
Disclaimer: I don't own the YU YU show. Please don't sue me.

A/N: There is a long note at the bottom of this chapter so please read it too. You all are so going to kill or flame me for this, but here goes!


Chapter 18 of 18

The End?


"Good night you two." Botan said with a hand over her mouth covering a yawn.

Kurama went into his room and closed the door. He shook his head at what he saw. Hiei had made it to the bed but he was lying cross ways of it on his back and almost asleep again.

"Come on Koi. We need a shower." Kurama said pulling off his shirt.

"No……Sleep." Hiei mumbled. The fox threw his shirt towards the hamper, shaking his head. He removed his pants and briefs before walking over to the bed. Kurama grabbed his mate's hand and pulled him up until he was sitting. Hiei growled angrily. "Fox!"

"Come on, Hiei. We need a shower. They may have cleaned us up but they could only do so much. It's been three days since our last shower!" Kurama urged pulling his lover's tank top off.

"I'm tired."

"Yes, me too." Kurama answered, undoing the fire demon's pants. The fox pulled the fire demon to his feet and into the bathroom. He pushed the pants off his lover, after hitting the hot water. Kurama smiled at the closed eyes of his mate, he was still trying to go to sleep. "Come on Koi."

The fox, pulled the fire demon under the hot spray. The water woke Hiei up some, but not enough. He grabbed the redhead's bottle of shower gel and poured a liberal amount into his hand. Kurama was trying to keep from laughing. He could just imagine his lover's face, when he found out he smelled like roses the next morning. The fire demon was more aware of his surroundings, then his mate thought. He reached forward and placed his soapy hands on the fox's stomach and ran them upwards over his chest.

Hiei slowly opened his eyes to meet brilliant green ones. Kurama grabbed the fire demon's soap and quickly worked up a rich lather. He put his hands on his mate's shoulders and ran them down his arms. They continued to wash each other until every spot of skin was clean. They had even washed each other's hair. The two lovers were now standing under the water holding the other.

"I wanted to make love to you tonight fox, but I think I am just too tired." Hiei mumbled into the redhead's chest.

"Me too Koi." Kurama answered removing a hand from his fire demon's rear to turn off the water. He reached out of the shower and grabbed a towel. The fox knew Hiei was practically asleep again. Kurama dried what he could of both their bodies and then went on to their hair. The fox pulled himself out of his lover's arms gently and lead him from the shower.

Kurama took his mate over to the bed and sat him down. Hiei crawled into the bed while the fox walked over to the bedroom door. The redhead opened the door enough to look out and still keep his dignity. Botan was sound asleep on the couch, cover up to her chin. Satisfied she was okay the fox closed the door and walked back to the bed. Kurama crawled in beside his lover. Hiei immediately turned over and snuggled into his mate's chest, wrapping his arms around him. Kurama put his arms around the fire demon too and was already drifting to sleep.

"I love you, fox." Hiei mumbled, snuggling closer if it was even possible.

"I love you, Hiei." Kurama answered back, before letting sleep claim him.


Hiei slowly awoke, feeling better. His energy level were a lot higher. Regular sleep was more healing then forced sleep. He turned over reaching out for his fox but found an empty bed. He sat up looking around then heard laughing coming from the other room. He got up and went to the closet grabbing a pair of his pants. The fire demon pulled them on cursing to himself. Hiei hated having someone else in their apartment. It meant he couldn't walk around naked and neither could his sweet eye candy, Kurama. The fire demon walked into the living room to find his mate and the girl watching TV.

"You're awake Hiei." Kurama smiled, looking over the back of the couch.

"Hn." Hiei grunted, continuing on to the kitchen. The fox shook his head, knowing the fire demon was not happy, waking up alone. It couldn't be helped. If Kurama had stayed in that bed he would have woken Hiei up and they would have most certainly made love, quite loudly too. Hiei came out of the kitchen carrying a butter covered cinnamon roll. He sat down next to his fox and commenced to eating while watching TV.

"What are you watching?" Hiei asked after a few minutes.

"It's a show about a half demon and his girlfriend." Botan supplied glued to the TV.

"Half demon?" Hiei asked instantly intrigued.

"Yes. Apparently the man in the red haori has a demon father and a ningen mother." Kurama replied watching the show too.

"Outrageous!" Hiei snorted at the audacity of such a thing.

"That's not all either." Botan smiled, turning slightly. "His girlfriend is from the future and is the reincarnation of his dead girlfriend. Who happens to have come back to life and now eats souls to stay alive. Plus his full demon brother is out for his head and sword."

"Sounds like he's got problems." Hiei smirked.

"So it seems." Kurama laughed. "He travels with several companions. One of them being the cutest little fox kit I have seen. It's a boy and he has a bow in his hair."

"A male demon with a bow in his hair? Preposterous!"

