Disclaimer: 0MG!! T4 P1$(#41M4 1N #33T!!! 1 P0 N0T 0WN $0N1( 0R (R3W!! TH3 B3#0NG T0 $3G4!!

A/N: (sniffles) WAH! It's the last chapter!!

Metal Sonic: YAY! It's the last chapter! ... and what's with the leet?

Me: What the... who invited you?

Metal Sonic: I had to come... after all, who misses the last chapter of any fic? Even if the fic is really retarded... and it kills me off...

Me: Why you... (attempts to strangle him)

Metal Sonic: ... Robots don't breathe...

Me: Oh... I forgot...

(sigh) Enjoy the last chapter...

She wondered if he was looking for her.

She wondered if she was a fool for waiting.

She wondered… if she was a fool for still hoping.

'Maybe… that's all I really was,' thought Amy, putting her head in her arms as she drew her legs up. 'Just… a fool.'

A soft breath of wind blew up against her form, and she found herself looking up… wondering if that breath of wind was Sonic.

It wasn't.

She closed her eyes, feeling tears slide down her cheek. And yet… a small smile made it's way up to her face. She wondered why.

'It feels like… someone's coming for me.' The soft grass underneath her rustled slightly as she shifted a bit. 'Maybe I'm just dreaming again…'

More tears made it's way down her face. She felt the wind softly blow them away. It was like… Sonic's spirit was still there, and it was telling her not to cry.

But how could she?

She wanted Sonic to be here with her, even if it sounded so incredibly selfish. Even if it meant sacrificing herself, and all the pain Sonic went through to save her.

She just wanted to see him…

The pink form huddled against itself again.

"See, Sonic?" she whispered. "In the end… you finally escaped me."

He wondered why he was there.

Why had he followed her when no one was looking? Why did he feel so… compelled… to comfort the girl?

He didn't love her… No, he had decided that a long time ago. His mind was cold, calculating, even when it came to feelings.

And there were really only two emotions that he felt – love, and hate.

But what did he feel for the girl? It wasn't… love, to be exact.

No… what he felt was the same way he felt about Rouge... and for Maria, a long, long time ago.

Family love.

It confused his well organized mind that love could be split into compartments too. And it scared him slightly – though he would never admit it – that love wasn't something that he could organize in his mind. That it simply refused to be held down.

Shadow shook his head. He refused to let his emotions control him… for the only being that would ever control him was himself.

No one else.

Not even love.

He stepped out from the darkness that hid him.

She didn't look up when he sat down beside her.

If surprise was really ever there, Amy felt her other emotions engulf it hungrily.

Her tears had dried a while ago. She could feel the wind carry them away.

For a while, they didn't say anything.

"Why…?" Her voice was so quiet, that she herself could barely make out the words that formed on her lips.

Shadow stayed quiet, his gaze trained steadily forward.

"Back then… when the Eggman had me trapped by the Emeralds… why did you save me?"

The only show of surprise that Shadow let out was a faint twitch of his ears.

"Something told me to," he answered simply.

Amy was quiet for a second.

"Something told you to?" she repeated, voice faint.

Shadow's face was impassive. "The Faker… he was really desperate when he saw you caught in that trap," he said.

A pause.

"The look in his eyes," he continued. "It was one of pure terror. No uncertainty, no rashness… just pure terror that you were going to die."

Amy stayed silent.

"I think," Shadow went on. "That was the only time that I've ever seen someone so scared. I think… that only you would have the ability to make him feel that way."

Amy stood up slowly, and Shadow stood with her. She looked at him straight in the eye. "So… is he running away from me… because he's afraid of me?"

Shadow nodded. "Probably," he said.

Amy let her forehead rest on Shadow's shoulder.

Shadow just stood there… straight and still, his eyes looking over the top of her head.

Amy gave a sigh, but this time, it just sounded tired. "So he's afraid, huh?" she said, quietly.

Shadow felt his mouth move as the next words escaped him. "Well… everyone has to face their fear someday."

Amy looked up at him. "And why would he face me?"

Shadow shrugged, before walking past her. "Maybe it's because you're the only one that he'd ever shed tears for."

He knew it. He had known it all along.

He knew that he just couldn't… stay away from her. Not for long… not knowing that he'd never return.

He knew that he would go looking for her.

He didn't really know where to start. He just knew… that he had to run.

So Sonic ran.

Colours and shapes rushed past him, and there was nothing but the path lain out before him. Dust kicked up, and the wind blew it away.

He felt himself turn left, not really knowing why.

