We Were Here


Teen Typist

Disclaimer: I'm only borrowing these characters for a moment in time. They aren't mine. They wish they were.

Seventh year students Neville Longbottom, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter were down on all fours looking for Trevor in the boys' dormitory. It was the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Weasley had offered to let them all come to the Burrow for the winter break, but seeing s it would be their last Christmas at Hogwarts, they wanted to stay. Neville's Gran had passed on about a month into the school year and he figured that staying at Hogwarts would help keep his mind off of it, even though Mrs. Weasley had offered him a place at the Burrow. The break was going well so far, but now it was Christmas Day and Trevor was lost.

Neville was on his knees, looking to see if Trevor had gotten into his trunk somewhere. Harry was searching through the hamper to make sure Trevor wasn't caught up in anyone's clothing. Hermione and Ron were checking under the beds.

They'd been looking for the better part of a quarter of an hour and hadn't had any luck yet when Ron gave a shout from under Harry's bed. "Hey! I found something. Harry, you'd better come see this."

"Did you find Trevor?" Neville asked hopefully.

"No, sorry, Nev," Ron said. He rolled over to make room as Harry, Hermione, and Neville joined him under the bed. In the process, he lost his wand as Harry was now laying uncomfortably on top of it.

"What are we looking at?" Hermione asked, between Neville and Harry.

Harry, between Hermione and Ron, said, "Anybody have their wand on them that can reach it?" They were jammed under the bed like sardines in a tin.

"Me," Neville offered. He was on the end and his wand was easily reachable. "Lumos." He handed the lit wand to Hermione, who passed it to Harry, who passed it to Ron.

Ron held it up to what he was trying to show them.

Harry saw words carved onto the underside of his bed. Almost half of the space was full of writing.

We were here.

Masters Prongs, Padfoot, Moony, & Wormtail

September 1, 1975

Prongs loves LE.
Padfoot 1.4.76

I do not, Padfoot.
Prongs 4/2/76

Wormtail agrees with Padfoot.
Wormtail 5-3-76

Moony says Prongs stands no chance with LE.
Moony: May 15, 76

Wormtail agrees with Moony.
Wormtail 5-17-76

This is MY bed stop writing on it!
Prongs 6/1/76

Lily Evans finally said YES!
Prongs a.k.a. the Happiest Man Alive

Way to go, Prongs!
Padfoot 9.29.77

As Head Boy you shouldn't be writing on your bed like this, Prongs.
Moony: October 2, 1977

Neither should you, Mr. Prefect.
Wormtail 10-5-77

Quit writing on my bed! Go carve letters into Wormtail's bed if you must.
Prongs 10/10/77
Padfoot already did. Gee, thanks for giving him the idea, Prongs.
Wormtail 11-5-77
Prongs, is LE a good snogger?
Padfoot 11.10.77
As if I'd tell you.
Prongs 11/20/77
I'll take that as a "no."
Padfoot 12.1.77
She's a better snogger than your girlfriend.
Prongs 12/15/77
I don't have a girlfriend right now.
Padfoot 12/18/77
I think that was his point.
Moony: December 20, 1977

FYI, Padfoot, Lily is a terrific snogger.
Prongs 1/5/78

Prongs is right.
Wormtail 2-4-78
How would you know?
Prongs 2/11/78
I second that.
Padfoot 2.12.78
Mistletoe. 3rd year.
Wormtail 2-14-78
I saw that. That was barely a peck on the cheek.
Moony: February20, 1978
Ha ha.
Prongs 2/27/78
Ha ha HA.
Padfoot 2.28.78
Ssh. You didn't have to tell them, Moony. Thanks a lot. I never get to mess with anybody's brain.
Wormtail 3-12-78
Beware the Ides of March
Padfoot 3.15.78
For the last time: STOP WRITING ON MY BED!
Prongs 3/25/78
It was YOUR idea in the first place, Prongs.
Wormtail 3-29-78
If you marry LE maybe your son will see this someday, Prongs.
Moony: March 30, 1978
Kids? Marriage? You're scaring me, Moony! I'm not 18 yet even.
Prongs 3/31/78
HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY! Everybody like their surprises?
Padfoot 4.1.78
We hate you, Padfoot
Moony & Wormtail: April 2, 1978
My sentiments exactly.
Prongs 4/3/1978
Why doesn't anybody love me?
Padfoot 4.5.78
Wormtail 4-10-78
Sorry, Wormy. Didn't mean to scar you for life.
Padfoot 4.16.78
Padfoot, seeing Snape in his boxers would scar ANYONE for life. Why did you have to hang him from the ceiling in the hallway dressed like that?
Prongs 4/20/78
I thought it was funny.
Padfoot 4.27.78
A note to Prongs, Padfoot, & Wormtail: STUDY FOR YOUR NEWTS, you idiots.
Moony: May 1, 1978

I asked Lily to marry me and she said YES!
Prongs a.ka. The Luckiest Man in the World

Congratulations, Prongs!
Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail

We were here. If you're reading this, whoever you are, now we're not. Today, we graduate Hogwarts to leave these halls forever. We've had a lot of memories. Some happy, some sad. Mostly happy. Whoever you are, brave Gryffindor, we hope your days are as good as ours have been.

Moony, Prongs, Padfoot, Wormtail

June 30, 1978

Harry smiled. To think, if they hadn't been looking for Neville's toad, they might have never found this. "I can't believe we've been in my dad's old dorm for seven year's and never knew it," he said.

"I think we should write something," Hermione said impulsively.

Harry and Ron looked over at her as best they could. Surely Hermione wouldn't suggest such vandalism.

"Yes, I said what you thought I said," she said impatiently. "Give me that wand." Ron passed the wand to Harry and Harry passed it to Hermione. She muttered a spell and raised the tip of the wand to a vacant spot on the wood. "What do we want to say?"

They discussed for a few moments and settled on the words that still leave their mark there today.

We are here. And we have a few words of advice. Live each day like it's your last, because you never know when your last day will be. Use what you're good at and you can solve any problem you face. Dungbombs are always a good distractioninpotions class or when escaping from evil wizards. Studying is important, but don't forget to play every once in a while too. If you're in this house, the Hat didn't make a mistake; you've got courage, FIND IT. And above all else: never tickle a sleeping dragon.

Harry Potter, son of Prongs and Lily

Ron Weasley, future Auror

Hermione Granger, the brains behind the "Dream Team"

Neville Longbottom, the boy who realized that no one is completely without courage

December 25, 1997

Author's Note: What did you think?I wrote this in about an hour, but I really like it.I thought about doing another chapter that just has a few paragraphs about each other situations leading to the MWPP notes. Would anybody care to read it if I wrote it? Reviews are most appreciated.