Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter. I, Hydraspit, do solemnly swear to review all the fics I enjoy, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. I have joined the Review Revolution. Okay, as of Deathly Hallows my fics stand thus! A Fate Worse Than Death: still nicely within cannon... thank goodness! The White Sheep: Is now AU... but I could make a few small changes and add some explanations to make it fit a little better with the new cannon Parsnips: Fit nicely until JKR revealed that Percy ends up marrying someone names Audrey. However, it could still fit if we assume Percy and Audrey met after the events of HBP. Or it could be redeemed to fit with cannon. Fallen from Grace: Still AU... has been since Half Blood Prince and cannot be redeemed to fit with cannon. Traitors: a little off cannon, mainly because there was a remark that James considered it the height of disloyalty to distrust a friend... but then again them not trusting Remus is still cannon... so maybe it still works. Assumes a Remus/Sirius pairing so there is always the cannon concerns with that. Please read this fic by the way... it hasn't gotten as many reviews as the others so they pick on it terribly... Moonlight and Kisses: still fits cannon if you can accept that Remus/Sirius does not violate cannon. As always I am willing to beta. Please PM or email me with your request and include a summery or description of the story. There are some plots and pairings that I will not read, much less beta. I don't have any concrete fanfictions in the works, I may still do one on Peter - but it's coming along slowly so I may just scrap it. I may do a Percy fic, or some reactions to DH fics. But we'll see... |
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