This story has been in the works for over a year now I believe. Lot's of fun. I finally finished it, I didn't want to post it before I finished it, otherwise I'd have a Triangle of Love issue (another work of mine). So, you guys are lucky. I don't know about the Title, Through Everything. It kind of irks me. But I can't think of anything else. It's shorter then I thought it was, roughly 55 pages size 12 Times New Roman, yes that's short to me. I had a difficult time breaking it up, so hopefully I'll get enough reviews to keep the updates quick and close together otherwise we're all screwed! (I'm forgetful...pokes other non-one shot story).

Summary: Hiei and Kurama have been together for a year (say it with me, TO-GETH-ERSLASH) and they've been through a lot. But now, Hiei is called to Makai and he doesn't know how long he'll be gone, whats worse is, he won't tell Kurama why he has to go. With the love of his life gone, how can Kurama cope? And when he comes back, what happens then?

Warnings: In this chapter? Shower Sex...heh...would you believe me if I said I was a virgin? Probably not. Also, I know they are OC, but, bloody hell people, they're a friggen couple--of course they're OC! They've been together for a year, known each other even longer then that, and most the time they're alone, they aren't going to act like what they act like in the series, trust me.

Rated: M! For, heh...sexual situations because yours truely is obsessed with Shower Sex scenes, as you will quickly find out.

Kurama smiled lightly as Hiei flipped through channels on the TV for the millionth time in the living room. He shook his head. Ever since the two had moved in to their own apartment together Hiei was showing some strange attributes the Fox would've never thought he could have. Not that it was a bad thing, if anything else it made him love the little koorime more.

"Love, you're not going to find anything on that stupid thing to watch at this time of the day. Come on Hiei, I made lunch…" he called from the kitchen. The television clicked off and two seconds later Hiei was at the door way with a scowl.

"I don't think I'm going to last in this damned forsaken human world for much longer…" he grumbled. Kurama laughed setting down the marshmallow fluff and peanut butter sandwiches he made. He pulled Hiei into a tight embrace.

"You've been saying that ever since we got together, what has it been over a year now? And I'm sure you've been thinking it ever since Yusuke got you stuck here…" Hiei snorted and pushed away from Kurama while heading to the table.

"Correction, Yusuke would've just gotten me thrown into jail, you're the genius who threw my name in the hat to 'redeem' me and got me stuck here…" Kurama sat down across from Hiei and smiled.

"Oh and you've hated every minute of it right?" he asked sarcastically.

"Damn straight…" Hiei grumbled before taking a bite out of his sandwich. Kurama chuckled and stared as Hiei ate. After a few minutes Hiei finally scowled at him.

"What?" he grumbled after quickly swallowing a bite.

"Oh nothing…"

"Then why are you staring at me?"

"You're just so cute you know that?" Hiei rolled his eyes and groaned as Kurama smiled.

"You're pathetic Fox…"

"As far as I'm concerned it's not a crime to love you, so stop calling me pathetic…"

"Many beings would disagree with you…" Kurama stopped confused.


"I'm a Forbidden Child; technically it is a crime…"

Hiei looked down as his memories flooded through his mind. Kurama sat back shocked, but than his face softened. Hiei…he was too young to have such horrible memories, demon or not, nobody should've been put through his pain. Kurama reached forward and grasped one of Hiei's small child-like hands.

"Oh Hiei…let me be found guilty of this charge of love for one as beautiful as you…" he whispered gently.

"Hn…" Hiei's hand slightly moved so Kurama's thumb could stroke over it perfectly. A few minutes of silence and Hiei finally spoke.



"Are you going to eat that sandwich?" Kurama chuckled and stood up and walked around to Hiei's side of the table. He grinned.

"Why should I? I have a perfectly edible koorime right here…" he replied swiping his thumb over Hiei's nose and pulling it back with some marshmallow remains on it.

"See?" he purred before running his tongue across his thumb smirking. Hiei smacked him playfully.

"You dirty Fox…get away from me…" Kurama laughed and kissed Hiei on the nose.

"Fine be that way…but remember…I know your weakness…"

"Weakness? Feh, I have no weaknesses…"

"Oh really?" Kurama cocked an eyebrow and looked at him. Hiei gulped and backed up a bit. That look, the look of a sly cunning fox that just caught its prey without it even realizing that there was the slightest hint of danger around.


"You don't sound so sure about that koorime…"

"K-Kurama…" In only a few short seconds Hiei was pinned to the floor thrashing as Kurama relentlessly tickled his sides.

"Kurama STOP it!" he cried out trying hard not to laugh. Kurama purred.

