A new story for you guys; A Shadamy high school story. This story will contain events that resemble things that have actually happened to me, if you wonder where I got the inspiration. Also inspired by "Dry your tears" by Rainbow Lover 15
Changing: Prologue
The pain rushed through my body as another kick makes its presence known, forcefully knocking the air out of me. I felt a metallic taste in my mouth as I coughed up blood.
"And there is more to come if you show up next year! Have a nice summer! Why don't you join your fucking sister, you fucking worthless piece ofSHIT!" the blue idiot concluded before kicking me one last time. His gang shared a laugh before walking away triumphant. I was left there on the sidewalk, forgotten and alone. A single tear made its way down my bruised and bloodied cheek. I let out a heavy sigh before staggering to my feet.
"Just you wait…" I said to myself before making my way home.
"What did I do to deserve this?"
"Maybe I should just end it all? I can't take much more of this misery. Who would miss me anyways?" I mentally debated with myself as I looked at the shining blade, my depression growing by the minute. "One cut to end it all" I mentally continued, still staring at the knife in my hand. I put the knife over my wrist, feeling the cold steel touching my skin. I closed my eyes and started counting:
"5. 4. 3. 2. 1."
I slowly opened my eyes. I didn't do it. I failed; I was too much of a coward. I put the knife down, went over to the kitchen table and sat down, my head buried in my hands.
"Now what?" I asked myself.
"What did I do? Why do they insist on picking on me?" I continued, anger building inside of me. "I'm going to prove you wrong Sonic, and that fucking bitch of yours too. I'm a worthless piece of shit, huh? Well… Let's see what this piece of shit can do!" I raged. After calming myself and gaining control of my situation, I quietly concluded:
"Tonight… I died. Shadow R. The Hedgehog is dead. I am a shadow of myself, only darkness remains. I AM SHADOW, BORN FROM HATE AND SEEKING VENGANCE. I AM YOUR FEAR AND DOOM!" I yelled, not caring if anyone listened.
"You better watch your every step Sonic, because for every step you take, there will be a Shadow following. You aren't safe; you can't escape"
The summer is over. It's time to face my demons, solve my problems and look damn good doing it.
I stepped out of the bus and walked over to the school. I spotted Sonic and his gang by the main entry point. I looked down, sighing one last time before making my way towards them, armed with a new identity and a look that could kill. As I got closer, it was apparent that I had caught Sonics attention.
"Well, well, well… If it isn't Shadow Robotnik. Didn't you join your dead sister like I told you too?" He asked, mind set on tormenting me.
I chuckled at his comment and answered "I think you have mistaken me for someone else. Shadow Robotnic died this summer. Hehe… you could say I killed him"
"Don't fuck with me Shadow!" he warned.
"You wish, you disgraceful prick" I answered coldly.
"That's it! Let's repeat a routine from last year; beating the shit out of you!" He raged, cracking his knuckles.
"Bring it!"
That's the prologue.
What do you think? Review.
Yes, this is based on a real life experience.
"Born to lose, live to win"
Signed ect. ect.