The Oxymoron
A Sonic the Hedgehog Fanfiction
Written by KazunaPikachu
A/N: Thank you for the reviews! I really appreciate the support :D I hope this last chapter is to your satisfaction!
PS: I have never actually seen or read the book/movie Breaking Dawn. No offence to Twilight fans, but I personally dislike the whole plot of the saga. I've only included it because Amy would have most likely loved the series, and any apparent knowledge I have of Breaking Dawn was simply due to a quick and reluctant google search. Have a pleasant day :D
PSS: I'm drawing a doujinshi/comic of this fanfiction. If you'd like to read it, go to deviantart and just type in the title, along with the words shadamy comic.
In this final chapter of The Oxymoron: Amy Rose, confused, bewildered and apprehensive, tries to convince Shadow that he was not in love with her and vice versa. However, Shadow being as he is, knows how to counter every argument she had against them – and prove that in all actuality, they were the perfect oxymoron.
"I swear, Sonic, it's not like that! I don't feel that way about him at all!"
Sonic's lime-green stare bore into her soul, accusing and suspicious.
Amy continued to rant, trying to defend herself but knowing that it was useless. "I don't like him like that! He's just – He's just a good friend, that's all! Don't misunderstand! I love you, Sonic! I don't love Shadow!"
She stopped her pacing to stare up at the giant portrait she had of Sonic; she held her hands together as if in prayer, gazing up at him with pleading eyes. "Please trust me, Sonic!"
But even though the Sonic in the picture was smiling his trademark grin – and although his eyes were bright with life and he held up his hand in a thumbs-up – to Amy Rose, he was still looking at her with such sad eyes that she felt guilt tearing at her heart.
Because she knew it – and therefore the Sonic on her wall knew it – that she… that she…
"NO!" she screeched, not allowing herself to finish that thought. She grabbed her quills in frustration, grinding her teeth together. "This is ridiculous! This is Shadow that I'm thinking about! The gloomy, depressed, violence-loving, gun-using, thieving little bad boy! He's the complete opposite of Sonic! I can't like him!"
But he'd shown her a different side the other day, hadn't he? He'd shown her that he was considerate, that he paid attention to her, that she was worth planning the perfect date for.
And it really was perfect – it was as if he'd known her his entire life; he knew her wants and desires, what she hated and what she disliked – it was both flattering and creepy.
Amy recommenced pacing in her room, swinging her arms defiantly as a war raged on in her head and in her heart. Then, abruptly, she grinded to a halt and she whipped her head around to stare at Sonic's portrait. "That's it!" she said, cracking a rather unhinged smile. "I just need to prove that I don't like him – and vice versa! I'll show him who I really am – with Shadow's impatience, he won't be able to stand me! And I won't be able to stand him being so irritated! Then we'll – he'll realize that we're not fit together!"
She placed her hands on her hips and declared, "It's genius! Then you'll see, Sonic! You're the only one for me – the only one." Her eyes became rather shadowed then, a little sad and heavy. "Because even though you push me away all the time… even though you keep running away from me… you're still willing to let me stay by your side. You've never blown up at me or told me to leave you alone – like, to really leave you alone – when a normal person would have already, ages ago. So it has to mean something, right? You must like me, somewhere deep down. So I'll keep liking you, I'll stay faithful to you… Because that's what I owe you, Sonic. I owe you everything."
And she wouldn't dare hurt him, the hero of her dreams and her heart. She wants to love him solely forever, just in case that day might come – if he ever realized that he may like her back. She'd stay by his side, because if she did, he wouldn't have to worry or be hurt.
He didn't have to worry about finding someone to love.
For all the times he'd saved her, Amy wanted to pay him back. And she could – by simply waiting.
"Yosh!" she huffed, pumping her fist into the air. "Then let's do it!" She smiled evilly at nothing in particular. "Watch out, Shadow. You're really in for it now!"
"Why, hello, Rose."
Amy plastered on a wide, fake grin. "Hiya, Shadow!"
The dark hedgehog in question quirked an eyebrow, staring at the pink furry with apparent confusion – how in the blazes did she find out where he lived? But on another matter, he was absolutely certain that she would've fought tooth and nail not to see him again, especially with how she reacted the other day; so her turning up on his front doorstep rather stunted his character profile of her.
"Say, Shadow, if you're free, why don't we go out together today?" she asked, still smiling brightly.
