![]() Author has written 6 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, and Zootopia. Hello All! I am but a humble 24 yr old, female writer who loves to write and read fan fictions about Sonic and Crew. I may post other stories about other video games or tv shows, but as of right now Sonic has my attention, and I am currently in the process of writing several stories. Please note: I have made the decision to not include Lemons into my stories. I have nothing against them, nor do I think I couldn't write them (because believe me I could) I have simply made a style choice to not include them in my stories. I like to focus on the character and relationships of the characters, and in some aspects a lemon can take away from the beautiful connection that people have by being with their lover. Now this does not mean I won't have sexual scenes or won't include hot and heavy dialog, or not let the characters have sex at all, I just simply won't describe the actual act. I hope this makes sense, and please feel free to PM if you have any questions :) I hope you enjoy my stories and leave constructive/fun reviews about them. I love hearing from my readers, because you guys inspire me and help make my stories great XD Happy reading and hope to hear from you soon! -NothingFancy Author Tidbits 05.20.2019 - For those of you interested, a little update on my current activities. I just started college for the first time in five years. The first time around was a super bummer and I didn't do so well. Now I feel ready and I have a goal to get my English degree. This is in part to the success I have had on this website, it's been a lot of fun to write stories and to have people enjoy them. I will be slower to update now, but I am still working on Let's Go Home and Team Dark's Rose whenever I have the opportunity. Thanks to all you loyal readers out there and I look forward to hearing from you! eam Dark World Facts: (A growing and changing list for my reader's reference :) ) Character Ages Amy: 20 (about to turn 21, birdday is Oct 6th) Cream: 14 (She was 12 when she left Team Rose) Sonic: 23 Shadow: Immortal (Mid-twenties physique) Rouge: 26 Knuckles: Immortal - believes himself to be 24, so the Master Emerald aged his body in line with Sonic's growth Tails: 16 G.U.N. Ranking System, Lowest to Highest G.U.N. Field Agents Field Agent - Amy Rose G.U.N. Management Companies Google -- Noogle Yelp -- Yerp TDR TidBits ~This story is based on the 'Two World' Theory. There is an Earth G.U.N. and a Mobian G.U.N. they are two completely different organizations and are not to be confused with each other. Earth G.U.N. was the one that created Shadow, and is were Eggman and his family are from. For the purposes of this story, the two worlds have the same flow of time. Technology wise, Mobius tends to be about 10 years ahead of Earth. ~ Amy wears a metal ring to prevent her quills from breaking their tie when they bristle. She can still do a powerful spin dash even with them up in a cute, fashionable 'quill'style XD ~ Shadow was upgraded from his classic Harley bike to a Arch KRGT-1 (2018/19 model), he still has his Harley though, and he enjoys working on it. The Arch is owned by G.U.N. but the Harley is his own. He uses the Arch for missions, and works on and rides the Harley on his free time. Stories I Beta for: Post Mortem -- WolfsLegend He didn't like those looks… the looks that told him everything. They were curious, judgmental, and somewhat confused. He saw them everywhere he went. Everywhere. They were curious and confused because he resembled the land's favored hero, the Hero of Time; they were judgmental because he looked like the hero overturned. No, he was not their beloved "Link." Far from it in fact. Scripted Romance -- Bitterkiss Amy Rose’s life has become one that is written out for her by someone else. Her battles and relationships are outlined in ink and her life revolves around the Boom TV show set. But when her heart gets caught between two male hedgehogs, she doesn’t have a playbook to rely on. Can she find the confidence to choose between old and new love? [Shadow, Amy] One Hundred Moments -- Laineybug04 These two hedgehogs weren't meant to be together. Everything was stacked against them from the beginning- from her love for another hedgehog to his obligations as an Agent of G.U.N. What does it take for two people to come together despite the odds? How many fleeting and harrowing moments before they can have their happily ever after? [Shadow, Amy] PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS ARTIST! She makes fanart and her own comic staarting from chapter 6 of Team Dark's Rose. Her username on tumblr is: mysuperlaserpiss Give her some LOVE!!!!! |