But that didn't really matter… knowing didn't really matter right now. He trusted the guide that had taken him around the world, even before now. And he trusted it still.

But then again… what would he do when he got there?

It was like standing in front of a fork in the road.

Stay… or go?

Sonic shook his head as he ran.

'Somehow… I think I'll know when I get there.'

The wind whistled in his ears… and he heard a voice.

"So… is he running away from me… because he's scared of me?"

He knew who it was right away. The same voice that had laughed the same, sweet way what felt like so long ago…

He stopped. A gust of wind blew the soft grass around him… and he realized that he was standing in a large, open field of grass, surrounded by a ring of trees.


A deep, masculine voice.

It was Shadow.

… and… Amy?

He turned around.

A pair of fiery red eyes gazed right into his.

Sonic felt his heart flutter in panic, and he dived behind the nearest object he saw.

His heart in his mouth, he pressed his back into the hard, rough bark of the tree he was hiding behind, ignoring the way it bit into his back.

"Well… everyone has to face their fear someday."

The words danced in his mind. It was as if… Shadow had said them, just for his ears. Not Amy's.

But he couldn't have seen him…

… Could he?

"And why would he face me?"

Sonic winced at the way Amy had said those words. It wasn't angry… or even sad. Just… hopeless.

Sonic clenched his fists. 'I'm so sorry… Amy…'

"Maybe… because you're the only one he'd ever shed tears for."

Sonic's eyes opened wide, and he dared a peek from behind the tree.

Shadow was gone… and Amy was left there alone.

Sonic suddenly felt a frown work it's way up to his face. "How could he just leave Amy alone there like that?" he whispered out loud, without knowing he did.


Sonic whipped around, and he was greeted by Shadow's back.

Sonic gave a start of surprise. "How…?"

Shadow turned his head to the side, but instead of looking at him, his eyes scanned the distance. "Are you just going to stand there asking questions?"

The blue hedgehog's face took a look of confusion. "What do you mean by that?" he asked.

Shadow turned from him, his black spikes glistening in the sun. "Don't just ask questions, Sonic," he said, before walking away. "Start answering them."

The shade of the surrounding trees welcomed him with open arms.

Sonic turned from where Shadow had disappeared, and then looked at Amy. Her face was downcast, sadness starting to swim through her form. The sunlight glinted behind her, casting long shadows around her. Her short quills brushed her cheeks, but she didn't bother tucking them back. She didn't bother pushing back her bangs either, like she just wanted to hide her face from the world.

She looked like a once blazing fire that had died down, leaving nothing behind but burnt ashes and scorched logs.

And suddenly, Sonic felt his heart lurch forward with yearning, and he walked quietly towards her.

She knew it was him, as soon as she heard his footfalls. He always had this strange way of walking… the steps were always a bit uneven, like he was too impatient to be traveling at such a slow pace.

She heard him call out to her. "Amy…"

She couldn't turn around though. She was afraid that it was an illusion… that she was simply going mad. After all… he had left her, without even saying goodbye.

She heard him call out again. "Amy…"

It sounded so real…

She felt a warm hand on her shoulder, and it gently turned her around.

Two green eyes clashed. Amy could feel herself shaking with unsurpassed emotion.

"S-Sonic…" she whispered, her voice quivering.

The cobalt hedgehog hesitantly put his hand on her head, and rubbed it slowly. She felt more tears fall down her face, even as she tried to hold them back in vain. Sonic frowned, and wiped them gently away. Amy caught his hand, and held it tightly, as if to make sure it was real.

"Hey, Ames. Don't cry." He gave a weak smile.

Suddenly, Amy threw his hand down. "'Don't cry?'" she shouted at him, her voice angry. She swallowed a lump in her throat, her shoulders starting to shake. "You leave…" she said, her voice faint. "… And that's all you have to say?"

Sonic looked down in shame. "I… I had – have to, Amy."

Amy grabbed his hand, suddenly afraid that he would run from her again. She didn't think that she could take another heartbreak. "'Have to?'"

Sonic tried to look away from her, but she forced his face to look at her with her other hand. "Tell me why," she demanded. She softened her tone when Sonic visibly flinched. "Please, Sonic. I want to help." Her voice held a hint of a plea in it.

Sonic shook his head furiously. "No, you can't," he said, his voice sounding very small.

Amy frowned. "Why?" she asked.

Sonic felt his tongue tie itself in his mouth for a moment. "Because…" he sighed. His eyes took on a faraway look. "Remember… when I asked you to promise me something?"

