Hey guys this is the start of the updated version of this story. The original had so many mistakes (especially in the first 10 chapters) that I wanted to fix and generally improve.
Here's the first chapter I hope you enjoy.
In conversations:
'- Translation of Poké Speech – No human unless otherwise stated can understand it. Ash can understand it due to his Aura.
"- Human speech
"- Telepathy
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon.
A man stood at the peak of Mount Quena gazing off into the distance. On his shoulder sat a Meowth and a Lucario stood to his right. The man is about 21 years old, stood a little over 6 foot and had a lean build. His main features were his messy raven black hair and his brown eyes which seemed to have a hint of blue. Behind him a group Pokémon were battling each other. The Pokémon were a Blastoise, a Charizard, an Infernape, a Meganium, a Donphan, a Heliolisk, a Primeape, a Butterfree, an Aurorus, a Luxray, an Absol, a Glaceon, a Gardevoir, a Milotic, a Flygon, a Tyranitar, a Scizor, Porygon Z, and a Rotom. The sounds of their attacks clashing echoed through the mountains. The Meowth noticed the faraway look in his friends eyes.
"Hey boss are ya thinking about dat day again?" Meowth asked in concern.
The man looked at the cat with a blank expression on his face.
"Yes unfortunately. I remember it as if it was yesterday." he said in an emotionless voice
Flashback (7 years ago)
Ash was walking home after his defeat to Tobias in the Sinnoh league. Although he was disappointed to lose he took pride in the fact that he took down 2 legendary Pokémon something that nobody else had done. He got to his house and knocked on the door. His mother opened the door and had a huge smile on her face.
"Hi mum it's great to see you."he said happily.
His mother lunged forward and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. Ash felt the air squeezed out of his lung.
"Mum I can't breathe."
She released him and Ash was able to breathe again.
"Sorry I'm just so happy to see you back home again."
"I'm happy to be back. How about I tell you everything that has happened over the past year."
"I would love to hear what has happened. But Professor Oak wants to see you at his lab."
Ash was confused. "Why?"
"I don't know Professor Oak just told me that it was important."
"Ok I'll be back as soon as I am done at the lab."
Ash shot out of the door and ran straight to Professor Oak's lab. He walked through the open door and looked in the main room. In the room sat almost all of his past travelling companions as well as Professor Oak. Ash looked at the serious looks on their friends faces and wondered what was wrong.
"Hey guys what's up?" He asked as he sat in one of the vacant seats.
"Ash we need to talk to you about something very important. So be quiet and listen." Ash was shocked. He'd never heard Brock use such a harsh and cold tone.
"Okay Brock. So what do you wanna talk about?"
Everyone looked at each other unsure how to say it. Ash was starting to get worried about what was going on. He was about to ask again when Misty yelled out "Ash you suck at training Pokémon. We've been talking about this for a while now and we all think you should give up your stupid dream cos it's never gonna happen! You're a complete failure and I feel embarrassed to even know you."
"Yeah Ashy-boy you are worthless. We don't want anything to do with a loser like you."
Ash was in shock. Surely this was just some kind of joke."y-y-you're joking right?"
Max then spoke up. "No Ash we are not, we all agreed on this, we think you're a weak and pathetic excuse of a trainer."
Ash looked around at the faces of his so called friends and saw them all nod their heads in agreement. His heart felt like it had been smashed into a million pieces. The feeling only got worse when he saw Pikachu was sat next to Max agreeing with them. Tears began to form in Ash's eyes as he comprehended the reality of the situation. It was all to much for Ash and after taking one more glance at his former friends who were now glaring at him he got up and he stormed out the door with tears now trickling down his cheeks.
When he ran outside he was stopped by his Pokémon who were stood in front of him. Most of them were glaring angrily at him. The only exceptions were Charizard, Bayleaf, Infernape and Donphan. Said Pokémon walked forward and handed their Pokéballs to Ash. The rest of his Pokémon now either maintained their glares or began growling. His former friends then walked outside smug looks on their faces.
"See Ashy-boy even your own Pokémon think you're pathetic" mocked Gary
Ash ignored him and returned Bayleaf, Infernape and Donphan. He then jumped onto Charizard's back telling him to take him to Vermillion City. As Charizard took off Ash yelled out "One day I'll be back and when that day comes you will be sorry for what you've done" and then Ash was gone.
