Oh, my. I just realized, I have grown up with fanfiction.net, haven't I? I'm now technically a grown up. Hm. Am very much in my mid-twenties now, and around once a year, I allow myself (I am fully in control of this) get slightly obsessed with a new universe... but it *really* does not help me at all when I discover simply brilliant, creative and lovely writers who are willing to keep the characters I love intact, but give them adventures, backstories, and more life beyond the screen/hardcopy. I try to limit these descents into fanfiction to once every two years, but as I write this, I worry a little bit for my little head and heart... I've fallen hard for Doctor Who. I don't know how this will end. I blame a lot of people, but mostly myself. I suspect I will have to forcibly take myself off the internet for two weeks while I try to do very boring and supposedly needful things that include vile words like careers, grad applications, cover letters, chores, and taxes. BUT. While I'm letting myself be led astray... I'm loving it. and in love with the story. and it's great fun. It's healthy too. Right? I'm thinking of it like therapy... Also, since this year I've tried to stay grounded in one geographical location for longer than three months (eek), I'm going to let my brain escape so that I can ease myself into accepting this semblance of stability. Doctor Who: I have been working my way backwards through the seasons, I started with the 11th Doctor, and I love them all, especially the Tardis, River, and the in-laws. I haven't quite yet seen the attraction of 10th/Rose, but I like Martha and Donna quite a bit, and when the 10th Doctor isn't being so bitter and angsty, he's quite fun. He's just not *my* Doctor, and it seems like I'm not alone in having this kind of attachment to one Doctor or the other. Previous forays into fanfiction have included: Artemis Fowl - Holly/Artemis (ok, ridiculous, but... fun.) Harry Potter - Tonks/Remus (found some particularly lovely writers... JessPallas an eternal favorite), but there are more. Firefly - Oh, all the adventures. But really liked the word "Shiny" for a very long time. West Wing - Josh, Donna, CJ, Toby, everyone really... Star Trek - Voyager. Hey it's what I grew up on...Ok. Tamora Pierce - Rosethorn has always been my favorite. but I'm devoted to anything this author does. My pet peeve is *MY* careless tendency to write nonsensically and forget punctuation and grammar. It makes me feel sad and very reluctant to write anything at all. Also, I made this as a test for a different map I am working on. What should I do with it? https:/// |