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Author has written 16 stories for Harry Potter. I'm a male of 25 years. I love writing. I am in love with the Harry Potter series, and J. K. Rowling has inspired my writing more than any other author. I love her and I love Harry Potter and everyone in it! A bit more about myself: I am fantastic at getting my feelings across in the written word, but it's been a long journey trying to assert myself in person. Campaigning for LGBTQ rights for the past few years has helped bring me out of my shell a lot, though. :D I love to play piano so, so very much. I love to read and watch movies, but I'm only now managing to get back into these hobbies that I had so cultivated before I graduated college. I answer all my reviews. And whenever I go through and reread my reviews--it pumps me up to write more fanfiction--I'm very serious here! So please make me happy and review! You'll really help along my plot bunnies by doing so. Oh, but I do have to note that I'm unable to reply to your reviews if you leave an anonymous review, so unless you really don't want me to answer, sign in before you review, or otherwise the site won't let me respond. Oh, and I've also decided to join the Reviews Revolution, started by Lexie-H and Purple Armodillo, who are the managers and staff of the community The Reviews Lounge. Pretty much, all of us authors get loads of hits, but way too few reviews. So: I, Islander2, do solemnly swear to review all the fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. Please join the revolution! Or at least review when you read. :D Also, I'd like to start a revolution of my own. Let's call it the Anti-Slash-Warning Revolution. What is it? Well, if you're writing a story that has Cho in it, are you going to put in the author's notes: "Warning! This story has Cho Chang in it! If reading about Asians offends you, skip this story." Of course you wouldn't. What if you were writing a Ginny/Dean romance? Would you say: "Warning! Ginny/Dean romance! Anyone offended by interracial romance should go elsewhere." Never! So why do we feel so compelled to post slash warnings at the beginning of all our slash stories? If it's an M-rated story, post a warning for sexual content. If it's T-rated, post a warning for mild sexual content. But simply posting a warning because of slash content implies there's something wrong or inappropriate about being LGBTQ. So: I, Islander2, do solemnly swear that I will stop posting slash warnings because it perpetuates the prejudice that being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer is somehow more inappropriate than being heterosexual. This movement was started August 1st, 2010. If I write more fanfiction after this, and if it has slash material, I will not post a slash warning. Other warnings (for sex, violence, language, drug use, thematic material, etc.), yes. But not a slash warning. Also, keep in mind I started writing fanfiction when I was 15. I was truly in another world when I was 15... it's actually sort of ridiculous how much I've changed since then. Hell, it's ridiculous how much I've changed even since I was 18 or 19! Or in just the past year, for that matter. So just keep that in mind when reading my old stuff! |
hairymclary (52) Marie Goos (18) | Melindaleo (14) MyPhoenixLament (66) | phoenical-maniax (17) serpant-sorcerer (3) |