End Flashback
Suddenly a piercing screech rang out which broke Ash out of his reverie. He looked in the direction it came from and saw a Pidgeot flying towards him. The Lucario formed an Aura Sphere in his palm just in case the Pidgeot proved to be a threat. The Flying type was unfazed by the now growling Lucario and landed in front of the Ash. It used it's wing to point at the scrap of paper attached to it's leg. Ash took it and began reading it in his head. The Pidgeot then took off. Seeing that the potential threat was gone Lucario dissolved the Aura Sphere and looked at his master.
'Master what does the letter say?'
"Lucario how many times have I told you not to call me Master?"
'Over nine thousand.'
Ash chuckled then began reading the message.
Dear Takeo Hayashi,
There is a tournament coming up that is held every 10 years called the Championship of Legends. It is held to decide the best trainer in the world and I believe you are more than capable of winning. Your invitation has been attached to this letter. If you want to join hand the invitation to the Nurse Joy at the Indigo Plateau Pokémon centre. You have 1 week to decide.
P.S Glad your still alive Ash. You were incredibly hard to track down. I hope to see you in the near future.
'So Master will you join?'
Ash looked at Lucario and the jackal saw a glint in his master's eye. It was a look that he hadn't been seen since they had taken down Team Rocket 4 years ago.
"Yes my friend we will join this tournament and we will win."
Ash heard his Pokémon approaching him it seems they had been listening the whole time. Meowth and Lucario joined the rest of his Pokémon. Ash looked at them with a genuine smile on his face.
"Everyone we have trained long and hard over the past 7 years. This tournament is the perfect opportunity for us to prove ourselves to the world and show those traitors who the pathetic weaklings really are. We will leave immediately and we will crush all who stand in our way."
They all roared in approval and some of them fired attacks into the air. Ash then rummaged through his backpack pulling out his Pokéballs and returned everyone except Charizard and Meowth. He let Meowth climb back on to his shoulder and he then jumped onto Charizard's back.
"Ok Charizard head straight to the Indigo Plateau."
Charizard fired a Flamethrower into the air then took off, flying off into the distance at an amazing speed.
Ash managed to get to the Indigo Plateau in no time at all due to the speed Charizard was flying at. When the Plateau came into sight Ash instructed Charizard to land in the wooded area to the south. The dragon nodded and landed in the middle of a clearing. Ash got off of Charizard and looked around, he decided this would be an excellent training area. It was deep in the woods so he shouldn't have to worry about being disturbed, it also had a natural spring which would be great for resting after training. Ash returned Charizard and began walking towards the Pokémon centre. He raised his hood and made sure that it was shrouding his face only because he really didn't feel like revealing that he was back yet.
As buildings came into sight Ash looked to Meowth who was sat on his shoulder.
"Meowth remember you can't talk in public. It could make people suspicious especially if the traitors hear you."
"Don't worry boss I know. Besides we can talk through Aura if we need to."
They continued on to the Pokémon centre. When they entered Ash scanned the room looking for anyone he knew and he immediately spotted one of the only people in the world who knew the real identity of Takeo Hayashi. He was a rather large man he had met several years ago when he challenged the Battle Frontier. Ash wasn't surprised to see that he was still wearing his customary sunglasses and Hawaiian shirt. Scott turned around when he heard the doors open and was pleased to see a man who wore a hooded cloak and carried a Meowth on his shoulder. He knew that he must be the man people have spent several years looking for. Scott excused himself from the conversation he was having with Brandon and walked up to Ash.
"Hello Takeo. It's been far too long. I'm glad you decided to compete."
"Well I couldn't turn down an opportunity on this grand occasion to prove those traitors wrong."
Scott nodded his head in agreement.
"Anyway I'd better go sign up for the tournament."
Scott placed a hand on Ash's spare shoulder stopping the cloaked trainer.
"Okay Takeo but I'd better come with you if you wanna keep you identity secret."
Ash nodded and walked with Scott to the main desk. Before Nurse Joy could speak Scott said. "Hello Nurse Joy this man would like to register for the tournament. You won't be needing to see his pokedex. His name is Takeo Hayashi." Ash breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't known that he would have to hand in his Pokédex he just thought that the invitation would be enough.
Ash looked around the room and saw that several people in the Pokémon centre wore stunned expressions. They were amazed that Scott would do this for someone that nobody had heard of. The Frontier Brains were wearing similar expressions and were wondering just who this guy is and how Scott knew him. Determined to find out they walked towards the mysterious man who had turned his attention back to Nurse Joy. She tapped a few more keys on her keyboard and looked at Ash.
