![]() Author has written 2 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars. Profile Upate 02.23.2017 Personal Message to All My Wonderful Readers (Spoiler It's Not Bad News) "Hello everyone. I'm so sorry that the video and next chapter update hasn't happened yet. So many things have set me back these past (yek) two months. I can't believe it's been so long. I feel horrible for taking so long. Decepiglitches were the unfortunate start for a series of things. I'm not using that as an excuse but as an explanation. Other factors like the start of second semester of junior year, have also been key things in my delay. The most important one being that I want to get the next chapter right. It's Karen's first Sunday, it being is very near and dear to my heart. It's one chapter I've been praying about how to write it and after reading, pondering, and even more praying I've finally learned how to go about it. My musing haven't left me, far from it. They have been giving many a great future chapter for "Is This Reality", they just haven't been able to help with this chapter. But my prays have been answer for the Lord, my Savior, has given me the insight to write this chapter. The Decepiglitch plaguing my computer isn't completely gone yet but I should be able to finish the video soon and plan on writing this along awaited chapter. I look forward to getting back into writing for everyone because I miss being able to do this for you." Hugs and Strength till then, Allora Profile Update 08.06.2016 Big News! I am holding a fanart contest for my story, Is This Reality. The Rules
If You Win
Good Luck to everyone. You all are so special and can't wait to see you all shine. You're all winners. Hugs. Version 04.11.2026 Cliffhanger bio - 02.04.2016 Giddy Bio 01.04.2017 Hello Everybody, This is Allora. I'm a college student currently working on my first official fanfiction. I'm a HUGE Transformers fan. This is Reality? is a VR game based Transformer story. Apparently, it's the first of it's kind and I'm super honored by everyone's praise. I'm also honored whenever one of my readers points out something that I might miss or can improve. Honestly, my readers make my writing way more amazing than it would have been on my own. I also have to give a shout out to all the writers on FanFiction.net. Far every story written, at least ten new ones are born. This site has an amazing community I feel blessed to be a part of it. Check out my favorites, these writers and stories are really good and they inspired me to write. In my stories, you are likely to meet some characters in the Author's Notes. These guys were created to interact with my readers and to add some Mech action in the early chapters of Is This Reality? Together, they work to make the story great while it's traveling down the tracks of inspiration. These are their bios and what their jobs are on the train. Author's Notes Cast: The Engineer: Allora(Me)- The Author for all of the stories by AlloraStar217. She comes up with ideas and energy. Often seen jumping in and out of train cars and Deep Thought. These days, Allora has been swamped with school work to the point that she will only be found in her train car converted into an office. She loves receiving mail and hanging out with the other Author's Notes Cast. Writers she knows: To'M'L Kuran, arctapus, Agent-Freelancer-D.C,Jazzilynn Hall and CybertronDefense The Train: Deep Thought- The Mechification of Is This Reality? He is a bronze colored coal train Cybertronian. He came into being on December 3rd, 2015. He is fiercely protective of Allora since she is kind of his mom. He can be naive at times, but that's why he has Allora. His job is to scout if Allora's ideas will work for the story and to keep her on track. He loves reading reviews and talking to other story muses. Story Muses he knows:Skyrange (Jazzilynn Hall's muse). The Caboose: Cliffhanger- A little mech who happen to jump on board early on in the story but stayed hidden until chapter 23. He's technically Deep Thought's younger brother since both he and Thought are Allora's little mechs. He like helping the team figure out the best places to end the chapter to create the most suspense. Watch out his puppy-eyed innocent look, that's how he gets Allora to create cliffhanger before going on hiatus. Lately, he's been helping Lancer get Allora our of her office car since he's smaller than his big brother. THe Conductor: Giddy (ohmygiddyaunt)- Giddy was a long time reader and guest reviewer for Is This Reality? A great friend who helped bring Cliffhanger to life. When Lancer had to leave for real life things, she was ready and willing to become the new conductor for this story. Considered Cliffhanger's Aunt and Godmother, she loves giving him hugs. The Former Conductor: Lancer (Agent-Freelancer-D.C)- Lancer is the Beta Reader for Is This Reality? Lancer joined the cast in chapter Ch.6(Ch.7 fanfiction count). She helps smooth the writing so it's a little bit easier for the readers. Recently, she has left the team to focus on things in real life. The team is sad to see her go but everyone understands. Here's a link to her account:Agent-Freelancer-D.C The Badguys: The Deceptiglitches- These guys pop up from time to time. They are the main reason why there are late updates and glitches on FanFiction.net. They can be blamed for everything that goes wrong on the internet. Also, it is believed that they love invading cellphones, computers, and tablets. Be wary of them since they cause havoc where ever they go. Version 11.29.2015 Hi Everyone, I'm a novice writer still in college and a HUGE fan of transformers. I finally decided to bring one of my stories to life. Just warning you guys I get writer's block, but I'll try to update often. Is This Reality? is my first story that I'm willing to post to the web. It's going to be the only one I'll be focusing on for a while. Hope you guys like it. Also a shot out to my favorite authors, thank you guys for writing the stories that inspired me to write. Hugs to everyone, AlloraStar217 (a.k.a Pioneer) |