FireChibi- Last chapter. Yeah it may seem to have come quicker then planned, but man this became hard for me to write, but you guys have been so great through all of it. I had to find a way to finish it. I hope you like. I didn't grammar check. It went from type to direct post so whatever my computer didn't do is still wrong with it. Hopefully i will get the chance to get in and check it soon. Thanks for sticking with me.
Kurama was right in his assumption that each of the children would contain an aspect of Hiei's power. Honite possessed his mother's firepower's, where Yuki had taken on the ice portion of the power. He also had Hiei's fiery temper.
"Yuki, if you freeze one more thing there will be hell to pay!" Hiei stormed into the room, shivering at the chill that filled the air. He shifted aspects. His eyes flashing blue. The young boy grinned disappearing into the next room. Hiei sighed; ready to beat his son's head in once he caught him. "Yuki Jagonashi get back here now, or you will have to deal with Kurama when he gets home!"
The young demon paused, looking over his shoulder at his mother. Hiei approached his son. "You can't keep doing this. You are going to make your brother and Kurama ill. They can't handle the cold the way you and I can. I know you enjoy tormenting him, but you will be the one cleaning his puke if he gets sick." They five year old cringed, at the thought of cleaning up his brothers throw up.
Switching forms again Hiei melted the ice that covered the front parlour and dried to furniture. Grabbing his son by the arm he pulled him into the back yard to begin there training session for the day.
Touya growled, not happy with the fact that he had been made to wait. It was as a favour to Kurama that he was even doing this. The fact that he was training both Hiei and his young son did not make matters any better. In fact he felt he would have to kill Jin when he got home, for guilting him into the whole thing. "You're late."
"Sorry, someone." He glared at his son. "Froze the living room again." Touya sighed. He remembered doing something very similar to his own mother before she had died.
The training session had been long and gruelling, as always. They had spent hours fighting; Yuki still couldn't get his ice crystals to form right. Though Hiei couldn't freeze an entire lake in one try. He could only get half, and it melted quickly.
"You two are doing much better. I am glad." The elder ice master said. His eyes lighting up slightly when he saw a certain red haired air demon come out onto the lawn. "We will stop here for the day." He turned away from them, heading towards his lover. (aww cute. I just had to add them in)
"Yuki, Hiei! Dinners ready." The two demons looked at each other before they headed for the house at a run. Sliding through the door, the met the other two occupants of the house in the kitchen. "Well that didn't take long." He smiled laying plates out on the table. Take your seats. I believe Hiei, you and Honite have training after dinner. The older demon nodded. His younger son grumbled across from him.
Life had been a little more then hectic since the twins' where born. Hiei and Yuki when through their daily power struggle, while Honite stood back and laughed at the two. They didn't have time for much of anything, with training and waiting for Hiei's stalker to show up again with some knew challenge to try and destroy his life.
It was a dark night; to moon lay dormant behind the clouds. Her hair brushed her cheek as the wing blew around her. 'Where is he?' the figure wondered watching the remaining light in house flicker out. Hours seemed to pass as she waited. The back door opened and closed, a small shaded figure approached. "Its about time."
"Sorry, Kurama made me take a bath." The young boy complained.
Reaching into the sleeve of her robe the girl drew out a small pouch. Shifting its contence out, the jade handle of the dagger glinted as though some unknown light had reflected off it. "You know what to do, little one. If you do it well, I will reward you greatly." Handing him the dagger the young boy grinned, his blue eyes shining at the thought of his father's down fall.
Turning on his side, Hiei tucked his head under Kurama's chin, hiding from the suns bright raze. The redhead chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around the small demon. Life had been perfect since the babies had been born. That she demon had disappeared, after the children had been born. Everything was so perfect. Placing a kiss on his koi head. He rose from the bed and headed for the bathroom to shower.
A small figure entered the room, approaching his fathers sleeping form. He may have only been five years old, but he was already more powerful then his father. Once he had done the job, the woman had asked of him, he would be even more powerful. He would kill other, Yusuke and the spirit detective. He would take over all three worlds and rule. No one would stop him. No one!