"Okay Mr Hayashi you are now registered. Here is your schedule for the first round."
"Thanks Nurse Joy." Ash took the schedule from Nurse Joy and then he then whispered to Scott. "And thank you for doing that. The last thing I wanted was for my identity to be revealed right now."
"Don't worry about it. After everything you've done for the world and everything you've been through I think you're owed the odd favour."
This earned a short chuckle from Ash.
"So Scott, aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?"
Ash and Scott turned to see 6 Frontier Brains with a 'you will tell us or else' look on their faces.
"Of course this is Takeo Hayashi. He is very good friend of mine who's been travelling around for the last few years helping the Pokémon Rangers."
Their eyes widened and their jaws dropped once hearing this as the Rangers were a very well respected organisation.
"And Takeo these are my Frontier Brains. We have Factory Head Noland, Arena Tycoon Greta, Dome Ace Tucker, Pike Queen Lucy, Palace Maven Spenser and Pyramid King Brandon."
Ash looked at the people he'd defeated years ago. He was surprised that they hadn't really changed over the past few years. He then realised something, "Wait a minute Scott I thought there was seven Frontier Brains. Where is Anabel the Salon Maiden?"
At the mention of her name all their shoulders slumped and their eyes were filled with sorrow. The change in attitude worried Ash.
"Hey did I say something wrong?"
Brandon spoke up "She's in her hotel room. She has not been the same the past seven years. Ever since Ash Ketchum's disappearance she fell into a deep depression and no one has been able to pull her out of it."
Ash didn't know he had been that important to her. They had gotten close after he had defeated Brandon as he had spent a couple of months with her before leaving for Sinnoh. The last time they had spoken had been just before he got on the boat to Sinnoh. He remembered that day vividly, he had almost confessed that he had fallen for her but his fear of rejection had stopped him. The thought that he had caused her so much pain saddened him.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Greta begin talking " I don't suppose you've seen him have you Takeo?" Ash looked at Scott, unsure of what to say.
"Yes, I met him a couple of years ago while I was training on Mount Coronet. We had a battle that I only just managed to win. I haven't heard from him since that day. I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful."
Ash averted his gaze. He hated lying especially to those he had a great deal of respect for. But he had to, at least for now.
"That's okay Takeo at least we know that someone has seen him alive. I guess we should get back to our hotel rooms now, it's getting late." Brandon said, the other Brains agreeing some yawning to prove his point.
"You guys go ahead I've got to show Takeo to his hotel."
"Okay Scott see you later."
Ash and Scott watched the Brains leave, then Scott turned to Ash.
"Come on we can talk on the way to your hotel" Ash nodded and they walked outside going in the opposite direction to Brandon and the others.
"Scott, can you please tell me everything that's happened with Anabel since I left. I really am worried about her."
"Okay Takeo, but you have to tell me everything that happened 3 years ago with Team Rocket first. Because I know you had something to do with it and I certainly don't believe the bullshit the media came out with."
Flashback (4 years ago)
After spending over a year scouring all 6 of the major regions for any Intel he could find on Team Rocket's hideout and the leader Giovanni. Now he had finally compiled enough Intel to mount an attack on Team Rocket and eliminate the criminal organisation. Ash stood outside the headquarters watching the grunts patrolling the building. He noticed that one of the guards would be out of sight when he got to an alcove in the building. Ash quietly moved into position and knocked out the guard stealing his uniform.
Ash whispered to the cat beside him."Now Meowth do you remember the plan?"
"Yeah boss. You say dat you captured me and wanna take me to Giovanni so I can get a traitors punishment. "
"Ok let's do this." Ash walked up to the main gate Meowth trailing behind with his arms tied behind his back.
"Halt who are you and what is your business?" the guard said in what he hoped was an intimidating voice.
"I have captured that treacherous Meowth who quit Team Rocket. I wish to take him to Giovanni so he can dispose of him. I think he would be displeased if you refused to allow me entrance." The guard heard something through his ear piece, then immediately let the pair through. "Go down the main corridor and take the elevator to the top floor."
Ash nodded and walked inside dragging Meowth with him. The gate closed behind them and the duo were left on their own.
"Man these guys are stupid, I can't believe they just let us through." Ash removed the binds on Meowth's arms and they kept to the shadows. Ash then began placing several explosives at structural weak points of the building.
"That should be enough to take this building down, now let's go take down Giovanni and remove the threat of Team Rocket."
