Author has written 24 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Pokémon, Star Fox, Calvin & Hobbes, Fairy Tales, Powerpuff Girls, Final Fantasy I-VI, Samurai Jack, My Little Pony, Fallout, Harry Potter, and Digimon. Obviously, I am a writer. Why else would I be here? I'm also an artist. Mostly I draw original characters of my own, but I do requests of established characters if asked. I'm cyber-vixen on Deviantart. Anyways, the biggest reason for changing my profile is so that I can say that I now take challenges for fics, given that they are in taste. My biggest criteria for this is that I only do one-shots like that. I only do video games, manga, cartoons and comics. Given that, I also have to be able to read or see it before I attempt to write a fic for it. If you do wish to make a request, send it to jasondragis@ |