Author has written 22 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Naruto. Yahoo IM: ss_dragon_lady_96 About me: I'm 38 yrs old and live in Florida. As you can guess from my name I am female. My sister stratas started posting stories first, but then I got into it. Just to let you know I live in my own crazy little world. All of my stories will have twists upon twists and random craziness. I will try to keep you guessing through the whole thing. I have seen all kinds of anime. My favorite couples are: Hiei/Kurama Sasuke/Naruto Kakashi/Iruka THAT'S RIGHT! I am a yaoi fan girl First and formost; and proud of it! I also read a few other yaoi pairings every now and then. I also like het such as... Trunks/Pan Vegeta/Bulma And there are a few others I am a true Trunks and Pan supporter. I just can't stand Marron. I don't know why, but I completely hate her. I will not read any story that puts her with Trunks or Goten. That also goes for Sakura and Hinata(though I actually like Hinata very much), Sasuke and Naruto belong together end of story. As for the matter of Hiei and Kurama, I will not read any story that is a Mary Sue and has one of them with said person. If they are not together that's fine, but don't add a character that one of them falls madly in love with. That is so annoying in all stories. Sorry if that offends anybody, but that is just how I feel. In fact I won't read any story with an mary sue or OC that is with any of the main characters After you are done reading check out my webbie. Thanks to everybody that reviews and to those that just read. I also have yahoo messenger. |