Amy cocked her head. "I promised you a lot of things, Sonic," she replied, a small smile on her face.

Sonic didn't return the smile. His eyes closed, as if watching a movie behind his eyelids. "Promise me that you'll let me protect you."

Amy looked down. "Well, I never did give you an answer, did I?"

Sonic opened his eyes. "No, you didn't," he said, his voice quiet.

"… Well, my answer… is no."

Sonic couldn't believe his ears for a moment.

"… No?" he repeated.

Amy gently placed a hand on his face. "Sonic," she said, gently. "How can I let you protect me if you won't let me protect you?"

Sonic's ears drooped. "Amy…" He shook his head again. "How am I supposed to protect you if you endanger yourself to protect me?" He scuffed his shoe against the grass. "Please, Amy…" He let the sentence trail off.

Amy gently grabbed onto his shoulders. "Then don't protect me," she said, her eyes searching his. Seeing how scared the look, how desperately to plead with her to understand… and how frustrated they were that she refused his words. "Just… stay with me… It's all I really want."

Sonic sighed, the pulled her into a tight hug. She felt so safe… and so happy, just to be able to hear his heart beat so steadily.

"The world isn't that simple," he whispered. He hugged her even tighter.

He felt Amy shift in his arms so that her head was looking over his shoulder. "Has if ever been?" she asked.

Sonic felt a smile tug at his lips. "No… I guess not."

Amy looked at him again. "Then stay."

Sonic swallowed as their eyes met again. He put his forehead on hers. "How can you make it sound so simple?" he asked her.

Amy let out a small smile. "You were a good teacher," she replied. She saw a smile wash over his lips. A small one, but it was there. And she was happy, for a moment, just to know that she had put it there.

Sonic suddenly felt a small fear pull at him. "But what if… he… I… hurt you?" he asked, his voiced hushed by fear.

Amy's smile disappeared as she thought about the nightmare that had haunted her, even when she was awake. She shuddered visibly, her heart suddenly racing, her breathing suddenly quick. 'Even the very thought of him makes me feel like this…'

And then, just as suddenly, she thought of Sonic. How he had saved her… how he had, quite literally, followed her into death… just to bring her back.

Sonic let Amy go. He knew it. He had seen the fear in her eyes. He started to turn, not letting the burning tears in his eyes fall. 'I knew it. I shouldn't have bothered her. I shouldn't have come back. I shouldn't have… I shouldn't have…'

He felt her grab his wrist. "Wait!" she pleaded. "Don't go!"

Sonic didn't turn to her. He tried to make his voice sound cold… his tone hard. "Why not? I obviously scare you that much."

Instead of letting him go like he had thought she would, her grip on him tightened even more.

"I know…" she said quietly. "It was stupid of me, wasn't it? You're probably more scared of him then any of us ever will be…"

Sonic felt his tense body calm a bit. "So?" he bit back, his voice bitter. "Does it really matter if I'm scared?" He winced quietly when the salty tang of tears reached his nose. "Does it ever matter if I'm scared?" His voice was quieter this time.

Amy shook away the tears. She had to be strong, strong for the two of them. "It matters to me," she said. She quickly let go of his wrist, and hugged him gently from behind, his quills soft as they cushioned her face.

He couldn't help it. He felt a few tears fall, and he felt them sliding down Amy's fingers as she brought them up to his neck. "I'm sorry, Amy." His voice held a small tremor. "I'm such a coward…"

He felt her shake his head, shifting his quills. "It's okay," she whispered. "Everyone's afraid of something."

"But…" Sonic felt the lump return to his throat. "I can't… be like everyone else. They depend on me. I can't be scared… of anything."

Amy's answer came quickly. "Isn't there someone that you can depend on?" she asked.

Sonic turned around in her arms, and their noses touched. Amy saw that his eyes were red from the tears. "Yeah," he said, nodding. "I can depend on you."

Amy nodded, a smile creeping up her face. "Who else?"

"Well…" His face went a little closer to Amy's. "There's Tails… and Cream… and Knuckles, Rouge… The Chaotix… Shadow…" His lips touched hers, for just a second, before he pulled away. "And did I say you already?"

The smile bloomed on her lips. "So… I guess that none of us can be scared of anything, hmm?"

Sonic was stunned for a second by how beautiful a single smile could be… and how he, of all beings, could cause it to happen. "Well… I…" he was at a loss of words.

Amy hugged him, saving him from having to say anything as he returned the embrace. "Please stay," she whispered.

Sonic took in the smell of her small form. "You're… not scared?"

