Author has written 1 story for Pokémon, and Dragon Ball Z. Hey, my fellow fanfictioners! This is my profile, and yes, I know, I'm way overdue for writing one of these, but I didn't really know how these work. So I snooped around and found some good examples on Fanfiction. So here goes... Subject: Pokemonrox7 Gender: Male Age: 18 (I'm not gonna give too much away so I don't give you an opportunity to track me down and stalk me, I'm like Batman) But now, I honestly can't think of anything else. I suppose I should start with my origins here on this site. It all began on my 13th birthday where I finally got a Playstation 3. My Playstation 2 was still amusing, but I had had it for the past 6 years of my life and I was ready to move into next gen. I got the internet on it, so when I wasn't playing games, I was browsing the web looking at funny pokémon pictures. So one day, I was looking at some pokemon pictures that showed a battle that was between Magikarp and Yamcha. "Magikarp used Splash... Yamcha fainted!" The problem was that I couldn't really see the words because it was so small. So I clicked on it, hoping that it would bring me to a page that I could read it easier on. Turns out this led me to a website named "deviantArt" (Yes that's the correct spelling) and I was stunned to find some very good pokémon art on there that I could never admire the true marvelousness of if I used Google Images. A few weeks after that I came across a picture that I was pretty confused by (Just type in Pokemon Destiny Path of Legends in the deviantArt search bar, most of what comes up will probably be related. I couldn't leave a link by the way.) Turns out that this picture was an artwork for a fanfiction called well... "Pokémon Destiny The Path Of Legends" (Which I don't own, the author's name is Boredstick if you wanna check this story out.) Anyway, I was intrigued in the story behind this picture, so I went to the link that it said to click on to read the first chapter. That was the first story I ever read on Fanfiction. So after that, I was hooked onto It went depths that the original show/book/videogame etc. never even came close to transcending. I think that it's worth mentioning that I really read Pokémon fanfiction that whole time. I found stuff that made lots of things that wouldn't happen in pokémon come to life inside my mind. And all above, it was about making Ash Ketchum even better than he has been rather than portraying him as the "Normal Ash" that would appear in the shows and movies. I'll get more into this later, but to be put simply, this was pretty much a much wider door for me so I could see more around me. Then, one day came where I realised that this had been kind of the chance to get MY ideas out I'd been waiting for. Ever since I was in Year 4, I wanted for many people to see something that I had created by myself. I thought "Hey, books get lots of people's attention, maybe I could write one." But 9 year old me wanted a risk free way to write a book. What I mean by that is I wanted for people to read stories that I wrote, but without looking at the book on the store shelf and going "Ehhh, this one's not for me." Basically I was stopped by the thought that everyone wouldn't want to pay for anything I wrote. So I needed to find a way that I could still get my stories out, but people will read them because it was free. However, no official publisher would ever publish a book if it was going for free, so I hit a roadblock. Even though, I couldn't get my ideas out I still had them building up in my head. I remember this one time when I was in Year 5, still unknowing that my life up to that point was all just an illusion before it punched me in the face, broke every bone in my body and incinerated whatever mush remained with a flamethrower, this one idea that kept nagging at me. It was Ash Ketchum fighting off some weird creature with his Aura abilities. With a lot of tweaks and an actual story to go along with it, this idea eventually manifested into today’s Ash Ketchum Wielder of the Aura. I really wanted to get this idea out, but I just couldn’t. All these thoughts came back to me on that day that I realised that this was my opportunity to finally get this story out into the world and dispel the roadblock. And thus, Pokemonrox7 was born. So those are my origins, how I came to became a fanfiction writer and a delighter to thousands (I’m over 10,000 Views!) That isn’t only me, it’s you guys as well. Thank you for getting me this far. I’m so appreciative of you wanting to indulge in my work and every single one of you is awesome. Ok, I think that it is now time to list some of my interests My first interest is Pokémon . Undoubtedly pretty much the only thing keeping my heart going and where I learn all my life lessons from. I’ve been obsessed with pokémon since I was 5 years old. That’s 10 years of Pokémon! Like Holy mother of Arceus’s element plates. You’d think that someone would get tired of pokémon after the first 5 years and move onto something else. That someone however, is not me. I love absolutely EVERYTHING about pokémon. The pokémon themselves, the regions, the battles and the characters. Speaking of which, let’s talk about Ash Ketchum. Oh, Ash Ketchum, I really can find no words to describe him. Each word would feel horribly inadequate. Yes I know I’m kind of acting like an obsessed fanboy (which actually isn’t that far from the truth) But let me explain. Ash is pretty much the best anime character for a number of reasons. 1. He’s the Chosen One, the one being that’s destined to save the world. 2. He can reason and sympathise with pretty much any human being or pokémon. 3. He holds incredible, unbreakable bonds of friendship with every single one of his pokemon, especially Pikachu (But you already knew that.) 4. He is capable of winning and overcoming absolutely ANYTHING. 5. He won’t keep pokémon against their will if they want to leave his team (Charizard is a good example of this.) 6. He won’t force his pokémon to evolve if they don’t want to (Like Pikachu). 7. He will sacrifice himself for the wellbeing of his pokemon, even throwing himself in between a Hyper Beam and a pokemon that isn’t even his, to save its life. 8. He has the same amount of Aura as one of the most powerful Aura users in history, Sir Aaron. 9. He has met, saved the lives of and befriended pretty much every legendary pokemon. 10. He has taken on the forces of Team Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Galactic, Plasma etc. and stopped their heinous plans. 11. He is pretty much incapable of dying, I mean, come on. He’s been turned to stone, been caught in explosions, drowned, almost froze to death in space and was nearly wiped of the face of the earth and thrust into time-space. Even through all that he’s STILL going strong. But the most notable reason is that Ash was born to be a hero. And with his heroism being accentuated with my fellow fanfictioners writing stories about his awesomeness, I have a very good image of Ash that can never be spoiled, so don’t even try. My second interest is Dragonball Z. Second only to pokemon’s 10 years, I have been involved with DBZ for about 5 or 6 years. I got my first game “Dragonball Z Budokai 3 on PS2 and the series and I just clicked. The fast paced fighting, the awesome attacks and Shenron are just incredible. I like Goku’s cheerfulness and expertise on the battlefield. I like Vegeta’s pride of a saiyan but devotion to the ones he loves. Dragonball Z will always hold a special place in my heart. My third interest is the game series of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Phoenix is an interesting character. He is able to mix complete seriousness with comedy really well, especially when Maya Fey or Ema Sky is around to make Phoenix’s life a living hell. It’s honestly hard to tell what sections of the games are funnier, the courtroom sequences or the investigation sequences, either way, both are pretty hilarious. The utter incompetency of the Judge is one of the many highlights of the courtroom scenes. The rivalry of Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth is also a highlight. They show an innate desire to be better than one another, making trials very tense when those two go at it. Hearing Phoenix yell, Objection! or Hold It! or Take That! Will never get old and is one of the most hilarious games I’ve ever played. Another one of my interests are riddles. I love them because you can prove your superiority, especially if you can answer them before the person telling you one has even finished, like I can. Someone will be like”Hey, what’s full of holes but still holds water?” and I can answer “A Sponge” before they can even get to the word “holds” It’s such a satisfying feeling to see the looks on their faces. My hobbies include: 1. Writing Fanfiction. 2. Reading Pokemon Fanfiction. 3. Heading over to YouTube and watching stuff. 4. Thinking about the total worthlessness of the human life 5. Finding all of Joker’s bombs before Gotham is destroyed. Seriously I want you to continue to have fun reading my stories so we both benefit. Thank You. |
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