"But it's so much fun watching you thrash underneath me…"

"You dirty pervert get off of me!" Hiei cried. Kurama laughed and stopped only to lean down and touch foreheads with the panting Youkai.

"What's the magic words?"


"Nope…not till you say them…" he whispered running his hands up and down Hiei's sides.

"C'mon Kurama!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk…naughty little Koorime, that's what you are…" his hands started moving more and Hiei bit back a smile.

"Fine! Fine! I give up! I…I…Gods this is so embarrassing!" Kurama sat up and glared at Hiei straddling his hips while his hands rested on his own.

"Well gee! There's no one else around, and considering the fact that we've done more than what is considered appropriate for two young men of our stature to do here in the human world, I would suspect something like this wouldn't be so bad!" Hiei shook his head than leaned up and snuggled his face into Kurama's Torso.

"You win…I am Hiei, the ultimate uke…now damn it! Kiss me and get it over with!"

"Since when is that the phrase?"

"KURAMA!" The former thief laughed.

"I'm joking love…joking…its ok…" he took Hiei's chin in his hand and smiled.

"See? I love you…" he whispered leaning down and capturing the koorime's lips for a sweet and simple kiss. Hiei wrapped his arms around Kurama's neck and parted his lips slightly groaning. Kurama pulled back and smirked.

"Now who's the dirty pervert?" Hiei's eyes snapped open and he automatically hit the former thief while jumping back up to the table to finish his sandwich.

"Damn idiotic Fox…" he growled. Kurama perched himself on the table next to Hiei and smiled while crossing his legs.

"Care to finish that phrase Koorime?"

"With what? Stupid? Perverted? Dirty? Horrible?" Hiei grunted before taking a bite.

"Hmm…I was thinking more along the lines of, beautiful, sensuous, perfect, irresistible, cunning, charming, wonderful…you get the drift." Hiei snorted before swallowing and looking up at his lover.

"No, now you're just talking about me…"

"Mmm, that's right. I am, aren't I?" he purred leaning down for another kiss. Hiei allowed Kurama to kiss him, and to try to deepen it, but he offered no response. The disguised Youko pulled back scowling.

"What are you dead?"

"Might as well be…" Hiei muttered getting up to clean his mess. Kurama groaned and lay back on the table as Hiei moved around him cleaning up.

"You gonna eat that or what?"

"No, just wrap it up and throw it in the fridge."

"You got it…" Hiei pulled out the plastic wrap and wrapped Kurama's sandwich up and placed it in the fridge than cleared the things that Kurama was planning to use to eat away.

"What's wrong Hiei?"


"Hiei…" Kurama looked away from the ceiling and over to the sulking Koorime. He glared back in return. Kurama sighed and looked back up to the ceiling.

"Fine don't tell me…" he muttered. Two seconds later he had Hiei on top of him grinning stupidly.

"Just waiting for your guard to go down…" came the growl before Kurama was shrieking in laughter as Hiei tickled his most sensitive spots, including blowing in his ears.

"HIEI! No! Don't! C'mon Hiei!"

Hiei smirked as Kurama helplessly tried to get himself off the table, which had already suffered enough abuse from the two of them and their games. Soon Kurama had pushed Hiei off of him long enough to get off the table, and an all out war began. Back and forth they went, one second Hiei was on top, than it was Kurama. Neither one tried to hide their laughter because it was their game, no one else would ever find out about it, except for maybe the neighbors, but hopefully they would think nothing of it. Once Kurama had escaped Hiei's grasp for about the 50th time, he bolted to the bedroom and closed the door than ran to the adjacent bathroom and closed and locked the door. He could hear Hiei behind him, opening the bedroom door than slowly stalking over to the bathroom. Kurama jumped in the shower and pulled the curtain close as Hiei knocked slowly.

"Little Foxy Little Foxy, let me come in!" Kurama tried to bite back a snicker, Hiei had been in the Ningenkai for way too long.

"Not by the hairs of my chinny-chin-chin!" cried out Kurama.

"You have hairs on your chin?"

"Umm…hold on let me check…Nope!" Kurama could hear Hiei quietly laughing.

"Than let me come in Little Foxy!"

"No! Go away!"

"Than I'll have to huff and puff and burn down this door…"

"You don't have the guts!"

"Oh?" Kurama heard the determination in Hiei's voice he'd burn down the door if he had to. He stripped and turned on the shower after throwing his clothes out on the floor.

"You can't come in Big Bad Demon! I'm bathing! That'd be mighty rude, wouldn't you agree?"

