Here is yet another story in my arc. This story can stand alone though, you don't have to read the others to know what is going on in this one, but it is suggested that you do. This one should have come right before Heroes Unite, but I only just wrote it because I just got the idea for it. I hope you all like it, it was fun to write.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of it's characters.

Warnings: There isn't many warnings for this story, except that it is Shonen Ai. If you don't like this then please leave now.


Please, Can I?

Chapter 1 of 2


Kurama and Hiei was sitting in the swing on the front porch of their home, watching the two little foxes as they played amongst the tree line. Kaihei, now five years old, and Toushi, who was six, were in their animal forms. The brown and white kit successfully pounced on the unsuspecting black kit. They wrestled for a couple of minutes before Kaihei darted away, Toushi right on his heels.

"Do you think our plan will work?" Kurama asked as he snuggled into his mate's arms.

"Hn….and it's for the best." Hiei replied quietly. "Why? You having second thoughts about it?"

"No, just thinking about what it would be like."

"He's the only one I would trust with him, the only one that will know how to care for and protect him."

"Agreed." Kurama looked across the front yard and smiled. He spotted his sons once more, they were playing under a bush now.

"What are we having for supper, fox?" Hiei asked, changing the subject even as he left a kiss on his lover's neck.

"I haven't thought about it yet. What would you like?" Kurama practically purred. He really didn't want to be thinking of food at the moment. All he wanted to do was make out with his pretty lover. After all, their boys were busy and not paying any attention to them.

"Do we have the needed food for sushi?"

"Yes, and that sounds delicious."

"We haven't had any in a few weeks." Hiei left another kiss on his mate's neck. This time closer to the mating mark.

"Alright, sushi it is." Kurama smiled, slipping a hand under the fire demon's shirt and rubbing his chest.

"With some Makai wine?" It was Hiei's turn to purr.

"It that's what you want, Koi."

"I do and a pretty fox for dessert." To make his point, Hiei pulled the fox into a passionate kiss.

"MMM……I was thinking along the lines of a gorgeous fire demon for dessert." Kurama tried catching his breath after their heated kiss.

"Well then, maybe we'll do both. We haven't done that in a few weeks either. I'll go get the wine and be back by supper." Hiei got a quick kiss from his lover and then started to get up. He stopped though and stared up the driveway.

"I guess Makai wine is out." Kurama almost seemed to be pouting. Some of their best laid plans were always interrupted by uninvited guests.

"He's alone."

"Yes, and you have to know what this is about. It's been a long time coming, years in fact."

"Hn, I can still make him squirm." Hiei smirked, already coming up with some torture plans.

"It's your right so do as you wish." Kurama rolled his eyes this was going to be a long day, but quite entertaining.

"Toushi! Kaihei! Come up here!" Hiei called to his sons. The kits came bounding from the trees and were on the porch within seconds.

"We need you to change forms." Kurama informed the kits. The boys didn't answer, they just did what they were told.

"Why did we have to change? We were having a lot of fun!" Toushi asked, hopping into the redhead's lap.

"Yeah!" Kaihei pouted, climbing up into the fire demon's lap.

"Hn, you two can play later. I didn't want you to get ran over." Hiei glanced up to the driveway.

"Huh?" Toushi looked between his parents, confused.

"Don't listen to what your father said." Kurama laughed, hugging Toushi to him. "He just doesn't trust your uncle's driving, that's all."

"Uncle? Which one?" Toushi asked quickly. He so loved it when his uncles came to visit. They were a lot of fun.

"Feel for yourself." Hiei instructed, pointing up the driveway. Both boys closed their eyes and reached out with their minds, trying to feel the approaching energy. They both grinned when they figured out who it was.

Toushi opened his eyes and looked to the fire demon. "It's uncle Kuwabara!"

"Correct." Hiei praised, reaching over and scratching the boy behind his ear.

"I knew that too!" Kaihei whined, wanting his father's attention as well.

"Of course, you did." Hiei offered the kit in his lap a scratch behind the ear too. Just then a blue car came into view and stopped in front of the house.

Kuwabara got out and approached the porch. "Hey, guys."

"Hn." Hiei grunted his welcome.

"Hello, Kuwabara." Kurama smiled, being as polite as usual. The situation though called for him to follow his mate's example, but his ningen training said otherwise. "What brings you by?"

"I was over at Genkai's visiting her and Yukina. I just decided to stop by and see you all. It's been like two weeks since the last mission."

"Something like that." Kurama replied, a small smirk on his lips. It seems his friend was going to beat around the bush, but that would just give the fire demon more reason to make him squirm. It definitely was going to be a long day.

"Uncle Kuwabara!" Kaihei jumped to the ground and ran over to the ningen. The man picked the kit up and hugged him. Not one to be left behind, Toushi got down and ran over for a hug too. Kuwabara saw this and picked up the brown haired boy as well.

"Have you two been good?" He asked, a grin on his.

"Yep!" Toushi smiled

"Uh-huh." Kaihei smiled too.

"Good." Kuwabara sat the boys down and dug into his pockets. He pulled out two candy bars and handed one to each kit.

Hiei and Kurama just shook their heads. Their sons were far too spoiled for their own good, but they had helped in that area too. Toushi and Kaihei were the only two children in the Reikai Tente team. They got spoiled constantly by everyone, even Genkai had helped. She often had a surprise for them of some sort. Though the boys were being raised by two males, an unconventional family true enough, they didn't lack for anything. The kits had everything they could or would ever want and need, including huge amounts of love from the whole Tente family. They were the luckiest children in all three worlds.

Toushi turned to his parents, smiling far too sweetly. "Can I eat the candy bar now?"

