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Author has written 26 stories for Naruto, Tsubasa Chronicle, X/1999, Supernatural, and Sherlock. Hello! How ya doin'? Let me just say, first, that I joined forever ago and a lot of my stories are really old (I am looking at you, Naruto fanfic). I have since lost most of my love of the fandoms I first wrote for, but I still have a love of writing. More than anything, I love writing for Supernatural these days. Though my stories collect dust every year, thanks a lot for reading them and leaving me reviews. I'm so pleased every time I read them! For people that are new to my page and my work, here is a disclaimer: I do not own any characters appearing in my stories (except for unimportant 'extras' or OCs) and I am not profiting from any of these stories. Stories written here may contain homosexual relationships, explicit sexual content, violence, rape, strong language, stupidity, alcohol/drug use, crack pairings, extreme OOCness and lack of adherence to cannon plot lines. Isn't that what you expect from fanfiction, though? :3 I do my best to label the pairings and warnings to all of my fics clearly so that I don't unintentionally offend anyone. Please forgive instances of horrible writing and ridiculousness. Again, Naruto fanfics, I'm looking at you. But, seriously, I (almost) never have betas and I edit everything myself, so that means there's probably gonna be some crap that gets past me. Also, back in the day, was totally shitty sometimes and messed up formatting for me. (Shame on you, .) Anyway, I write for my own pleasure, though you guys have prompted me to continue on many occasions. I just try to do the best I can for the moment when I write. Please forgive me!! ESPECIALLY if you go back and read my older stories. (Honestly, it's sort of hilarious that I don't even remember what a lot of those stories were about.) I would also like to mention that I can be found on AO3 and on livejournal as Athena_Ergane! I post practically the same stuff I post here at those websites, but, if you are ever curious, you are welcome to visit me there. As far as Supernatural goes, my favorite pairing is Dean/Castiel! I am very open-minded to other pairings, including Meg/Castiel, Sam/Ruby, Sam/Gabriel, and Dean/Sam, even if I don't write for them. I am in love with Cas. No, really. Baby angel, I love you. That means you'll see a lot of Cas fic here. I'm a rather huge Dean Girl too. :) Enough about me. Carry on! Read at your own discretion! Give me reviews and PMs if you feel so inclined! |
cutiechibi (24) | PsychicDreams (109) | shi-chan (70) |