Ash and Meowth took the elevator to the top. When the doors opened they revealed a huge room that only had a desk with a computer on it and a Man sat behind it while he stroked the Persian that was sat by his side.
"So Ketchum you finally got here, it took you long enough. You were let into the building almost an hour ago. Did you really think it would be that easy? You only got into this building because I wanted to crush you myself." Giovanni then began cackling.
"Giovanni, Team Rocket will be disbanded this day and I swear that you will never harm another innocent again."
"Nice speech boy, now let's finish this." Giovanni threw 5 Pokéballs into the air, revealing a Rhyperior, Magnezone, Nidoking, Arcanine and a Machamp, his Persian then jumped down beside them and prepared for battle.
"It's over for you Giovanni, come out my friends may the Aura be with you." Ash threw 5 Pokéballs into the air releasing Charizard, Lucario, Absol, Blastoise and Gardevoir, Meowth then stood in front of Persian ready to prove who the better cat was.
"Rhyperior use Rock Wrecker on that overgrown lizard. Magnezone use Zap Cannon on Gardevoir. Nidoking use Mega Punch on Blastoise. Arcanine use Flamethrower on Absol. Machamp use Close Combat on Lucario and Persian you deal with the traitor." The Pokémon nodded and launched their attacks.
"Charizard intercept Rhyperior with Flare Blitz then hit it with a Blast Burn. Gardevoir use Psychic to send the Zap Cannon back, then charge 2 Focus Blasts and obliterate that Magnezone. Blastoise use Iron Defence then use Hydro Spin. Absol charge through the flames and keep using Night Slash till it's down. Lucario use Elemental Combat to counter Machamp and Meowth you've got Persian."
Charizard surrounded himself in flames and charged towards the rampaging Rhyperior. When they clashed Rhyperior was gradually being pushed back then Charizard opened his mouth and hit Rhyperior with a full power Blast Burn. Rhyperior collapsed on the spot its body covered in burns.
Gardevoir watched the ball of electricity hurtling towards her and just raised her arm stopping the ball inches in front of her and sent it back with twice the force giving Magnezone no time to the dodge. Magnezone crashed to the ground, the paralysis making it unable to move as Gardevoir lobbed the two Focus Blasts she had been charging at the defenceless Pokémon, taking Magnezone out of the fight.
Nidoking ran towards Blastoise it's fist glowing white, while Blastoise merely stood there raising it's defence, the fist collided with the tortoise's shell and bounced off causing Nidoking to roar in pain and clutch his hand. Blastoise then withdrew into his shell began spinning and sent several blasts of water at Nidoking propelling it across the room and slamming it into the wall, it slumped to the ground unconscious.
Arcanine stood and shot a Flamethrower at Absol who just ran straight through it seemingly unhindered. Arcanine was stunned when he saw the Absol in front of him and could do nothing as he was bombarded with slashes, he tried raising his paws in defence but was too slow, and was knocked out with cuts littering his body.
Lucario's right fist cracked with electricity and his left was surrounded with flames, he charged at the fighting type before him and began his relentless assault. Machamp was on the defence from the start knowing he was completely outmatched, he tried throwing a punch at the Jackals head but missed and was hit by an incredible uppercut launching him into the air. Lucario then leapt above the fighting type and sent him plummeting to the ground with an Aura infused kick.
Meowth and Persian were exchanging attacks, slashes being blocked by both. Meowth then jumped back firing a Thunder Pulse at Persian, the attack disoriented it, so Meowth took his opportunity to create a massive gash down the left side of Persian, which cried out in agony.
Giovanni growled in anger seeing his other Pokémon beaten so easily, he looked to the right and saw the cat's battling, cuts covered both their bodies and they both looked on the verge of fainting.
"Persian destroy the traitor with Giga Impact!"
"Meowth show him a true Giga Impact."
The 2 cat's charged and a huge explosion blinded everyone. When they could see again Persian was in a heap on the ground, and Meowth was staggering in front of it, a grin plastered across his face.
Giovanni was speechless, he couldn't believe he had been beaten so easily. In a flash Ash appeared in front of the leader of Team Rocket, he had just enough time to mutter "oh shit." then Ash landed a punch to his stomach and an elbow to his neck, knocking him out. Ash went over to Giovanni's computer, hacked into the files and downloaded all the data on it, he then returned all his Pokémon and slung the unconscious Giovanni over his shoulder and got into the elevator travelling to the bottom floor. He walked out of the building being sure to avoid any grunts.