Amy shook her head. "No… I'm scared. Terrified, in fact." She could feel his mouth turning down. "But…" She smiled even wider. "If you're here… then it's not so bad."

Sonic looked down at her, a genuine smile overcoming his features as well. How could a single girl's smile be so addicting? "Well…" He pulled her back to look at her. "I guess since you're here… it's not so bad for me either."

He lowered his head towards hers, and kissed her gently on the lips, before pulling away. Amy could feel her lips tingling from it, and she leaned in for another…

"Eww! They kissed!"

The pair was torn apart as something whizzed by them.

"Ewwy! My eyes! Oh Lord almighty, save my eyes!"

"Charmey, stop being such a drama queen…"

A chameleon emerged from the forest that surrounded them.

"Espio!" Sonic stared at him.

"You… were watching?" Amy asked, a blush starting to grace her cheeks.

"We all were!" said Charmey, suddenly quite cheerful.

"All?" The pair's smile suddenly froze on their faces.

"Aw man… Charmey, you blew our cover!"

One… two… six shapes followed Espio out of the forest.

"That was so cute!" squealed Cream, quite unlike her earlier, calmer self.

"C-Cream!" stuttered Amy. "Wh – What are you…?"

"It was revenge for catching Cream and I earlier… remember?" answered Tails, a smirk on his face.

Sonic looked confused, while Amy just turned even redder.

"Stop kidding around, Tails," said Rouge, her fur stark white against the dark shadows. It was rather surprising they didn't see her earlier. "We just needed to make sure that Mr. Coward over there didn't take off on us." She winked at them.

Knuckles rolled his shoulder. "Man… you guys can sure drag out a conversation. I'm so sore from sitting still for so long…"

"Yes, yes," said Rouge, rolling her eyes. "You're a man of little words, we all know that."

"What are you implying?" shouted Knuckles, his fists raised.

"Hmph," said Shadow, eyes closed.

Sonic turned to him. "Hey, Shadow!" he greeted, his old smirk starting to work it's way to his face. "Thanks a lot for the help!"

Many pairs of eyes were curiously turned to said hedgehog, but they were more or less ignored.

Shadow finally opened his eyes, before staring fully at Sonic. "Just take care of her, Faker." Then, with a small nod to them all, he ran off.

"Hey!" shouted Rouge. "Wait up!" She opened her wings, ready to take off. Then, she looked over her shoulder. "Take care!" she shouted to them. "Knowing you guys, I'll see you all soon!" She flew off. "You too, Knuckie!" She smiled at him and blew a kiss, before doing a small double take. Had he just smiled back…? 'Nah,' she thought, shaking her head.

The remaining people watched them take off. "Well, guys," said Vector, turning to the rest of them. "Me and my crew gotta go now. The paperwork would've piled by now."

"Not that you do any of them!" piped Charmey cheerfully, before flying away to avoid Vector's jaws. "Can't catch me!" he shouted, before whizzing away, the crocodile hot on his heels.

Espio sighed at their childishness, before giving Sonic, Amy, Tails, Cream, and Knuckles a small salute. "Just call if you ever need any help," he said, before running at a fast pace to keep up with the rest of the detectives.

Knuckles stretched his arms. "I guess I'm going too," he said, yawning.

"Leaving already?" asked Cream.

"Yeah… I left the Master Emerald for too long anyways," he replied.

"Hey… what did happen to the Emeralds after we left?" asked Sonic. He had completely forgotten about them in the light of these events.

"Ah, you know. The Chaos Emeralds scattered again, naturally. I brought the Master Emerald back to Angel Island a while ago. Tikal and Chaos are recovering there right now." As he said this, he had scampered up a tree, letting the wind catch his dreadlocks. "See ya!" he shouted, as the wind caught his dreads and whisked him off.

Sonic turned to Tails and Cream. "And you guys…?"

Tails shrugged. "I'm going back the workshop, I guess," he said. He gave Cream an inquiring look.

"I'll go with Tails!" she said cheerfully. "You two coming with us?"

Amy smiled at her, before looking at the horizon. "Nah… I want to stay out here for a moment," she replied.

"Okay!" the two said in unison. Before they left, Tails said over his shoulder, "You guys come whenever you feel like it, alright?"

Sonic nodded at them, before flashing a smile.

"Oh, and knock this time," Tails added, before spinning his twin tails and flying with Cream in tow.

Complete silence fell over the forest again.

"It's nice to have people you can call friends, isn't it?"

