Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Status: I'm currently sorting out my ideas for two stories (big HA there, as I'll never have the patience for both), but really, nothing will be coming soon. The muse is still recovering from the rigorous timeline work I had him do a month or so ago. Update: A Serpent's Tears has just been rightfully eaten by the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal. I hope no one was too attached to it, because I certainly wasn't. Feel free to send me complaints. Gender: Female School: University of Ottawa, Fourth Year Student Favourite Authors: More about me: I am a faithful HP writer; I don't think I'll ever write for anything else. I love reading fanfics, and occasionally the fanfiction bug will bite, but unless my muse is working full-time, I can't guarantee steady updates. And of course, reviews are always appreciated : ) Where I can be found: FictionPress: I have five things up so far; check them out. LiveJournal: I spend a lot of time here, and I'll post whenever I damn well feel like it. But mostly about RL and other random stuff, whether the 'random' concerns games, books, movies, the Internet, etc. Review Policy: I have enabled anonymous reviews, so drop one if you want (it makes me happy!). I will respond to reviews using the Reply tool, or an email if it's given in an anonymous review. I'm not a fan of taking up half a chapter discussing reviews, but if there's something you bring up that's important, I will address it in the following chapter. Works-in-Progress Cliché Chronicles: A collection of one-shots and ficlets in response to the many clichés fanon has spawned. Mary Sue Chronicles: A collection of one-shots and ficlets, each about a different type of Mary Sue and how they came to be. Two Stories that are in the Works: They will start trickling in by the summer of '10 (we can hope). ...and hopefully more to come!! |
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