Ash turned around pressed the button on the detonator in his hand and watched as the Team Rocket base collapsed. The noise caused by the explosions was deafening but Ash just stood there unfazed, smirking at his handiwork. He took the unconscious Giovanni to the nearest Police Station and left him and the data he had downloaded, with Officer Jenny.
It was all over the news that the police had led a strike force against the Team Rocket Base capturing their leader, and scattering their forces. Giovanni was found guilty of several crimes to both humans and Pokémon thanks to the downloaded data and he was later imprisoned in a high security jail.
End Flashback
Ash decided to leave out the part about how he found an old friend trapped in what appeared to be a torture chamber or how that friend now resided in the Pokéball hanging from the necklace he wore. By the time Ash had finished the story they had reached his hotel.
"Well thanks for telling the truth about that Takeo. But I do have one question how did you knock out his Pokémon so easily?"
"It's simple really. He never trained his Pokémon the only Pokémon he had trained was his beloved Persian. The other 5 Pokémon were chosen for their intimidating appearance." Ash gave Scott a serious look. "I trust that you will keep this between us Scott I don't want this getting out to the media. Now I told you about Team Rocket so now I want to know about Anabel."
"Of course what you've told me will stay between us Takeo. As for Anabel, I think we should talk about this after your match tomorrow. I don't want anything to distract you." Ash nodded then realised what Scott had said.
"What do you mean 'my match tomorrow'?"
"The opening ceremony and the first round of the tournament are tomorrow."
"Wait the letter you sent me said I had a week." Ash was shocked by this, he was planning on getting some last minute training done before the tournament began.
"Well I wrote that message a little while ago and I kinda forgot to send it on time. Sorry about that." Scott said while looking quite embarrassed.
"Don't worry about it Scott. I'm just glad I decided to come here straight away."
"So am I. Well I've gotta get to my hotel. I'll see you tomorrow, meet me at the Pokémon centre after your match. Then we'll talk ok."
"Okay Scott see ya."
As soon as Scott was out of earshot Meowth decided to break the silence "Ha dat look on his face was priceless." The pair burst out laughing at the situation.
When they calmed down Ash walked inside the hotel, went to the desk and got his room key from the receptionist. He went upstairs eventually finding his room, he opened the door and marvelled at the huge room he had been given and saw the massive bed. He put his backpack on the floor then jumped onto the bed with Meowth curled up beside him and fell asleep.
As Ash slept a lilac haired woman is lying down on her bed in a hotel not even a mile away. She is crying into a pillow, a picture of the person she loves clutched to her chest and an Espeon lying next to her trying to offer some comfort. Between whimpers she managed a single sentence, "Ash where are you?"
The next day Ash woke up at the crack of dawn as usual. he yawned and stretched his limbs out. He went to his backpack and pulled out the spare set of clothes and the towel he kept in there and went into the bathroom. He came out 10 minutes later, fully dressed and ready to go. He walked over to his bed and nudged the sleeping cat eventually waking him up.
"Hey can't a cat get some sleep around here?" Meowth stood up and wiped the sleep from his eyes. "What time is it?"
"It's morning, and the tournament begins today. So we need to tell the other's about the change of plans."
"Ok let's go then." Meowth climbed up Ash's arm and took his usual place on his shoulder.
Ash then noticed a note on the floor, that must have been placed underneath the door during the night. Ash picked it up and began reading it.
Dear Takeo,
I thought I should inform you that those from your past are here. Several of whom are competing in the tournament. Your old Pikachu is now being used by Max, I do not know how many of your other old Pokémon are owned by him or the other's.
Good luck
"Well it looks like we're gonna get our chance at vengeance. Charizard will be pleased."
Ash put on his cloak and raised the hood so his face was shrouded in darkness. He picked up his backpack and exited the hotel without seeing anyone, due to how early it was. He began walking towards the secluded area he had found yesterday. When they arrived Ash grabbed the poke balls out of his bag "Everyone come on out."
All of his Pokémon appeared in front of him. "Listen everyone, due to a minor mistake on Scott's part the tournament actually begins today not in a week's time. Also I have been informed that the traitors are here and some of them are competing." The Pokémon looked at each other with smirks on their faces glad they'd have a chance to destroy them.
Lucario spoke up "Master do you know who we are battling today?"
"Lucario I wish you'd stop calling me master, we are friends and equals. To answer your question no I haven't looked yet." Ash rummaged around in one of the inside pockets of his cloak and pulled out the crumpled schedule.
