Author has written 64 stories for ER, Harry Potter, Bible, Lord of the Rings, Avengers, Thor, Captain America, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Mary Poppins. I have left the ultra stressful world of professional cooking behind me and have entered into the glamorous world of office work instead. I am still a huge foodie, hence the name, but enjoy it much more now in an amateur fashion. I work in the support services department of a credit union in Seattle, where the huge window in front of my desk looks out over the Space Needle, and beyond that, the lovely Olympic Mountains. It is a great source of inspirition for my writing, which I continue to do in my spare time, and hope to do professionally some day. I was a history major at school, focusing on World War II, and how food issues like rationing worked during that time. In everything I write, I try to tie food into it. Many of my stories have scenes with food or cooking described in great detail. Teecie's Story: New Beginnings, my largest story to date, has many instances of scenes like these. Check out my food blog at: http:/// Most of my stories are part of the True Revenge series, written by both myself and ElfFlame, whose bio can also be found on . These stories tell the long and sordid tale of the Malfoy family, from well before the Harry Potter books, to well after. All in all, they span a period of about forty years, so if you are a Malfoy fan, and wish to immerse yourself in all you possibly can about them, these are the stories for you. Here is a complete list of the stories, and who they are written by, in chronological order. Happy reading! True Revenge: written by ElfFlame, multi chaptered Dark Descent: written by me, multi chaptered De Die in Diem: From Day to Day: written by me, multi chaptered Dragon's Tears: written by ElfFlame, multi chaptered After the Tears Fell: written by me, one-shot The Potion Master's Daughter: written by me, one-shot New Beginnings: Teecie's Story: written by me, multi chaptered When the World Changed: written by me, one-shot A Christmas Date: written by me, one-shot Christmas at the Property: written by me, one-shot |