Author has written 18 stories for Harry Potter, Angel, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Watchmen, X-Men: The Movie, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Inuyasha, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Legion, Friday the 13th, Smokin' Aces, and Moana. Wow. I started writing fanfiction in eighth or ninth grade (1999?), then stopped for a while in high school. When I finally came back--came "home," in a sense :)--and looked back, the comparison in my writing (in style, plot, and general story quality) was so drastically different that I took down all the old ones. Since then, I have finished my bachelor's degree in English, worked at a university for three years, and am back in school for my masters in Counseling. I have always loved reading and writing mainly because I like to learn peoples' stories: what they think, what they feel, how they react. When I write, it's like meeting new people. I put them in a situation or give them a scrap of dialogue, and I watch where they go from there. That's the main fascination. X-Men Origins: Wolverine, for instance, is not about a mutant who gets his body lined with metal. It's about a group of people in the face of adversity and selfishness. It's about two brothers who love each other very much and what would happen if things went wrong. It's about you and me. The plot is the events that happen, but the real story is about human interaction. A note to all: As many of you know, I was planning on removing the Octoberverse entirely from FF. net for a long time (like, years!). A lot of people protested, and so I have recently decided to re-write them. Unfortunately, after much thinking and discussion, I decided to remove the old versions because, as some of you know, they are full of a lot of foreshadowing and slow discoveries. I wanted to keep things as fresh and vibrant for incoming readers while maintaining the feel (and almost all the content) of the old ones. Please remember that I did recommend, for a long time, saving these pieces to your personal drives/disks if you liked them. The old versions will no longer be available. I do appreciate all your support and encouragement, and hope that you find the new pieces even better than the originals. I love words. I love playing with them. I also, apparently, like to kill people (in my stories, that is). I don't have muses; I have little writing monsters who live under my couch. They eat reviews, so I am always thankful when you feed them. I just decided to update this because a young woman mentioned that I had noted "Tongues of Men and Angels" as one of my favorite pieces, which I realized was like, two years ago. But my top favorites tend to switch back and forth, depending on where I am in life and mood. I am hoping the new versions of the Octoberverse will make it back in here, eventually. But for right now, they are: oOo 1. Inevitable. This is a Watchmen oneshot and I got to really exercise my creativity and my love of lyricism. The story is an AU (sort of) and is narrated by Doc Manhattan. It's the story (or stories) of Walter Kovacs and Blair Roche.Completed August 27th, 2009. "In every possible universe, Blair Roche dies." Rated T. Romance/Tragedy. 2. Stolen. A Friday the 13th fanfic that is one of my favorites for a lot of reasons. I had it shelved for forever because I couldn't figure out how to finish it, then--with the help of a friend--realized it WAS finished. Published June 22, 2011 (Completed Long Before That). '"Jason can smell her. He can see her. He can hear her running, like a panicked deer who has forgotten the art of silence." A girl, a summer, a song, and a short lesson in behavioral psychology. A relatively nonviolent one-shot.' Rated M. Romance/Suspense. 3. A Different Man. A Smokin' Aces fanfiction that has bits I really like and bits I really don't, but was a lot of fun to write. Completed July 9th, 2011. "The Tremor Brothers are hired to kill a girl. A oneshot lesson in Tremor family history, speed, sunrises, murder-for-hire, innocence, absolution, rooftop romances, neon lights, giving in, and giving up. Darwin/OC. Sort of." 4. Threefold. If you'd asked me a year or two ago, I would have never, ever expected to write for this fandom. For better of for worse, the story siezed me by the throat and demanded to be written. It's a A Nightmare on Elm Street oneshot that lets me use lyricism again, as well as getting to depict some fun dream sequences. It's the story of a girl from Freddy's childhood, and her future interactions with him after he died. I mean, you didn't think he let all his name-calling classmates go after he got his demonic powers, did you? Completed May 28th, 2010. "If you ask Blaine Emberly-Knowles about second grade, she will tell you three things: she aced every spelling test, her teacher's name was Mrs Hartsig, and there was a red-haired boy who was horribly bullied." Rated M. Romance/Hurt/Comfort. 5. Wheeling Tiltwise. A second Legion fanfiction, and one which I actually like better than Tongues of Men and Angels. I think I do my best work with oneshots. Completed November 27th, 2012. "How do you cope in a world you've Fallen into? Oneshot: Gabriel, Gabriel/OC. Rated for safety." Rated T. Romance/Hurt/Comfort. 6. Waking Freddy Krueger. Another weird Nightmare on Elm Street" fanfiction which kind of took over my brain till I wrote it. I like this one for the fake-science I crammed into it, haha, and a lot of whimsical philosophy-type stuff. Completed June 16th, 2010. "For Frederick C. Krueger, Hell is Stagnation. Luckily, it only takes one of three things to wake him up: a dream, a name, or a drop of blood." Rated M. Romance (?). 7. Da Capo al Coda. Third favorite, a bit down the line, this is a fanfic based on Repo! The Genetic Opera, and is a one-shot structured as an opera. Kind of. It is not a Graverobber/Amber Sweet romance. Completed February 17th, 2011. "At the end of the song, we return to the beginning, and stop at the final chord. How Graverobber became Graverobber, and Amber Sweet became Amber Sweet." Rated M. Romance/Angst. 8. Tongues of Men and Angels. The first few chapters are a little stilted--my beginnings often are, especially when I haven't already figured out the end--but I think it is flowering nicely. And the reviews that I have gotten have just been so intricate and touching--they have all really encouraged me, not just to write but to write from the heart and be honest and hopeful in the story. I think it might be becoming my very best work so far. It is a Legion fanfiction, in semi-drabble-like chapters, and it is all about brokenness and being made whole. In Progress. "Glimpses of grace: the story of one brother and two sisters. Through the grace of God, all things are made new." Rated T. Romance/Hurt/Comfort. 9. The Inexact Art. Some people have a hard time with this one, as it is anti-chronological in an extreme sense. It is based on InuYasha and is a Sesshomaru/Kagome oneshot. Completed November 27th, 2010. "In which a taiyoukai attempts to change the past, and a miko attempts to ensure the future." Rated T. Romance/Tragedy. Other Things People Like The Victor. (Octoberverse Book #1, X-men: The Movie, Rated M. Complete. Romance: Victor Creed.) Includes smut. (REWRITE IN PROGRESS) oOo Stories in Order of Fyre's Favorites Stories in Order of Fave Stats (as of September 1, 2013) Stories in Order of Reviews (as of September 1, 2013) |