Kaihei smiled too and put on the look that got him anything. "Me too?"

"Go ahead." Kurama sighed in defeat. His sons would always win against him. "But I believe you two need to say something first."

"Oh yeah." Toushi turned back to the ningen. "Thank you, uncle Kuwabara."

"Thank you!" Kaihei echoed his brother's sentiment.

"No problem, boys." Kuwabara laughed good naturedly.

"Would you like something to drink, Kuwabara?" Kurama being as polite as a ningen should be.

"Yeah, that would be great."

"Then let's go inside." Kurama got up and went to the door. He, Kuwabara, and the boys went inside.

Hiei was actually slow to follow them, dreading the coming talk. It was only a matter of minutes before the adults were sitting in the living room with drinks in front of them and the boys were sent off to play.

"So have your wounds healed from the last mission?" Kurama got thing started.

"Yeah." Kuwabara grinned. "I got Yukina to heal me." He looked from the fox to the fire demon. "What about you guys?"

"We were healed in two day, our wounds wasn't serious." Kurama answered, taking a sip of tea.

"That's good…." Kuwabara trailed off, not sure of what to say next.

"You're up to something, baka." Hiei growled, starting his plan.

"Hey, don't call me that!" Kuwabara held back slightly, remembering why he was there.

"What do you want?"


Hiei moved so quick that the ningen couldn't follow. Kuwabara swallowed nervously when he had a sword pressed to his throat. The fire demon smirked, seeing the fear in his friends eyes. This was too much fun. Kurama still sat on the couch, not interfering and trying to keep from laughing. If his mate scared him anymore, the ningen would probably wet himself.

"Tell me what you want or die." Hiei growled again. "For once, be a male that's got a backbone and stand up for what you want."

"Fine!" Kuwabara squared his shoulders and cleared his throat despite the blade that wanted to cut it. "I've come here to ask you if I can have your sister in marriage."

"Hn, she isn't ningen, demons mate." Hiei smirked, lifting his sword just a bit.

"I know that! I was going to see if she would do what you and Kurama did."

"So, you have thought about it for some time."

"Of course, Yukina deserves that."

"Then you have learned something over the years." Hiei looked quite evil. "What a shocker."

"Hey!" Kuwabara was offended and was growing angry. He could hear Kurama's laughter over everything. At least someone was finding this funny.

"Shut up and let me finish." Hiei snapped, growing angry too. "I'll give you my sister …..if…."

"If?" Kuwabara was actually gaining some hope.

"If you fight me and win."

"What! I'll never beat you."

"Then, you'll never get my sister because that's what I require." Hiei backed away from the ningen, but didn't put his katana away or stop staring at his newest opponent. He waited patiently to see what the ningen would do.

Kuwabara slowly stood, staring right back at the fire demon. "Fine, I'll go through you for Yukina."

"NOW IS WHEN I PUT MY FOOT DOWN!" Kurama stood up quickly, looking between his lover and friend. "You two outside, I won't have my home destroyed."

"Hn." Hiei went over to his mate and pulled him down into a kiss, despite them both seeing Kuwabara blush and look away. You'd think by now that he'd gotten used to seeing them show affection for one another. The demons didn't care though, they were in their home and would do what they wanted. Hiei parted from his fox and smirked. "I wouldn't think of spilling blood in our home, especially his."

"Who says it's my blood that's going to be spilt?" Kuwabara whipped back around and glared at the fire demon.

Hiei ignored him as he got another kiss from his mate. He then turned towards the ningen man. "Let's get this over with, I want love time with my pretty fox."

"What about Toushi and Kaihei?" Kuwabara was instantly concerned for the young boys. "Won't they be in the house?"

"Of course they will." Kurama just had to laugh. "Just because Hiei and I are two males doesn't mean we hide our love from our sons. We are just like any male and female couple, we have nothing to be ashamed of. We went our boys to be well rounded when they grow up, we went them to look upon a male for a potential mate as well as a female. Besides, we won't do anything to adult in front them."

"Speaking of the kits, I want them to watch this." Hiei glanced to his red headed mate. "Get them."

Kurama only nodded, understanding his mate's decision. The boys had only ever seen them spar, so it was a good idea for them to see other styles of fighting. He left the room, headed for the stairs.

"Follow me." Hiei ordered, quickly walking out of the living room and through the house.

Kuwabara followed, keeping an eye out for any surprise attack. They went out into the backyard, both removing their shirts and stretching. The fire demon withdrew his katana and started sizing up his opponent. Kuwabara did the same, except he called forth his spirit sword. Kurama emerged from the house with the boys. Toushi sat down in one of the deck chairs, intent on watching the coming fight. The fox sat down in another chair, ready for the competition too. Kaihei, however got up into his father's lap and got comfortable. He was more interested in taking a nap then watching his fire demon father fight his uncle.

Seeing that their little audience was ready, Hiei and Kuwabara charged towards each other. They were intent on battling to the end, for they both had something to loose. The fight went on for over an hour and Kurama could tell that his mate was only playing with the ningen man. Hiei had yet to truly power up which gave Kuwabara a false sense of hope. The orange hair man was putting everything he had into the fight, making it look like they were evenly matched.

Finally, Hiei appeared to have had enough. In a split second, he had Kuwabara pinned to the ground, his katana pressed into the thick throat. "I win."

He said simply before stepping away. He put his katana away and went to get his shirt before heading towards his family. He almost smiled too when he saw and heard Toushi cheering for him. Kurama was smiling proudly, holding their son close to his chest. Kaihei was sound asleep, completely content and oblivious to the victory.


Thanks for reading and please review. The next and last chapter will be along in about a week.