining yarns, and they contain veritable symphonies of words (yes, I’m the type of kid who reads the dictionary for fun, so this is heaven for me)); Animal Farm; Artemis Fowl; P.G. Wodehouse's books; A Midsummer Night’s Dream (which isn’t technically a book – it’s a play – but I liked it as a book and I’m too lazy to make a plays section and I acted in it (I was Bottom! ;D), but it can’t go under movie, because most movie versions I’ve seen of it are terrible); Harry Potter; retellings of the Robin Hood Legend; 1984; Star Wars novelizations (particularly the Jedi Apprentice series and the X-Wing Series); the Odyssey; Candide. This isn’t all, but it’s a starter list. Favorite Movies: All six Star Wars movies; Indiana Jones; The Pink Panther (originals, duh ;D); Iron Man; TVM (I don't care that the Master was terrible and the plot cheesy, all I can think is a constant litany of "EightEightEightEightEight ..." ;D). I don’t watch many movies, as you can tell. ;D Favorite Authors: Tied for first are Terry Pratchett (who's an utter, absolute genius) and Steven Moffat (likewise); also Eoin Colfer; George Orwell; Aaron Allston. Favorite TV Shows: DOCTOR WHO. YES. And BBC Robin Hood (until Season 3 and Screecy and Preachy). Also Monk, which I watch with my sisters and grandma. ;D Favorite Video Games: Kingdom Hearts, Zoo Tycoon (I spend pretty much all my time creating lion families ;D), Age of Empires. Favorite Animés/Mangas: I went through a Death Note phase for a while, but nothing really right now. Favorite Actors/Actresses: Umm … I don’t know many actors or actresses, but most people in Hollywood fail epicly. And Brad Pitt has the most amazingly ugly chin (yes, my little sister and I have conversations about this ;D). But … David Tennant; John Simm; Peter Davison; Jon Pertwee; Roger Delgado; Anthony Ainley; Tom Baker; Patrick Troughton; Paul McGann; William Hartnell; Colin Baker; Sylvester McCoy; Christopher Eccleston; Freema Ageyman; John Barrowman; Alec Guiness; Peter Sellers. There. That’s it. ;D You can see I don't watch much besides Doctor Who. ;D Favorite Characters: Ah. My favorite section. The Doctor ((ALL OF THEM) /glomps and huggles and generally fangirls over/); the Master (he's just so awesomely insanely evil!); Obi-Wan Kenobi (/huggles to near-death/); Qui-Gon Jinn; Samuel Vimes; Lord Vetinari; Granny Weatherwax; Nanny Ogg; Rincewind; Clouseau; Robin Hood; Agent 86/Maxwell Smart (BUT NOT THE REMAKE, which was bad); Odysseus; Wedge Antilles; Ton Phanan; Garik "Face" Loran; Derek "Hobbie" Klivian; Wes Janson. ;D So, now that you’ve scrolled past that long block of pointless text, I suppose it’s time to write out pairs I ship/don’t ship. Favorite Ships! ;D : -MasterxDoctor (Master/Doctor). Particularly Simm!Master/Ten, Delegado!Master/Three, Ainley!Master/Five, WarChief!Master/Two, and Jacobi!Master/Eight (and I also have a secret soft spot for Cheetah!Ainley!Master/Seven ... yeah, basically any Master/Doctor pairing gives me squiggly feelings). They're just ... awesome together. Insane and brilliant and good and evil and INTELLIGENT. And cute. ;D -AnixObi (or what I refer to as “Ani-Wan”). This is my second favorite ship - and my first real slash ship, so it's special ;D. -SiriusxSeverus (“Severius”). Because Severus needs someone to be kind to him, and Sirius needs to learn to play nice. -LukexWedge ("Ledge"). I mean, honestly? Wedge follows Luke, Luke always stands by Wedge, they save each others' lives all the time, they're closer than a Hutt and its slime. Exactly. ;D -WesxHobbie ("Dynamic Duo Slash"). ;D They're funner than Fred and George /and/ they can be slashed without any implications! ;D -GinnyxLuna (Gina? Lunny? Loony? None of them sound right ... ;D). Luna's all cooky and funny and out of it, and Ginny's fiery and protective and bold. They complete each other. ;D Ships I Don’t Like :( : You can write these; I’m fine with it. I’m not going to go on an “OHMYFORCE HOW COULD YOU THIS IS SO DISGUSTING MY MIND IS SCARRED!!111!!oneoneone!!” rant against you if you do. Just don’t ask me to review, OK? Everybody has a right to write whatever they want; I have a right not to like it or read it. There are some very good fics with these pairings; it’s completely personal preference. ;D Having said this, I can now go on to name these ships as things I just don’t like: -DoctorxRose (Drose). Well, I'm actually OK with 9Drose, but otherwise ... Sorry, the Doctor's the Master's. Basically, Anyone-Who-Isn't-The-MasterxThe Doctor. ;D -ObixPadmé (I think this is called “Obidala”). No. Just no. I can’t see it. -QuixObi (“Obi-Gon”). In my mind, this is a strictly father-son relationship, and it just doesn’t work. -MaulxObi (Mobi). (Are you noticing a trend here? ;D) It's just ... "Murder my father figure and I shall love you forever?" Not really. -SeverusxHarry. I generally disaprove of chan relationships. Also, Snape? C'mon. He hates Harry's guts. Harry's ANNOYING. ;D -SiriusxRemus (SBRL). Remus isn't Snape. Fullstop. (Remus is nowhere /near/ as cool as Severus. Sirius and Remus are friends, but ... I think the "bad boy" streak in Sirius would leave him dissatisfied with Remus. ;D) Quotes!: "Your ability to talk people into wanting to kill you borders on some kind of Jedi thing, you know that?" "I don't have to blow up everything I see. I just like to." "Donos is about as warm, tender, and helpful as a methane ice comet." Wedge Antilles: We're all going to have to become geniuses. Voort saBinring: Is he hurt? "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff." "I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old, and I'm the man who's gonna save your lives and all six billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?" The Doctor: I like that, 'allons-y'. I should say allons-y more often. Look sharp, Rose Tyler, allons-y! And then it would be really brilliant if I met someone called Alonso, 'cause then I could say 'allons-y, Alonso' every time... (beat) You're staring at me. (After travelling to 1599) "You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up 'genocide'. You'll find a little picture of me there, and the caption'll read 'Over my dead body'." The Doctor: Don't play games with me. beat You just killed someone I liked and that is not a safe place to stand! The Vashta Nerada continue to spread I'm the Doctor and you're in the biggest Library in the universe. pauses Look me up. "Sweet, maybe... Passionate, I suppose... But don't ever mistake that for nice." The Doctor: And Utopia is...? (The Doctor has been poisoned with cyanide) So now I’m done. … Oh wait. No I’m not. I need to tell you what I write, first. ;D I write Doctor Who, Star Wars, and Harry Potter fics. Yep. Doctor Who: Mostly cracky, fluffy Master/Doctor oneshots. ;D Star Wars: I generally write Obi and Qui father-son-style bonding fics. And that’s most of what I read, too. ;D Because Obi is amazingly cute and stuff, and Qui is awesomesauce and stuff, and so it all works out, see? ;D I also do AnixObi fics, occasionally. ;D Harry Potter: Drarry or GinnyxLuna once in a while, but mostly overwhelming Severius fluff. ;D So, that’s it. ;D You can go now. Really. ;D ~Ditto |