Why Me?(crappy title I know)
Note- None of the characters/ places in this book belong to me! Except for Gary and no this is not Duke Gareth.
Setting- this is set just after our favorite Emelan characters became mages, they haven't left yet with their teachers.
Trisana Chandler looked around Discipline Cottage in disgust. Why can't Briar just pick up the vases and ornaments when he dusts? Why does Daja's insense have to leave the smell behind? Why can't Sandry pick up after herself? Her friends were such slobs! Just because they have lessons to expand their magic doesn't give them an excuse not to do their chores.
Tris, Briar, Daja, and Sandry were all magically gifted and the best of friends. They hadn't known they had magic until two years ago when Niklaren Goldeye (Niko as they called him) saw that they had magic. They'd all been tested as children, but none of them had shown a trace of magic. But that was because they had special magic that only centered around one thing. Briar had plant magic, Sandry had thread magic, Daja had smith magic, and Tris had weather magic. Their magics had joined together two years ago when Sandry
spun it together. Now their magics blended a bit, and they could speak mind to mind.
Her friends had left with Niko last month to go to Lightsbridge, a very well known university. Tris had refused to go for her own reason unkown to them, and maybe to herself too. Now she was all alone, except for Lark, who helped run Discipline and was Sandry's teacher, who wanted to stay to keep her company, and Little Bear their dog. Tris felt bad because she knew that Lark had wanted to go to keep Rosethorn, her friend and Briar's teacher out of trouble. Rosethorn could be very tempermental, and they all knew she detested Lightsbridge, who had very stubborn mages (people who had magic) who thought that what they did was silly using their magic on only one thing.
Tris sighed. She missed them, so why was she complaining about them when they weren't even there? She sighed again. "Tris?" a friendly voice called.
"Yes Lark?" she asked.
"Tris, I'm going to visit Honored Moonstream. She has a new student to stay with us since we just got a letter saying that the girls would be gone for longer than they expected."
"What? They're going to be gone even longer? Why?"
"Well, some mage on the mage council has been trying to experiment with a rare plant to make it into some special medicine which Niko assures me is poison. And you know that Rosethorn, Niko,and Briar will never let this happen." Lark smiled, "But Sandry won't be bored her uncle is coming up there to talk to this mage,too."
"Lark, how long will they be gone?"
"I don't know, sweetie."
"Can I come with you to see this student?"
"Sure, get some shoes on."
Tris scowled.
"Go on. I will not have you walking around like some boy who has no shoes on." Grumbling, Tris went to get her shoes. When she got back Lark was waiting outside the door looking at a painting of her, Rosethorn,Niko, Frostpine(Daja's teacher), Sandry(her student), Briar, Daja, and Tris with tears in her eyes.
"It's okay, Lark. They'll come back soon."Tris tried to comfort her.
Lark wiped her eyes,"Look at me crying and you trying to comfort me." Then she walked out the door. Tris followed eager to meet their new student.
When they reached Moonstream's office, Tris was shocked at how little the ruler of this school had in her office. She only had a picture of Winding Circle, and of............Tris and her friends? Wow.
"Lark, I'm so glad you could come," Moonstream rose from where she had been looking out the window. "I'll go get Gary."
When she left, Tris asked Lark, "What does Gary have magic in?"
Returning, Moonstream answered her question, "That's just it, nobody knows. I hoped Lark would be able to help, and maybe you too."
Tris was in shock. Moonstream had returned so fast, and she expected Tris to help. How? She looked at Moonstream, a questioning look in her eyes.
Just as she was about to ask her why, a very handsome boy who resembled one of her cousins peered out from behind her back.
"Gary?" she asked.
"Tris?" he asked at the same time.
Hehehe, cliffhanger. Reviews get placed below along with flames, comments, and shining stars. I don't know if I should continue.