![]() Author has written 3 stories for Love Hina, and Lucky Star. About Me: I'm a Fan Fic Reader and sometimes writer, Goofball Extraordinaire, Cartoon and Anime enthusiast, casual Video Game player, avid Music Listener, obsessive Internet (and forum) Lurker, Useless Fact connoisseur, but mostly an Uncultured Lout. Often introspective and sometimes waffy, I enjoy a good gut busting comedy as much as a well drawn out drama. I love to nitpick and sometimes pester with spelling, although I appreciate the favor being returned. =P Homepage: None, because I'm too lazy to keep updating, although once inspired I try (key word: try) to NOT go off on wild tangents while posting stuff on facebook or twitter. Favorite Anime/Manga: in no particular order - Love Hina, Evangelion, Oh! My Goddess, Angelic Layer, X/1999, Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle, Negima, Ranma 1/2, Rayearth, Ai Yori Aoshi, dot Hack, Scrapped Princess, Crest/Banner of the Stars, Onegai Teacher/Twins, Black Lagoon, The World God Only Knows, Mysterious Girlfriend X, Muv Luv Alternative, Umi no Misaki, Fate/Stay Night (all routes), Tsukihime, Sword Art Online (Light Novel Anime Manga... that is all). (Yes, I do realize my tastes are ALL over the place). Stuff on the backburner: I still haven't been able to find a reason to quit Final Fantasy XI (Lorenze on Odin server); I gave Tera a try out, while it was dead sexy and fun to play, it didn't keep my full attention as some friends said it would; Street Fighter x Tekken is very fun and challenging; I'll eventually need to borrow a PS2 and play some Ar Tonelico I & II, and then play Quoga; and why?, oh why do I want to re-play Katawa Shoujo all over again? oh yeah... Lily, dat dress! Current Stories: As like any other writer (or in my case, aspiring hack writer) I ask for patience, as the Muse can be a fickle lover and I studied maths and sciences, not arts and writing. A Plight of Fancy expect this project to be slower in between updates, as I have railroaded/strong-armed my Beta Reader/Editor to support me on this endeavor and be forewarned, also I will have to re-iterate that Real Life takes priority over Fan Fiction. Dreaming Out Loud is a very personal project, there is no official Beta Reader/Editor, so expect it to be a rough read. Apologies to My Readers: due to real life obligations (work, family and friends) and more than a little stress, I've been idling in my writing. Please be aware that I have not abandoned either story; it's just been very hard to make a enough time and have the right kind of inspiration to keep them going, while maintaining a minimum level of quality I expect from myself. Thanks again for your support! |