Author has written 13 stories for Song of the Lioness, and Daughters of the Moon. ok well let's c... my name is freke bubbalicious(my parents were high when they gave me my first two names). i was born on december 3rd, i listen to every freakin' kind of music xcept for gospel and country tho i can live w/ faith hill.~Tasidia~ and FantasyDima are my stepsisters(they're older and they're twins). they squabble a lot so what happens in crazy girlz is totally true. newayz..i do better then them at school(all A's baby!) and i enjoy writin more than 'em and we share our love of fantasy books. i love tamora pierce, harry potter, fearless, daughter of the forest, amelia atwater rhodes, witches of eileanan, kushiel's trilogy, and morgan llywlen. i live by those books *bows head* let's c...the little tid bits. i love meat (xcept for chicken and fish) in fact i'll eat almost nething if it's smothered in barbeque sauce or mustard. but fruits and veggies...they get thrown up *grimaces* newayz...i love cheeseburgers w/ bacon and catsup and mustard. french fries are da bomb! starbucks is my #1 restaurant along w/ bone daddy's.umm coke is so good(much better than pepsi. something i thought b4 our slut *coughBRITNEYSPEARScough* came to b their spokesperson).*ponders* i am in colorguard hence the name(u know the ppl who spin the flags during marching band)u try having a gay black man yell at u and who doesn't care if ur in pain. i have permanent thumb damage and that is ME! o and here r some tips- freke's tips on ,life -boyz suck, they ruin everything(personal xperience) -burgers, chocolate, caffeine, and fries fix everything -dont' try and make ur own starbucks coffee -don't follow *nsync's advice on hair and last but not least *drumroll* -u cannot change the weather(also personal xperience) my sn is sorchasvoice also i've got a crap computer that won't let me review so xpect emails 4m me instead |