Author Note: Wow… Sorry it took so long to update…. Like four months no? I had a problem with my key board… my sis spilt water all over it… I'm lucky that this many keys actually work… okay…

Less talk…. More fan fiction… Before you guys rebel and try to kill me in my sleep…

Chapter 9: Disgruntled Hiei

…Hiei raised himself so that he was away from Kurama's heat. He scooted to the side and stared at the beauty next to him. Kurama's hair flowed out like waves around his smooth body. Making him look almost like a mythical god, whom where said to be perfect in all aspects. Kurama has his small flaws but is… Everything this lowly fire demon would ever want.

To Hiei… Kurama was perfect. He had flaws… but… Hiei wanted those flaws. If the fox didn't have any flaws, there was no fun in anything. To Hiei, everyone had the chance of becoming perfect in his eyes. Though Kurama now had that position.

"Kurama?" Hiei said in a low tone of voice. Not wanting to disturb the kitsune too much if he was still sleeping. Hiei leaned on his right arm more, getting a better view of the fox's face. Two emerald eyes opened to greet him. There seemed to stare deep into his soul. Normally Hiei would be afraid of such things… though, this was his fox, and he knew Kurama.

"Hiei…" Kurama said as he slowly pulled himself off of his stomach. He got to where he was leaning on his side, like Hiei, and smiled. "Weren't we suppose to be getting to Genkai's place for that meeting?" Hiei frowned. Did those damn people have to ruin all of his fun?

Hiei gave a smirk. He could only guess at what other things they could be doing instead of going to Gankai's house. They could either have more sex… Take a nice long shower… Or…

"We need to go now Hiei…" The kitsune said, looking at his lover seriously. He could tell what the fire demon was thinking about as he stared off into space. Not the greatest of things. Well, Ya. Some really good things that would have to wait until later. "Let's get dressed. We will probably get yelled at for being late now…" Kurama said with a heavy sigh, picking himself up and off of the bed. He didn't want to leave just as much as Hiei didn't.

Hiei gave a long and angry sigh before getting off also. He helped Kurama put on his uniform again as he did the same. When they where fully dressed, Kurama in his yellow/white outfit and Hiei in his black cloak, they both went through the window to get to the ground. Hiei was the first through, landing on the ground gracefully. He turned and helped Kurama land on the ground. Considering the fact that Kurama's window is a story up. They gave a smirk to each other and took off at a run down the street, towards Genkai's.

"We really need to do that again…" Hiei said, keeping speed with Kurama, making sure not to over do it. Kurama could be heard giving a soft giggle at his lovers' words.

"If we do, you must be the one on top. I can't deal with the amount of energy it takes. And, I will ask that you be as loose as you are with me, with everyone. You are easier to like. I don't mind if you let your built-up energy out once in a while." Kurama finished as he stalled and looked out to his left side.

Hiei stopped shortly after, turning to look at Kurama and then the field that was out to his own right. He stared, nothing seemed to be moving and the field, looked to be empty of anything. Other than the few hedges that dotted the ground, no trees or life could be seen. He looked at the kitsune like he was mad.

"What's wrong fox?" Hiei asked. Watching Kurama's lingering head towards the meadow finally turn to him.

"Umm… Let's go through the meadow… It will shorten the distance to Genkai's." Kurama said no real emotion on his face.

Hiei nodded as he then took off at a run through the opened piece of the world. Kurama now fallowed besides Hiei closely. They where both in the middle of the meadow now, almost to the top of a small hill when they heard movement to the right side, over in some bushes.

Kurama stopped immediately. He turned his eyes and focused on the bushes that where now rustling violently. The presence of two other demons could be felt just before they launched themselves out of the bushes towards himself and Hiei. Hiei jumped up, avoiding a black clad demon with bark brown hair, as it went for a slice at him.

Kurama seemed to be fairing better though as his sequence of movements involved pulling out his whip and slicing at the demon that was at him. Once the original attack was over, each pair of two regrouped. Kurama was panting lightly and looking at Hiei for any wounds. Since Hiei seemed to be doing fine, the kitsune glared at the others.

"Who are you?" Kurama demanded in a level tone of voice. Hiei 'hn'ed and glared at them as well. The two demons snickered lightly, each having cloaks drawn around their bodies, concealing their identities.

In one swift movement, both cloaks where pulled off. Revealing a young looking male in a very fitting outfit to his features. The vest was black and had a red dragon swerving its way around the vest. The white sleeves went to the wrists and the white pants where covered by a piece of black cloth that had another red dragon, this one just slithering up the cloth. The other was confirmed as Freez, the demon that Kurama had danced with in the bar. He was wearing what seemed to be just a pair of dark red pants. No shirt, yet he had many kinds of bands and bracelets around his arms. A long sash was around his waist and a neck lace dangled from his neck. At the end, it sported what seemed to be a small marble.