"Yes but he is still cute." Kurama smiled. "He's feisty, has powers and is sneaky like only a fox could be. He could almost be mine."

"Hn." Hiei grunted. He wanted so much for his mate's wishes to come true. If only he could learn to bend and why not, his fox was willing to give up his life for him. This was something no other demon would ever want to do for the forbidden one. The fox loved him that much. In that moment, Hiei realized why Kurama was able to bend without breaking. Why the redhead could allow him to be seme even though he was a very dominate seme. It WAS his love for him and nothing else. Well if the fox could do it then so could he. He loved Kurama just as much. Hiei started forming his plans. His fox was going to get a big surprise real soon.

"Hiei did you hear me?" Kurama asked nudging his mate.

"Hn." Hiei replied shaking his head.

"I said, what do you think of him?"

"He looks to be too annoying." Hiei answered, watching the kit aggravate the half demon, who in turn hit the brat. A black haired girl appeared, seemingly out of no where, screaming something and the half demon face planted into the ground. The fire demon shook his head. No demon in their right mind would ever allow that to happen.

They sat quietly through the rest of the show, two of them watching intently and the other deep in thought, putting the finishing touches on his plan. Soon after, the rest of the team came by and stayed a couple of hours. They talked and watched a movie Yusuke had brought.

Kurama closed the door and locked it after seeing the last of his friends out. The fox turned around with a sigh, they were finally alone. The redhead walked over to the couch and sat down. Hiei was straddling his lap and kissing him passionately before he could even blink. Kurama slid his hands around cupping his fire demon's butt tightly. Hiei broke the kiss with both of them breathing hard.

"I have to leave for a couple of days, fox." Hiei said with much regret. He didn't want to leave but it was necessary. He needed to do a few things.

"What? I…I…I.. I mean of course." Kurama said with a forced smile.

"You are bad at hiding you feelings, Kurama. I know very well you are upset."

"Yes I am! Why are you leaving?"

"I have my reasons and I can't tell you what they are yet, so don't ask. I will be back in a couple of days. I promise." Hiei said reassuringly.

"Okay I guess." Kurama sadly agreed. Hiei started to get up but the fox held him tight. "You leaving now?"


"Make love to me before you go." Kurama asked softly. Hiei nodded slightly with a small smile before moving out of the fox's arms. He stood up and pulled his lover to the bedroom with him.

(Sorry no lemon this time but there are more in the next story.)


Kurama awoke and looked to the opened window, seeing it was dark outside. He was very sad, Hiei had already left. He turned to his side, grabbing his lover's pillow and holding it close. They had not been separated since they had mated. Kurama noticed the slight pain in his neck. He reached up touching the new bite mark gently. Hiei had marked him again even though it hasn't been long since the last marking. The fox knew the fire demon would return soon, just like he had promised.

Kurama ran his hand from his neck up into his hair searching for his tear gem. He sat straight up running both hands through his hair repeatedly. The tear gem Hiei had given him was gone. The fox looked down at the disheveled bed. The fire demon had been very rough with him, maybe it fell out. He got up and started pulling the bed apart.

Kurama sat on the black carpet, heart broken. The bed covers were scattered around him. The mattress was lying on the floor, the box springs was leaning against the wall. He had looked everywhere and still no tear gem. The redhead had never lost any of his treasures before. There was only one explanation the fox was slowly having to accept. Hiei had taken the gem after he went to sleep.

Kurama's normally cool mind was in overdrive. He was running over everything he thought he had done wrong or could have done different. He had come to the conclusion the reason why Hiei had taken the tear gem back was because he himself was not coming back.

Kurama grabbed Hiei's pillow and held it tight against his chest. He cried, hard, for the first time in a very long time. After awhile the fox laid down on the floor, pulled a sheet over him and cried himself to sleep, still gripping the fire demon's pillow tightly to his chest. The dreams he had that night was nightmares instead of the happy dreams he has when his lover holds him in his arms. Kurama knew he had to get used to them again, now that Hiei was not coming back.

The End?


WHAT? The End? Possibly for some readers, hence the title.

No I will not leave it like that! I can't possibly do that to my favorite demons, now can I! I know I promised 33 chapters to this story and there still are. This tale is about to take a drastic turn, that some of you may not like. This story will pick up pretty much where it left off as a new story with a new title. The title is The Heights of Demon Love. I will start posting it on Friday so look for it. I hope you all will continue to read! I do appreciate it! Thanks for reading and please review. Oh no! Bad me! BAD! I made Kurama cry!

If you don't continue to read, know that Kurama and Hiei get back together and fine true happiness together, finally. If I was to say more then that it would ruin the rest of the story for those that will continue to read. Thanks again and please review.

PS: I would like to pick up a beta reader if someone would like to volunteer. My sister reads my stories and I use spell check but I still don't get everything. So if someone would like to do it please just post it in a review and then I will email or message you, whatever you would like. Thanks!