And her asking him out on another date – of her own free will – further spat and laughed at how he perceived her character.
What. The. Hell?
He narrowed his eyes, obviously and rightfully suspicious. He crossed his arms and didn't move away from his doorframe. "What are you planning, Rose?" He didn't like the look in her eyes.
The plastic grin never left her face for even a moment, which was beginning to annoy him. "Nothing! I would just love to spend more time with you, Shadow! I mean, I enjoyed myself so much last time! I wanted to hang out with you again!"
Shadow could feel himself starting to sneer.
There was one thing we had to get straight about Shadow: he did like Amy Rose – he really, really did – and he did want to spend more time with her. In fact, the only reason why he hadn't knocked on her door himself was because he was considerate enough to give her some space before he asked her out again. But with the way she was acting right now – the fake smile, the falsely affection eyes, the high-pitched, purposely squeaky voice – Shadow was not appreciating being in her company at all.
So he simply glared at her and asked coldly, "Why?"
Amy, being who she was, detected his resentment and decided to down-play her act a little. After all, if she wanted her plan to work, she had to at least get him out of his apartment block. Her eerie grin faded into a hesitant, shy smile. She looked down and said softly, "Before I left the other time… you asked me a question. Do you remember what it was, Shadow? It was… was whether or not you…" She gulped. "Whether or not you loved me. I said you didn't." She then glanced at him from beneath her lashes. "The truth is… I think I was lying. I think that I – at least – do kind of… like… you. So I wanted to try it again. To make sure." She bit her bottom lip. "Please?"
And how could Shadow resist such a face? How could he turn away such pleading, beautiful eyes? How could he do such things, when her coy bashfulness was making him blush and his palms to go slightly sweaty? His eyes widened slightly and he turned away, not trusting himself to gaze at her without wanting to hold her in the same breath. "F-Fine," he said, forcing his voice to be gruff. "I'll go out with you."
And while he wasn't looking, Amy turned her head away and discreetly poked out her tongue, the timidity disappearing within a blink.
That's not to say, however, that her own words did not strike something true in her heart. She simply ignored the aching echo that proved the sincerity of her words.
Plastering on her fake grin, Amy said happily, "Great! Thank you so much, Shadow!" She grabbed his hand and began dragging him away from his apartment. "Today's going to be great, I know it!"
"W-Wait, you don't want me to put on some clothes or something?" For some reason, that sounded rather odd.
"Nah, you're fine without them." That sounded rather odd too.
She noticed and blushed slightly, refusing to meet the sudden smirk on his face. "Pervert."
Shadow shrugged and continued to smirk, letting her drag him along by the hand.
Part A of Amy's I'm-Gonna-Make-Shadow-Hate-Me Plan involved the following: to become her true inner-child in order to repulse Shadow's more mature, no-nonsense character.
"Shaaaaadow," Amy chimed, racing around the park. "Catch me if you can!"
Shadow didn't know what he was expecting but an afternoon picnic at the park wasn't it. He was carrying a basket that she'd brought along and he watched as she laughed and ran in circles around the children's park. There was a small playground in the centre, while around it was just a span of plain green grass with the occasional age-old tree.
"Hey Shadow!" she exclaimed, materializing from behind him. "Tag, you're it!" Then she shoved him with a little more force than what was necessary and he stumbled forward, almost dropping the picnic basket. Then she giggled madly and ran away, leaving him befuddled and slightly annoyed.
What was she doing? She was acting like a child.
And the thing was, Amy didn't need to act.
"Hey Shadow, hey Shadow, hey Shadow, hey Shadow, hey Shadow." She appeared before him again when he didn't give chase. "Don't you know how to play tag?"
Shadow frowned. "Actually, I –"
"Never mind!" Amy interrupted cheerfully. "I'm hungry anyway! We can play tag later!" She eagerly grabbed the basket away from him and took out the picnic mat. She spread out the square piece of cloth on the soft green grass and promptly sat on it, taking out the food she'd prepared. She hummed to herself as she did so.
Shadow joined her, staring at her with blank curiosity. "Wanna play a game, Shadow?" Amy asked as she was unpacking their lunch.
"Not particularly."
"We're gonna play anyway! Let's play I Spy!"
"I loathe that game. I loathe all games." If he was trying to sound like an unlovable grouch, he was succeeding with flying colours.