"Well…. Hello again Kurama…" Freez said with a bright smile on his face. He smiled in a dreamy kind of way as the other spoke up.

"So…. Which one is Hiei?" He asked as Hiei snorted. Kurama stared at Freez with a disgusted look on his face. How dare he greet him like that? How foul… the dark brown hair demon smirked and put his hand out. To Kurama and Hiei's amazement, it engulfed in flames. "Good…. Come at me with the intention to kill…"

"I don't take orders…" Hiei said with a glare at the other fire demon. He took out his katana and readied for an attack.

"Fine… then I will be forced to do this…" in a split second the demon hurtled himself towards Kurama. Hiei's reaction time was quicker than the fox's so he went to punch the demon for even trying to harm the fox.

As Hiei's fist was about to hit the other, he realized something, and in his confusion, he opened his hand, his palm hitting the boys chest. This wasn't a boy…

Hiei felt an uneasiness come over himself as his palm remained on the 'now girl' demon. How could he have made such a mistake? The girl looked shocked as well as she stood there before twitching in anger. Hiei removed his hand and took a step away from 'it'. All of a sudden, Hiei felt a fist connect with his stomach. This once came from a pissed looking Freez. Once Hiei was doubled over, Freez turned and went to attack Kurama as the girl took the opportunity to attack the now ready Hiei.

"Come here you sexy fox…" Freez whispered so that the kitsune could just hear it. Kurama frowned and stepped away from the advancing wolf demon. Freez's two tails wagged slightly as he continued to advance on Kurama.

"ARG!" Kurama's head turned towards Hiei's voice as his heart nearly stopped. Hiei was on the ground, holding his arm which was now bleeding profusely. This distraction caused a break in his defenses as Freez attacked. The wolf grabbed the fox and roughly pulled him to the ground. The kitsune gave a startled yelp as the wolf pinned him.

Kurama's head turned to look at Hiei. He looked to be in so much pain, and at the moment… the kitsune couldn't help him. What would happen if Hiei's life was ended at this moment? Would Kurama be able to handle it? Probably not. If Hiei didn't have a deep a bond as Kurama had… would the fire demon care if their places where switched. Kurama hated to admit it but… Hiei was a hard person to figure out… and it scared the kitsune at times. Was Hiei trustworthy?

00000Flash Back00000

Kurama was sitting on a chair that was pulled up to his desk. The oak wood and dazzling furnish mad him relax slightly. The moved his hand over the painting he was doing at the moment. It was of a dragon with a rose in the background. The arch of the dragons' body matched perfectly with the flowers flow of petals and its own curve. The kitsune hadn't drawn it, though he was definitely going to paint it.

A girl at school one day had been taking requests for free. Kurama liked this girl. She was one of the only ones in the whole school not to fawn over him. And, she was a great drawer. He had approached her calmly and gracefully.

"Can I ask for a request?" Kurama had asked it in his most charming voice. The girl gave him a small look and smiled.

"Matters at how difficult it is. If it's hard, charges will be made!" she gave a small laugh. "Nah, I'm just kidding ya." Kurama smiled at her attitude, so nice and calm. "What would you like?" she asked him while she pulled out the canvas. The class didn't start for another thirty minutes.

Kurama explained what he would like as she sketched away on the canvas. She seemed to enjoy drawing the dragon. Kurama was curious about something, so he just asked.

"Why do you not fawn over me? I'm sorry if I sound rude… though I'm very curious…" Kurama gave a small smile as she smiled.

"What's the reason to fawn over you? I like you, you are a nice looking guy and you have the greatest attitude… though… what would it get me to fawn over you? If you liked me, then great. That's when the love would start. I'm not stupid enough to say that I love you or anything… because I don't. I don't know anything about your life really… and love is a really deep word… Have you ever thought about that?" she asked with an innocent smile. She continued to draw as Kurama thought.

"Yes… I have…" the teacher entered the room then, and the girl put the picture to the side. The teacher frowned at her.

"Drawing again Kara?" the teacher said in an accusing voice.

"Ummm... Maybe?" Kara said as she put a hand behind her head with a silly smile on her face. Kurama smiled as he took out a piece of paper and wrote a small note. He passed it onto her desk when she wasn't looking.

Dear Kara,

Can I ask for a favor? I like your drawing a lot and I would like another request if It isn't much… could you come to my house latter on today? I have a canvas there. It's been collecting dust in my room for a while and I want you to draw me something. Is that okay with you?


Shuichi Minamino

Kara smiled and wrote at the bottom.


00000End Flash Back00000

"HIEI!" Kurama yelled as the girl demon was about to finish the fire demon…

End Chapter

Author Note: It's not what it looks like with the flash back…