"Rude maybe for some, but for me it just makes me want in more…"

Kurama thought he heard the rustling of clothing, but he wasn't sure. All he knew was that at the moment the small aloe plant he kept in the bathroom was reaching out slowly to unlock the door.

Hiei smirked out side; he could see Kurama standing in the shower naked, the water barely spraying on him as a small plant reached out to unlock the bathroom door. He had already rid himself of everything except for his wards, which if they ever got removed during the many times that he and Kurama had their fun, the Fox always insisted he do it…with his teeth. Hiei never really got the point, but it seemed to turn Kurama on, and that always turned Hiei on. Plus he kind of liked the way Kurama's tongue would trail down the Black Dragon Tattoo, making it glow a slight purple color. He growled slightly as his manhood jumped to attention, he was getting too far ahead of himself.

"Big Bad Demon, you'll just have to wait!"

Kurama grinned as the plant retracted, finishing its job. Than he pulled back into the shower and let the warm water finally caress him making paths down his smooth skin.

That was his cue. Hiei smirked, Kurama was ready for him, and the door was unlocked. He reached for the handle and carefully and slowly opened it. Steam poured out of the bathroom and he closed the door quietly and snuck towards the shower. He knew Kurama could sense him, but it just added to the game, not knowing exactly what he was going to do next. Hiei stopped right outside the shower curtain and studied Kurama's silhouette. Water pouring down on the beautiful perfect body, hair plastered to his back, barely brushing his tight ass, and he was trembling. It was slight but Hiei noticed it.

"Scared of me Little Foxy?" he growled out deeply.

Kurama backed up to the wall and groaned. Hiei smirked having getting the exact reaction he wanted. That voice, it drove the poor Fox insane. Every time Hiei talked with it, he could get almost anything he wanted, and at the moment, he wanted Kurama.

"B-Big Bad D-Demon, how did…how did you get in?" Kurama whispered as a hand reached in and started pushing back the curtain.

"Silly Little Foxy, you forgot to lock the door…" Hiei smirked pushing the curtain all the way back.

"Tha…That's impossible…"

Kurama didn't fake the stutter, and Hiei knew it. He didn't need to look at the growing length to figure out how badly Kurama had been turned on by this silly game. He carefully stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain close, they had learned the hard way that leaving it open could cause water damage, which they would wind up paying for. Kurama groaned.

"You aren't going to eat me up are you Big Bad Demon?"

"Mmmm…that's sounds like a good idea Little Foxy, I am quite hungry."

Kurama groaned, his hands twitching to touch himself, but Hiei beat him to it. Kurama cried out as his length was grabbed and Hiei's thumb pressed down roughly on to the tip.

"Silly little Foxy, don't ruin my fun…" growled Hiei seductively looking up at his lover.


"Tsk, tsk, tsk…now don't you try to call for help," Hiei started moving down Kurama's body placing small kisses, licks, and nips randomly along his chest, "It won't help."

Kurama moaned and remembered why he loved Hiei when it came to love games so much; he never gave up on them. Hiei was the first lover he had ever had that would participate in all of his games, and could also come up with games to match or even excel his. Kurama cried out as warmth surrounded his hard throbbing erection. He tried desperately not to thrust into the small demon's mouth; that would ruin the whole game.

"Please…" Kurama whispered as Hiei slowly and gently ran his tongue up and down Kurama's length. Hiei pulled back.

"What do you want my beautiful little Foxy?"

"Hi—Big Bad Demon…please…oh God suck me dry!" he groaned feeling himself slip down the tiled wall. Hiei smirked.

"If you say so little Foxy…" his mouth wrapped around Kurama once more and started working its wonders.

One hand held the former thief's hips still while the other traveled down to massage his sac. Kurama groaned twisting one hand in Hiei's hair while the other played with his own hair and nipples with his eyes squeezed shut tight. Hiei groaned sending the vibrations down to the base of Kurama's length, and that was all it took for the Youko to spill his load into Hiei's mouth with the shower still pouring out warm water. Hiei pulled back slightly so he could swallow than milked Kurama dry with a few last sucks before standing up and grinning.

"You make quite the delicious meal my little Foxy…" Kurama groaned and slowly slipped to the floor panting for breath and trying to regain himself.

"You're so naughty you Big Bad Demon," he managed to push out. Hiei grinned looking down at him. He kneeled down and took Kurama's chin in his hand forcing him to look him straight in the eye.

"You don't know the half of it…" he said huskily.

Kurama groaned as his cock snapped back to attention and Hiei's lips devoured his in a lustful kiss. Without thinking Kurama let one hand slide down Hiei's wet smooth back and inserted two fingers into his tight entrance. Hiei groaned and gripped Kurama as the two fingers started to pump in and out of him quickly. Their lust increased as they tried to hold onto each other as Kurama added a third finger, finally making Hiei give a small shout as he brushed his prostate. Hiei nipped Kurama's human ear.