Amy pouted. "Oh, come on, Shadow! Fine! If you don't want to play a game, why don't we sing?"
Shadow's eyebrow twitched. "Sing?"
"London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down; Oh, the London Bridge is falling down, My Fair Lady," Amy sang, giggling. "Itsy bitsy spider climbed up a water spout; down came the rain and washed the spider out; out came the sun shine and dried up all the rain; itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again."
"Those aren't songs," Shadow pointed out rather bluntly before she could start another one. "They're nursery rhymes."
"But you sing them, right? Therefore, they're songs!" Before she could argue with Shadow further, she spotted an ice-cream cart making its way around the park. "Oh! Oh! Shadow, look! Ice-cream!" She forgot about her pre-packed food and stood up, dashing towards the ice-cream cart. Shadow sighed beneath his breath and followed after her, standing behind the pink furry as she ordered her ice-cream from the ice-cream man. "One strawberry cone, please!" she said brightly. She turned her head towards Shadow. "What about you?"
"I don't like sweets," he stated, staring at the ice-cream man; he was wearing a striped blue and white uniform with an oddly deformed hat.
"Oh, don't be silly!" Amy peered at him closely before saying loudly, "He'll have a peppermint cone, please!"
Shadow glanced sharply at her, "But I don't…"
It was too late. The ice-cream man had already given her two ice-cream cones and she shoved the green one into his hands. "Come on, Shadow. You'll never know if you like it unless you try!" she said with a grin. The ice-cream man pulled his cart away, ringing his bell as he called out for anyone else who wanted to purchase the chilly treat.
"Rose, really, I don't eat ice-cream," Shadow said, frowning.
Amy mimicked his frown and said, "Who doesn't like ice-cream? Just try it, will you?" She began to lick her own pink treat, smiling happily as she did so. "Yum!" She was so engrossed with eating her sweet, delectable treat that she didn't notice how Shadow watched her with a gaze that differed from his usual stone-hard stare. However, she did notice how he wasn't eating his peppermint cone and an idea popped in her head. "Try my strawberry then," she said a little mischievously as she held out her cone to his face.
As he opened his mouth to bluntly decline, Amy shoved her ice-cream cone into his mouth. She laughed hysterically, stole his peppermint one and dashed off with it.
Shadow stood there, the cone sliding off his face and leaving a pink, sticky mess in its wake. He wiped his face with his hand and glared at Amy's fleeing, laughing figure.
Before the pink hedgehog knew it, someone had tackled her from behind and she gave a surprised yelp as she was thrown to the ground. She landed with a thud on her back but somehow managed to keep the peppermint ice-cream from falling off its cone as she held it above her head. "Shadow! What do you think you're doing?"
He was on top of her, lifting his own weight by the hands that lay on either side of her head. He smirked down at her, licking the remanets of strawberry ice-cream from his face. "Maybe I was wrong – I do like strawberry ice-cream." Then he leaned down and licked some of the peppermint ice-cream that she was holding. "This one's not that bad either."
With her beneath him, and with him eating from the cone that she was holding, Amy couldn't help the blush that stained both her cheeks. "S-Shadow?" she squeaked.
Then he leaned further down and whispered into her ear, "Tag, Rose. You're it."
As fast as he had jumped on top of her, he was on his own two feet again and running away. Shocked, all Amy could do was sit up, staring at the smirking face of one dark hedgehog as he turned around to beckon her towards him. "Don't you know how to play tag?" he called out, infuriatingly teasing.
Amy blinked and the peppermint ice-cream fell off its cone.
He was enjoying himself – this was definitely not going according to plan.
But at the time, she didn't really mind it – after all, as she grinned and stood up to chase him, she was rather enjoying herself too.
After their little episode at the park and after eating her lunch with Shadow, Amy remembered her original goal. She began to kick herself mentally for forgetting.
But now was the time to execute Part B: to reveal her truly romantic side to utterly disgust Shadow's natural apathy to anything emotionally-based.
"It's movie time, Shadow!" she said with a smile. "Since you're not Sonic, I'm sure you'd appreciate the movie I picked out!"
Shadow, for some reason, felt goose-bumps rise on his arms. His hedgehog instincts were alerting him to something but he didn't know what. So he let her drag him somewhere else again, ignoring the odd warning bells ringing at the back of his mind. They entered a department store and walked to the cinemas. When Amy purchased two tickets from the ticket booth, Shadow finally understood why his inner instincts were going beserk.