"Honite, what are you doing?" Turning the blue-eyed fire-demon turned to face his older twin brother. He grinned evilly, approaching the younger boy dagger raised.
"Be careful brother, I don't want to have to hurt you to. Besides you and mother always fight. You should be glad I am doing this." The younger demon grinned turning back to where his mother lay. He could hear the water running the bathroom. Kurama was in the shower. He would have plenty of time to get the job done and get away before anyone knew he was gone.
Raising the dagger, he placed it against Hiei's pale flesh. Pressing the blade into his mother's throat. Something stopped him. Yuki had him by the wrist, glaring at the younger demon. He raised his ki drastically. Jumping back Yuki clutched his hand. The burn was bad, but he couldn't let his little brother hurt his mother.
Dropping his own ki he lunged at his brother. Knocking him back off the bed and onto the floor. "I wont let you hurt our mother." I ice sword formed over his hand. It was hard to hold its shape, with his brother's ki rising steadily. Melting the ice as fast as he could create it. His other hand was smoking, the pain racing up his arm as he held Honite to the ground. "I wont let you hurt him."
Stirring from his sleep, at all the noise, Hiei turned. What he saw did not please him. Both of his son's rolling across the floor, weapons in hand. Grabbing one in each arms he pulled them apart. Honite turned on him, plunging his dagger into his mother's flesh. Hiei stumbled, releasing them both. Blood poured from the open wound in his stomach
Released from his mothers grasp, Yuki lunged at his brother, forcing his ice sword through his skull. The ice demon watched as his brothers lifeless body fell to the ground. Turning to his mother, Yuki knelt placing a hand over the whole in his mother's body. A soft glow filled the room. A cool warmth flooded Hiei's body, a groan slid from his lips as the wound healed.
Kurama left the bathroom, to find his lover laying in a pool of blood, Yuki knealing over him. Honite lay dead on the floor to one side. "My God. What happened out here." He yelled moving to Hiei's side.
"Honite attacked mother, I stopped him." It was then that Kurama noticed the deep burns on the young boys hands. He took one of the small limbs into his own hand.
"I need to tend to these." He said. "Hiei are you alright?" Nodding once Hiei rose, taking his son into his arms.
"Thank you, Yuki. You saved my life." Kurama escorted the two into the bathroom, to tend to Yuki's hands too look over Hiei and make sure he was unharmed. Not that he doubted Yuki's ability to heal, but Hiei was his love, and mate. He just had to be sure.
Outside, the young she-demon stood glaring at the family. No matter what she did, Hiei always came out on top. What was she doing wrong. How could this be possible? He had killed her family. Why did he get to live and have everything he had ever asked for?
"Because Yukiko. He killed your family in defence of his life. Your parents wanted him for his tear gems. They would have tortured him, to have his tears gems. Your parents where wicked." She turned looking into Koenma's deep eyes. He stood before her in full teenage form, demanding in every sense of the word. "Now. Yukiko, you are under arrest, for the attempted murder of one of my detectives, and for the manipulation of a child."
A pair of silver handcuffs appeared in Koenma's hands. He snapped them around her wrists. Don't try to break them; they are made of spirit fibbers. Not even an S class demon could break them. He led her away from the small house in the middle of the ice regions.
Inside, Kurama, Hiei, and Yuki sat on the couch, nursing wounds and just happy to be together. They had buried Honite out back in the small garden Hiei had created for his foxie lover. It had been a long and trying year. They where all looking forward to things calming down. They would return to ningenki after Yuki turned ten, Kurama was looking forward to seeing his mother again. How he would explain Yuki, he didn't know. But that could wait. He had five years to think of an excuse. He would use all five of them.
Hiei shifted, wrapping his arms around Yuki. The young boy snuggled against him, red eyes half lidded with sleep. Smiling Kurama laid an arm around his lover. They where on big happy family.