Sonic turned to Amy, before smiling at her. "Yeah, it is," he said with a wink. He pulled her into his arms before settling them both down under the shade of a tree, the bark suddenly much softer under his quills.

Amy snuggled into his chest. "You know… I'm glad I didn't give up on you," she said.

Sonic laughed playfully, poking the back of her head. "You were going to give up on me?" he asked, mock hurt laced in his voice.

Amy looked up with a fake pout. "Hey, you're really stubborn, you know that?"

Sonic looked down at her, a smile dancing on his lips. "Well then, I'm glad that you're stubborn enough to not give up on me, then." He was rewarded with a light slap on his arm.

Amy gave a happy sigh, before giving him a small peck on the lips and snuggling deeper into his arms. Her breathing was slowing, becoming more even as her chest rose and fell to the beating of his heart. "I love you… you know that?"

Sonic smiled, peaceful. "I know… I love you too."

Soon, she had fallen asleep in his arms, leaving him to study to peaceful greenery around him.

'It really isn't that bad…' he thought to himself, a yawn escaping him. 'I guess… I'm still scared. But…' he looked down at the sleeping figure in his arms. 'It really isn't quite as bad with Amy in my arms.'

He shifted slightly, making Amy wriggle uncomfortably as his warm arms escaped from her.

He wrapped them around her form again. 'It really isn't that bad…' he repeated to himself. 'I'm at peace, and I'm happy.' He felt his eyelids droop a bit.

'But what about… him?' He felt his conscious ask himself.

Sonic felt his half clouded mind suddenly clear as this thought entered his head.

'No…' He settled down again. 'I don't need to think about him. After all… when my friends are around… when Amy's around… he never entered my thoughts once.'

His eyelids started to close again.

'Are you… sure?'

Sonic felt himself frown. 'Of course I'm not sure… but I don't need to think about that now. If Amy's happy… then I'm happy.'

'What if he… you know… hurts her?'

Sonic tightened his arms around Amy unconsciously as his mind was slowly engulfed by darkness. 'Then I won't let him.'

He felt the voice in his mind laugh slightly. 'Always the simple one…'

A smile appeared on Sonic's face as he breathed in deeply, letting his anxieties and worries lose themselves to sleep.

'It's really not that bad… not with Amy by my side…'

And, as if she could hear his thoughts, Amy smiled in her sleep as well.

A/N: (sigh) It's finally done... It was nearly a year ago that I started this. It's funny to look back at my older chapters and laugh at the way my writing matured...

Metal Sonic: Can't say much about your personality, though...

Me: ... Well, ignoring him... I also know that there's a dozen ways that I can fix this fic up, so I might pull this down some day to fix it up...

Metal Sonic: Yeah, like how you accidently wrote "he" instead of "she" in some parts...

Me: Yeah... there's... Hey!

Metal Sonic: And you really gotta fix your earlier chapters. They're like... crap...

Me: ...

Metal Sonic: Oh, and there's some really, really, cheesy/corny parts you can fix too...


Metal Sonic: Oh, and did I mention the...

Me: Don't make me kill you twice.

Metal Sonic: Yes, azngirlchibi-sama...

Me: That's what I thought! Well, to everyone else, I'll be hanging around. You know... reading fics, helping people, whatever. Just call if you need help... Just, not during exam times, okay? Or I'll probably scream from all the pressure. Or blow up. My mom's gonna have a fit if I blow up during exam times... which is around January, btw. Keep an eye out for any of my future fics (which either be up after the exam madness, or during holidays), and PM me if any awesome fics turn up!

Thank You's, Thank You's, Thank You's!:

(ahem) I want to thank all the people who stuck with me right from the beginning, or close enough to it. Thanks to the ones who reviewed (of course, heh heh...), and... I guess the ones who just read without ever saying anything gets a few thank you's as well (hmph. Nah, just kidding. You guys are great too). Thanks to the ones who kicked my lazy butt into shape, and thanks to the people who wrote their own fics that inspired me to keep writing! THANK YOU ALL!!!

See you guys around, k?

Anonymous Reviewers:

Samantha27: One SonAmy, coming up soon to a fanfiction site near you. Don't worry, I'll probably center most of my fics around SonAmy. See ya!

hamhamhaha: Oh? You should make an account... it's so much easier for me to answer people that way. But meh, I was too lazy at first too, so I really can't say anything LOL. Thanks for reading!

Mei Fire: Noo! Don't die on me! OMGOMGOMG!! (panics and faints along Mei Fire). Heh heh... thanks for reading!