Amy had just bought two tickets for the movie 'Breaking Dawn.'
Shoot. Him. Now.
"Isn't this great, Shadow?" Amy squealed. "I absolutely love this series! Sonic wasn't a big Twilight fan but I'm sure someone as truly sentimental as you are would appreciate the romance of it!"
Shadow's expression showed it all: he'd rather stab his own hand with a blunt knife a thousand times over – or perhaps even jump off a cliff – than see anything related to the dreaded Twilight saga.
Seeing it, Amy couldn't help but giggle.
This one will work for sure.
"Aw, I knew you'd like it," she gushed, pulling him towards the theatre. "Let's go! It starts in ten minutes!" She could literally feel Shadow digging his heels into the carpeted flooring of the cinema complex. She hid a bemused and slightly sadistic smile.
This was probably one thing Shadow and Sonic had in common: they both despised 'chick flicks' – especially Twilight.
And she was about to put him through two hours and fifteen minutes of it.
If this didn't prove how much she loved him then nothing did.
"Oh my goodness!" Amy exclaimed, after watching the whole thing. "That was so… so… so intense! I have to admit though, the whole thing with Bella giving birth to Renesmee was gory! But oh em gee, do you see something happening between Nessie and Jacob? Eeek! I'm not sure what to think of that!"
Shadow listened to her post-movie rant with deaf ears, still trying to recover from his horrific experience. During the movie, he'd tried – so very hard – to block out everything that he heard and saw, but every time he opened his eyes when he thought it was safe (against his better judgement) he felt like gouging them out not a minute later. And the dialogue…
It was, simply put, nothing a man should ever have to live through.
All the while, Amy, oblivious to his mental scarring, continued to talk pleasantly, "I mean, with the age difference between Nessie and Jacob, it's kind of gross, don't you think? And I don't care if she's maturing faster or whatnot! Plus, Jacob loved Bella! Isn't it weird if he loved her daughter too? It's kind of like paedophilia, isn't it?"
She glanced slyly at him, knowing that he wasn't listening to her. She grinned secretly – she loved the movie, she really did, and with the way Shadow was acting, she wouldn't be surprised if he hated her already without implementing Part C of her plan.
Which, by the way, was thus: to act as she did with Sonic – all clingy and straightforward and love-professing – because surely, surely, Shadow could not tolerate such openness like Sonic has.
Because she was a creature of love – and Shadow, he surely was not.
"Oh, Shadow!" she grinned, jumping on him and winding her arms around his neck in a tight, air-locking hug. "You're so cute! You know what? I think I really do love you!"
Immediately after her declaration – her lie? – Shadow stiffened and stopped walking. He turned towards her, eyes suddenly serious and attentive, and he said, "What did you say?"
Amy ignored the exhilarating throb in her chest at the sight of his crimson gaze. She smiled brightly. "I think I wanna marry you, Shadow!" She hugged him closer, squeezing the life out of him. "We're going to be together forever and ever! How does that sound? Me, Amy Rose, being your wife! And you, Shadow the Hedgehog, my husband! I can picture our thirteen children now!" She didn't loosen her hold on him, didn't let go of his stiff body. "I love you!"
He didn't respond and Amy finally let go of him. She couldn't look at him in the eye as she spun around and lifted her hands into the air. "Shadow the Hedgehog, my boyfriend!" she shouted, earning a few weird looks from the people who walked by them on the street path. "If I have to, I'm going to chase him all over the world! And nothing's going to stop me or get in my way!" She spun around again and, still not looking at him, launched herself at his chest, encircling his body with her arms. "Because he's my one true love – definitely and truly!"
And then they were enveloped in an uncomfortable, dark kind of silence as her last words were swept away by the cool, evening breeze. Amy squeezed her eyes shut, wondering if her heart was beating fast because she was waiting for the inevitable rejection by Shadow, or if it was beating fast because of something else entirely.
Then, finally, she felt Shadow's hands on her shoulders, and he pushed her back. She couldn't help but look up then – like it was some sort of silent, instinctual compulsion – and she could feel her heart stop once she set eyes on Shadow's gaze. It was angry, furious, annoyed, irritated… but also sad, soft and tender. He placed his forehead on hers, never shifting his eyes away and forcing her to do the same. "I love you too, Amy Rose…" he whispered quietly. "Even when you lie."
