Reviews for Trebaxus
xSyNyStErX chapter 10 . 8/30/2011
write a sequel to this!
JaneA0202 chapter 10 . 12/12/2010
what is with people and sad endings? this is probably 20th story with sad end I read this month.
caithzadz chapter 10 . 1/9/2010
loved it!
JonDosh chapter 10 . 10/2/2007
Short and sweet :)

Although this was well-written (with only a few spelling/grammatical errors), I really think you could have made this into a full-length story. Now, I don't mean 50 chapters, but I think you could have really shown Krista and Severus develop, showing their connection more in depth. Putting 10 months or so into 10 chapters... well you've shown that it's possible, but you really could have done a lot more with this story.

Anyhow, nice work

mslupin21 chapter 10 . 5/4/2007
Great stuuf :D Keep up the wonderful writing :D I really like this fic
angelaACID chapter 5 . 3/22/2007
awesomely awesome fic {two thumbs way up}
zanessa shipper chapter 10 . 12/17/2006
sad but sweet. oh, i wish they could be together FOREVER! Damn that stupid 'Defense-Against-the-Dark-Arts-teacher' curse! Really, really cool story!:)
elvesmagic010 chapter 1 . 10/10/2004
Hi there. Remember me? No? Well, anyway, I'm just letting you know that I've added your story to my C2 archive. It's basically an archive of my favorite Canon/OC characters that don't have any Mary Sues. Congrats!

Guest chapter 9 . 6/7/2004
I like this story, but there's one small problem...

Vampires can't use magic. o_o

They are non-wizard creatures. u_u

Other than that, I love it.
SaraBrittanySnape chapter 11 . 6/6/2004
I think it was fine but I would have liked it if she married Snape. It is a sad ending of how she left/ She reminded me of a teacher i had She'll never teach us again/ You are a great wrighter and if you could PLEASE make a sequal to this.
I forget chapter 10 . 4/18/2004
That's it?
No more?
No sequel?
Add another chapter, please. Or something.
Reader chapter 10 . 3/7/2004
You have to continue this, or write a sequel! This story is incredible and it deserves a sequel. Hopefully Waiting.
elvesmagic010 chapter 10 . 2/15/2004
An update! Happy days. I was very suprised to see one- I thought you had given up on us! *sniffle sniffle* But alas, I was wrong! Nicely done. I am waiting for the next chapter!
Xeno Night chapter 9 . 2/12/2004
That is a most excellent story Creepy_Thin_Girl. I havn't been into much Harry Potter lately so this was a refreshing thing to read. Thanks for posting it!
elvesmagic010 chapter 9 . 1/7/2004
thanks for clearing the mirror thing up. *smiles* Can't wait for an update. l8er.
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