"Let go of me little Foxy…"

Kurama did as he was told, quickly removing his fingers. Hiei turned so his back faced Kurama and grabbed the Youko's dick. Straddling the other's hips he pumped Kurama's length a few times before lifting up and impaling himself on it. Both males groaned as Hiei slid down the length. After a few minutes of adjusting, Kurama pushed himself up so Hiei was on his hands and knees on the slip resistant shower floor and started to pound into the koorime. Hiei moaned every time his prostate was hit. Soon Kurama picked up the pace and their moans melded together. Kurama held Hiei's waist with one hand as the other started jerking the Jaganshi off at the same pace as he was pounding into him. Hiei nearly screamed as his release finally came, his muscles squeezing Kurama who groaned and released his load into the small koorime. They collapsed onto the floor panting, cold water beating down on them. Kurama shivered and lifted a foot up to turn the shower off as Hiei used some of his ki to warm them up.

"Mmm…I love having Little Foxy for lunch you know that…"

"You horrible Big Bad Demon, you almost killed me!"


"Nearly wore me out to the point of no return!" Kurama grumbled. Hiei chuckled.

"Nearly?" he questioned grinning. Kurama grinned.

"Nearly…I still have some left in me…" he purred seductively shifting slightly letting Hiei feel his manhood still inside him. Hiei groaned and started pressing back towards him when the phone rang. They both stopped and leaned down. Kurama rested his head on Hiei's back.

"Don't answer it Fox…"

"I know…" It rang again. Kurama twitched. Hiei grabbed one of his arms.

"Please…Kurama…." Kurama sighed and kissed the spot where his forehead had been pressing down.

"I'm sorry love…" he whispered, removing himself from Hiei and grabbing a towel as he headed to the phone. Hiei sighed and stayed on the floor of the bathtub listening to Kurama on the phone.

"Hello? ...Oh Yusuke! Hello!" Hiei groaned as Kurama's side of the conversation reached his ears.

"With Yukina? Well I don't know, I mean you know how he is about that…well yes I suppose so." Hiei growled and looked up over the tub.

"Just say no Fox! It's not that hard!" Kurama chuckled.

"Oh no, not you Yusuke, it's Hiei…yes he's complaining like always. Well, I don't know if we can, we have things that need to be done today…"

"Like me!" Hiei shouted. Kurama tried desperately not to laugh he peeked into the bathroom and glared at Hiei while motioning for him to be quiet.

"Oh no, sorry, just Hiei again. Yes…well…oh dear she did? Oh that's horrible! Is she ok? Well...yes! Of course! I'll be there as soon as I can…No, no, those things can wait…yes…all right…goodbye Yusuke, thank you!" Kurama hung up and walked back into the bathroom. Hiei was still in the tub. He had flipped over and was now scowling at the ceiling. Kurama kneeled down and looked at him.

"It's an emergency, I'm sorry."


"Hiei please don't be mad at me…I do love you! Would you like to come with me?" Hiei rolled over to his side.

"I'd rather not…"

"Are you going to stay in the tub and mope all day?"

"I don't see why that would be a problem…" Kurama sighed and placed a hand on Hiei.

"I am sorry, I do love you Hiei." Hiei grunted and Kurama sighed. He pulled out a seed and let it bloom into a deep purple rose. He placed it on the edge of the tub and stood up.

"For you," he whispered before standing up and going to get dressed. Hiei didn't move until he heard the apartment door shut and was sure Kurama was gone. He flipped over and took the rose in his hand with a small smile.

"You're an idiot Fox…" he whispered before frowning and standing up and getting dressed in his black clothes and jumping out the window with his sword at his side.

Kurama sighed as he headed home rubbing his head. What had started as a small emergency with Kayko and Yusuke soon became a disaster. He was only glad he made it out of the chaos alive. He started up the stairs to his apartment reluctantly, he was almost certain Hiei would still be mad at him for leaving him like he did. He honestly regretted ever answering the phone in the first place. He pulled out his keys to unlock the door and opened it slowly.

"Hiei…I'm home!" he called out while slipping off his shoes, not bothering to look up.

When he received no reply he looked up and gasped. The apartment was closed off to the rest of the world with black drapes hanging from the windows. The lights had been dimmed and candles and deep red roses had been placed throughout. He smiled lightly as Hiei walked out wearing his black silk robe Kurama had bought him.

"Welcome home Fox…" Hiei whispered handing him his red silk robe.