Her breath hitched in her throat and she suddenly shoved him harshly away. "What's wrong with you?" she snapped, all pretence gone in the blink of an eye, the staggering beat of a hurting heart. "You've got it all wrong, Shadow! Can't you get the hints? You don't love me! I don't love you! It's physically and virtually impossible! We're not compatible, we're not meant to be! How come I'm the only one who can see that?" she screeched. "Just leave me alone!"
And she dashed off again, just like she did earlier in the day when they were playing tag. But this time, her heart wasn't light with childish concerns; it was heavy, anchor-like, and she fled with tears of sadness and frustration in her eyes.
But unlike last time – unlike the last time they confronted their feelings – Shadow didn't just let her run away. He followed her, yes, but only until she ran to a quieter place with less leering eyes: her apartment. She threw her door open but before she could slam it shut, Shadow quickly shot out a hand and stopped her.
Amy, seeing his intrusion, glared defiantly and shouted, "Get out! You're not welcome here! What are you doing? I'll call the police!"
But her threats fell on idle ears. Shadow entered her apartment, locked the door behind him and advanced her, even as she backtracked into her living room, passing one of her cushioned recliner chairs. She tried desperately to keep the distance between them from shrinking. Knowing that there was a table behind her, Amy carefully moved around it and walked further backwards. However, there was limited space in her living room and the back of her knees hit her couch. She stumbled slightly but she didn't fall.
"Get back!" she growled, even with tears in her eyes. "I said get back, Shadow!" When he continued to walk towards her, she couldn't take it anymore. She summoned her Piko Piko Hammer from hammerspace, closed her eyes tightly and screamed, "Get away from me!"
She swung her hammer with all the force she could muster. Shadow was quick, though. He would have been able to dodge her attack – so it was a surprise to her when she felt her hammer connect with something. She heard a THWUMP and she sharply opened her eyes to see Shadow strewn across the floor, face down.
Immediately, panic gripped her and her anger and confusion and frustration evaporated within an instant. Her hammer disappeared and she yelled out, "Shadow!" She ran towards him and fell to her knees, turning him over. "Shadow! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to actually hit –"
From the floor, Shadow poked out his tongue at her, lifting up the pillow he'd picked up from her single recliner chair and used as an impact softener. "Shoot me now – you actually do care."
Amy's look was fit for murder. "You – You… You're UNBELIEVABLE!"
"No, actually, I'm not." He sat up and grabbed Amy's cheek before she could pull away from him. The playfulness was gone from his expression and he asked seriously, "I love you, Rose. Why can't you believe that?"
Amy slapped his hand away – it was now obvious to her that she had to outright shout the reasons into his face; otherwise, he would never get it. "We're too different!" she declared defiantly, not wavering her gaze from his. She began to list things off with her fingers. "Because of that, you can't like me! I'm too childish! And I'm too naïve! I laugh at the simplest things and I smile for absolutely no reason at all! I'm a romantic! I love soapy dramas and tear-inducing movies! I cry too much, I feel too much, I can be violent, aggressive and mean! I'm loud and I'm annoying! I'm headstrong and hardly ever think my actions through! I'm clingy and desperate and pathetic and needy – who would ever want to love someone like me?"
She stabbed him in the chest with a finger, not realizing that she was crying. "And you! You're Shadow the Hedgehog! You're apathetic and you're quiet! All you ever really say is 'hmph'! You're arrogant and too self-confident, and you don't care for sentimentality at all! You kill people and you're too serious! You never want to play any games, you don't laugh, you're just too dark! You're tragedy personified, because everything you've been through is just so sad! Because deep down, I know you have a kind and caring heart, but I know you can't show it. You can't open your heart to anybody because I know you're scared of losing them – like you lost Maria! If I lost Sonic – if he died – I know I wouldn't want to love again. I wouldn't have any love inside me left, because he would've taken it all with him!"
And she wailed, because inside her there was an explosion of pity - she felt sorry for him and for herself.
For the girl who loved but was unloved.
For the boy who lost and didn't want to find.
But despite this, there was a paradox, created on that night a couple of weeks ago:
When suddenly the girl was loved.
When suddenly the boy had found what he had lost.
And even though Amy wasn't aware of the existence of such a paradox, Shadow was.