"It says we are fighting a guy called Ray Jones. The match starts at 10:30 which will be the first match after the opening ceremony. Well at least that gives us the rest of the day off."
Meowth decided to ask the question they all wanted to.
"So boss who ya choosing to use for the first battle?" Ash looked around at his Pokémon then made his decision.
"Butterfree you're up first." Butterfree cheered and Ash could him them saying "yes" and "in your face" several times. The rest of his Pokémon groaned. "Come on guys you'll all get to battle at some point. Don't worry Charizard I'm saving a certain yellow rat for you." A sinister grin was now on Charizard's face.
"Anyway guys we've got about 3 hours till we have to be at the opening ceremony, so just relax and have some fun." Just then a water gun hit Ash in the face, everyone snickered while Blastoise tried to look innocent, well as innocent as a Blastoise can look.
"Oh so that's how ya wanna play huh, well then take this." Ash threw an Aura sphere at the tortoise who just managed to dodge it. With a yell of Free-for-all they all charged in firing attacks at each other. After about an hour and a half of 'playing' they stopped and most of them sat down feeling completely exhausted. Ash went to his bag and pulled out the healing poultice he had created. He gave everyone some medicine and they got up good as new.
"Ok guys I'm gonna take you to the Pokémon centre. Then we'll wait in the stadium till the opening ceremony begins unless any of you would rather stay here."
Luxray, Milotic, Blastoise, Donphan, Tyranitar, Heliolisk, Primeape, Gardevoir and Absol all chose to stay. Milotic dove into the spring with Blastoise, Luxray and Absol found a shaded area and decided to rest there, Gardevoir appeared to be meditating and the others had all started battling again. Ash left the clearing and began walking to the Pokémon centre. When he entered the building he saw 7 people and 1 Pokémon that he hated almost as much as he hated Team Rocket. There was a redhead who was dragging a man who appeared to have no eyes by his ear while he proclaimed his love to Nurse Joy. A pair of Co-Ordinators were discussing contest moves. A boy stood with a yellow rat on his shoulder. While the grandson of Professor Oak was talking with the Pokémon Watcher.
Ash's eyes flickered blue as his anger started rising and his Aura began flaring. An Aura Sphere began to form in his hand but then he heard a baritone voice in his head. "Calm down Ash. Attacking them will do nothing except blow your cover and potentially get you kicked out of the tournament. The best way to hurt them will be to defeat them in battle and crush their spirits."
"Thank you for that my friend. You are right as usual." Ash's eyes returned to their usual brown colour.
Ash walked past the traitors and handed his Pokéballs and Meowth to Nurse Joy.
"Can you take a look at my Pokémon? We did some last minute training and I wanna make sure they are ready for battle."
"Ok take a seat, this should only take a few minutes."
Nurse Joy walked out the back with his Pokéballs leaving Ash alone with the traitors. Ash went and sat at the table that was furthest away from them. He sat there for what felt like an eternity listening to all the pointless bickering from the traitors, making him wonder how he ever put up with the idiots in the first place. Thankfully Nurse Joy walked out with a trolley filled with Pokéballs.
"Mr Maple, Mr Oak, Miss Waterflower and Mr Hayashi your Pokémon are now healed."
Ash walked up to the desk gathering his Pokéballs while Meowth jumped on his shoulder. Once he took the last of his Pokéballs he turned around and then barged past the traitors causing Max to hit the floor. Ash stopped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked at the owner and saw that it was May.
"Hey you jerk you better apologise to my brother."
Ash shrugged her hand off his shoulder and said.
"Make me."
Ash then saw a mallet coming his way. he took a step to the left and watched as Misty fell flat on her face.
"Where does she get that mallet from? Actually forget I asked I really don't think I wanna know." That caused Meowth to burst out laughing.
"Hey I don't want fighting in my Pokémon centre" by the tone in Nurse Joy's voice you could tell she was serious.
"I apologise Nurse Joy. I will be leaving now." with a bow Ash left and walked in the direction of the main stadium. Leaving 7 fuming people in the Pokémon centre.
Please give a review telling me what you liked/didn't like.
If you have any questions I am more than happy to answer them.
Combo Moves
Elemental Combat – Thunder Punch + Fire Punch + Close Combat
Thunder Pulse – Thunderbolt + Water Pulse
Hydro Spin – Hydro Pump + Rapid Spin