A/N: I warn you, I'm NOT a very frequent updater. I don't update a lot:sweatdrops:Sorry, there's so much to do now, and I'm going to be picking courses right after the holidays…. sigh I'll try to update as much as I can. This is mostly rated for gore, maybe for later chapters, if you know what I mean,but I'll see how this goes first.

Disclaimer: I wish that I own Sonic and co, but I don't. I can dream, though…

'Sonic… where are you?'

Running… running… for once in her life, Amy was the one who was running away. Of all the things that could've happened tonight, this was DEFINATLY not on her list.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she noticed that she was trapped in an alleyway.

A menacing voice chuckled behind her. "No place to run now, Amy Rose…"

Amy turned around, fear in her eyes, and looked at her pursuer, who's face was hidden in the shadows. Only two emerald green eyes seemed to pierce into the darkness.

"St-stay away," stuttered Amy. "P-please…"

The figure laughed. "Amy, Amy, Amy. Don't you want to see the face of your killer first?" He laughed once again, and shook his head mockingly as he stepped into the light of the moon.

The pinked hedgehog gasped. "No… oh god… this isn't happening…"

Sonic blinked. He seemed to be like his old self, but what was wrong with him? The emerald green eyes that Amy so adored and longed for were now staring down at her, looking like a hunter that had finally captured his prey. "I'm hurt, Ames! After all these years of chasing me, you finally have me! Aren't you happy?"

Petrified, all Amy could do was stare back. Her mind wasn't working at all. If this was any other ordinary villain, she would've smashed him with her Piko Piko Hammer, but this… this was HER Sonic…

Her savior

Her soul

Her love…

Sonic was losing patience. Slowly, he approached her, relishing her every single movement, eyes gleaming and teeth showing every time she shook or whimpered in fear.

Her back hit a brick wall. All Amy could do was watch in horror as Sonic put his face right up to hers.

"This won't her a bit," he smirked as he raised his hand.




Amy opened her mouth and screamed. The pain… it was too great… and it was caused by the hedgehog that she would put her life on the line for…

Lovingly, Sonic licked the blood that was trickling down his fingers off his gloves. "Ah… your blood is so sweet…" he murmured, still licking the blood off. "Too bad that you will be dead soon…"

Clutching her side, Amy grinded her teeth together. Was this what Sonic really was like? The blood seeped over her fingers. Every drop of blood was reminding her of the love that she had for Sonic, only to have him crush it like an insignificant thing, like something that can be used and thrown away. 'Is this how I'm going to die?' Amy thought to herself, 'I always thought that if I were to die, it would be protecting Sonic, or one of my friends, or even at the hands of Eggman. But now…'

His hands now clean, he waited for Amy's reaction. "So, are you going to kill me?"

Amy jerked her head up. 'Kill Sonic?' The idea hadn't even crossed her mind!

Slowly, she stood up, closing her eyes as pain shot through her body. Sonic made no move to stop her, but he seemed to notice her pain.

"A little pain too much for the delicate Miss. Rose?"

Anger flared up through her body. She felt betrayed… used… and she wasn't going to take it lying down. Reaching behind her, she took out her infamous Piko Piko Hammer, which was giving off a huge wave of energy, as if responding to its' master's rage and sorrow.

She raised it, and yet Sonic still made no move to stop her.

"Sonic… you were the first person that I ever truly loved, besides my parents…" fresh tears were pouring over her already tear-stained face. "Of all the people that could kill me… Eggman…maybe even Rouge… I never thought that it would be you…" She raised the hammer a little higher over her head. "I trusted you. You were my place of refuge, someone I can count on, and someone…" she choked, "Someone that I could love…" She swung the hammer…

…but it never connected with Sonic.

With velocity, Amy Rose swung the hammer down on down on the ground, where a huge wind was swept up through the ally.

Sonic, not expecting this, was flung high in the air by the wind, were he felt himself being lifted higher and higher away from his prey. He screamed in rage, and his voice echoed through the night.

Amy lifted her head, just as he saw Sonic being carried off by the wind. "I'm such a weakling," she whispered to herself. "I'm too weak to kill you… I love you too much…Sonic…"

Suddenly, her energy spent, she fell face forward into the ground, lying in a pool of her own blood.

A/N: Sorry if you don't like the fact that everything is in italics. This is more of a prologue sort of thing, and I think that I should put it down in italics to show that. Sorry! m( )m Anyway, please review so I can know if I should continue or not. I really appreciate opinions and advice. Oh, and please, if you're one of those people who hate "Son/Amy" pairing, then DON'T READ! I don't appreciate idiotic reviews saying that Amy and Sonic don't deserve to be together, and that my story is shit, blah blah blah. Helpful criticism is what I'm looking for, please. Oh, and I'm not sure if this can be called "angst" or not. Sorry if you hate angst, but ended up reading this... :sweatdrops again:

'Till next time!