"Hiei…it's wonderful…"

"Hn…go on and get washed up for dinner and put that on you crazy Fox…" Hiei muttered.

Kurama smiled and nodded. He placed a light kiss on Hiei's forehead than scampered to the bathroom to get dressed. A few minutes later he walked out still smiling and headed towards the small dining area. Hiei was lighting a candle on the table just as he walked up.

"A candle light dinner? Why Hiei, I haven't done anything to deserve this! Especially after running out on you this afternoon!" Hiei shrugged and flitted to Kurama's chair. He pulled it back offering it to the Youko.

"It doesn't matter…" he replied. Kurama smiled and sat down.

"Why thank you love…" he said as Hiei pushed him closer to the table and placed his napkin in his lap for him.

Kurama smiled as Hiei dashed to the counter in the kitchen and came back with two covered plates. He placed one down in front of Kurama and the other at his place. He lifted the covers and smiled.

"Your dinner…" he said. Kurama laughed as Hiei scampered back to the kitchen to put away the covers and than back in his seat.

"Hiei you've out done yourself…" Kurama stated as he looked down at the dish in front of him. Grilled chicken and pasta with tomato sauce adorned his plate, one of his favorites. Hiei snapped.

"Oh! I forgot!" He jumped up and rushed to the kitchen again. Kurama giggled as he came back with a bottle of white wine.

"Would you like some wine sir?" he asked. Kurama smiled.

"I would love some…"

Hiei flipped his wineglass over and poured Kurama a glass of wine, than he repeated the gestures at his side of the table. He placed the bottle down and sat back down and smiled.

"Dinner is served…" he said with a slight smile and a blush. Kurama smiled and nodded.

"It looks absolutely delicious Hiei…" he whispered. Hiei blushed and looked down.

"Well try it; I want to know what you think." Kurama nodded and took a small bite of his chicken. He gasped as the flavor hit him and swallowed.

"Hiei it's wonderful!" he exclaimed. Hiei beamed proudly.


"Of course love…" Kurama reached over and grasped Hiei's hand with a smile. Hiei smiled back and they continued to eat slowly. It was than Kurama realized the soft music playing in the background. He laughed.

"You really did out do yourself Hiei! Is that my Love Song Collection?" he asked. Hiei nodded.

"Yeah…well…ya know…" Kurama giggled.

"Oh Hiei, you're wonderful. I'm sorry I ran out on you this afternoon." Hiei shrugged than looked up grinning.

"Actually, it's really ok. Except for I owe Yusuke now…" Kurama gaped than glared.

"Hiei you little…" Hiei laughed as Kurama grumbled.

"You paid him to put me through that hell?" Hiei smirked.

"Well, if he put you through hell, than I'll kill him, but yeah I told him I'd do something for him in return if he could keep you busy for awhile." Kurama groaned and placed his head in his hands, than he looked up at Hiei.

"You're becoming more and more like a Youko everyday…it's driving me insane." Hiei grinned.

"Driving you insane?"

"Yeah, yeah, ok I get it, I am insane…" Kurama grumbled. Hiei smiled and motioned to Kurama's food.

"If you're going to eat any more, you better hurry before it gets cold…" Kurama looked at Hiei with one eyebrow raised.

"Yes mother…" he said sarcastically taking a bite.

Hiei kicked him softly underneath the table. Kurama smiled and winked as they finished up their dinner. Hiei stood up and cleared off the dishes and placed them in the sink as Kurama sipped his wine slowly.

"C'mon Fox…" Hiei said, grabbing his wineglass. Kurama stood up with his wine and followed Hiei. He wrapped an arm around the small koorime and breathed in his sent.

"What's next beautiful?" Kurama asked as they headed to the bathroom. Hiei smirked.

"Bath time for you…" Kurama blinked.

"For me?" Hiei nodded.

"Yep, I've got something I have to take care of…" Kurama sighed as Hiei led him into the rose scented bathroom and pulled back the tub curtain. Kurama smiled as a small fire that had been keeping the waters warm disappeared. He sighed as Hiei took his glass and placed it on the side of the tub than untied his robe.

"Have a nice bath Fox…" he whispered pulling out yet another wine bottle and placing it next to Kurama's cup before kissing him softly than disappearing.

Kurama smiled and shook his head. He stepped into the tub and automatically sunk into the scented bath making sure his hair didn't get wet and sighed. Hiei had really gone the distance this time, but what he couldn't figure out was why. He shrugged and slipped a bit deeper into the water smiling.

Review, review, review, you know the drill. I'll probably put the next chapter up tomorrow, there's only 8 chapters!