Amy sobbed into her hands; Shadow gently yet firmly pried them away from her face. "Rose, look at me." But she wouldn't, because her heart was aching so bad. So Shadow reached out and grabbed her face in both his gloved hands, forcing her to face him. Yet even then, she kept her eyes squeezed shut. "Rose."
The pink hedgehog hiccupped.
Finally, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at him.
"Listen to me, and listen to me well. I'm not going to repeat myself. It's true that you are childish and I'm not one for games." His previously hard gaze softened slightly. "But I love your innocence, Amy. You remind me of things that I have long forgotten and your smiles remind me again and again of why I didn't want to destroy this world. The happiness you find in the little things… it soothes me, Amy – it eases the nightmares in my mind. It makes me forget how tainted my hands really are; I crave your innocence, because in it, I forget that I'm a monster."
He stroked her cheek, wiping away her tears with a thumb. "You love romance and you can appreciate the sentimentality of things. To me, romance is too much effort, and I'd rather look at things as they are without concerning myself with messy things like emotions. But it's who you are, Amy. You love life. And your craving for such a thing is refreshing to someone as dead inside as me."
He kissed her cheek, tenderly nursing the bruises in her heart. "And you love too much, when I couldn't find myself to love at all. But you have such an abundance of it, Amy. You have such an abundance of love – surely you're the only one who can supply enough for two." He leaned forward and murmured against her lips, "Give your love to me, and I promise… that I shall return it tenfold."
He captured her lips hungrily, almost pleadingly, almost as desperate for this as Amy's own heart was - if not more.
He was a walking tragedy.
And Amy began to understand why she fell for him. It was because he needed her, because he wanted her, because he loved her. Before, she had been scared, because she'd never had somebody look at her with such tender, sincere eyes. She'd run away because she knew all too well how to love – she'd never just been loved, and something so new, so alien, frightened her.
And she was a walking source of life.
'But what about Sonic?' some inner part of her raged. 'You love Sonic, don't you? Then why are you giving your heart to someone else?'
Because loving Sonic wasn't enough. Because just loving someone didn't fill the hollowness of someone's heart.
She needed more. She needed someone like Shadow.
Shadow, who was like her in more ways that she could ever imagine. Shadow, who enjoyed slow dances and fancy restaurants. Shadow, who understood her completely from a single night, when Sonic couldn't in all the years he'd known her.
They broke the kiss and Amy immediately embraced him, crying tears into his chest. For once, she had nothing to say and Shadow was fine with that, because he knew her thoughts like they were his own.
After all, did she not wear her heart on her sleeve for all the world to see?
Then she looked up at him, smiling a smile that could rival the sun despite the tears that leaked down her eyes. "Shadow, I think I'm falling in love with you."
And unlike last time, these words were not forced. They echoed with a sincerity that warmed both their hearts.
Shadow stared down at her impassively. "Sorry, but I can't say the same." When her eyes widened, Shadow took advantage of her confusion and kissed her. After a breathless minute, he pulled back and smirked. "Because I know you already have."
Amy blinked and grinned lopsidedly. "Cocky ass." Then she leaned up and whispered into his ear, "Let's not forget… who said 'I love you' sincerely first, hmm? So don't act all smug with me."
And she laughed while he grimaced, narrowing his eyes at her teasing.
But it was okay, because even though she was smiling and he was frowning, they were perfect for each other anyway.
Her unbreakable fragility; his apathetic passion – their relationship a pleasant maelstrom.
Despite their differences and their opposites, they made perfect sense, so much so that their only choice was to love each other freely. That was the silent cry of their hearts, the patient demand of their souls.
Their broken completeness, their healed wounds –
Their tragic love comedy.
"Speaking of which," Shadow absently muttered, lips twitching. "Do you know why I let you drag me into that damnable movie theatre? Why I keep forcing myself to cooperate with you?"
Their roles were now reversed: this time, it was Amy who was frowning. She didn't like the look in his eyes. "No...? Tell me why."
Shadow smirked widely and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Because in return for doing something that you want to do," he said huskily, nibbling her ear, "Now you have to do whatever I want to do - even if you don't like it."
With his roaming hands, it was hard to miss the suggestion in his tone. Immediately, Amy's face became inflammed. "W-What!"
Shadow chuckled. "But don't worry - with what I have in mind, I'm sure you'll like it anyway."
Amy felt like she was about to explode. "SHADOW!"
Yes, definitely the perfect match - Shadow and Amy, the perfect oxymoron.