Chapter 20

It Finally Shows itself

Infected Power Plant.

3 months one week after Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

"Ha ha, very funny Max." Ash pretended to laugh at Max's Arceus comment.

"Be quite." Sabrina quietly snapped.

"Why." Ash asked a little to loud

"Shhhhhh, we've got to be quite til it comes around."

"It?" Misty inquired

"The thing that caused all this" Riley answered

"Well how can we tell it apart from all the rest." Richie asked

"Remember the one that attack May and Max, It spoke perfectly, it had a perfect human form and the energy that surrounded it was much more condensed. It was clearly more powerful then the rest, and through past experience the strongest one is usually the one in charge."

"Makes sense."

"Now all we have to do is wait for him to come out." Riley said and crouched down to listen.

Suddenly the earth started to shake. Before their eyes hundreds of mounds of petrified dirt rose. Then splitting open and morphing into Black Beings.

"Do we have a Plan-B" Dawn asked nervously.

"Give me a sec" Riley said slowly backing up.

"I got one. It's called fight or flight, Blaziken Fireblast" May shouted and her Blaziken fired it's attack.

And so a battle began the next ones into the fight were Ash, Misty, and Richie but it didn't take long for the rest of the group to jump in as well.

"Pikachu thunderbolt!" Pikachu who had been gripped by a Black Being, used it's electric attack incinerating it.

Nearby, Dawn's Mamoswine and Misty's Gyarados seemed to be having a contest to see who could smash more, meanwhile Sabrina's Alakazam had more of a defensive tactic using light-screen and psychic to protect the others.

Although terribly outnumbered the gang was starting to slowly to push the black beings back, and the corrupted ground began to receded with them.

"Is it just me or are we actually winning" Richie exclaimed.

Riley quickly answered "No, it's not that easy. Keep your guard up, this is only a distraction."

"My my, look who's the smart one" Everyone turned to face the mysterious voice. "And I thought I would have the pleasure of watching you squirm for a few more hours."

Everyone turned to face the voice that you readers all know as Giovanni.

"I take your the one who's been doing all this." Sabrina accused

"Innocent til proven guilty, anyway you kids have been amusing to say the least. But I'm afraid that this show is finally canceled. You see.."

May's dark aura flared up and started spreading across her body. "You god forsaken monster, Blaziken Overheat!"

May's Blaziken looked back at her trainer worriedly and fired a powerful plume of flames as commanded. But when the attack almost reached it's target it bounced off of Giovanni's shield, only making it ripple.

"So you're the one that got away. I see you've been fighting my power, but still it will consume you." Giovanni chortled.

"Again Blaziken and combine it with a blaze kick."

"May don't!" But Max's plea was to late Blaziken had already started attacking. It launched a slightly weaker overheat and quickly leapt into the flames with it's right leg ready to strike.

Giovanni's shield kept him safe from the fire. And when Blaziken was in striking distance he grabbed it's leg, flipping Blaziken over, grabbing it's head, and slamming it into the ground. "That wasn't very lady like. You got only a few more hours if you keep up like this."

May was about tackle him herself, when an arm preventing her from moving forward.

"Stop aggravating her! Can't you see all the trouble and destruction you already caused!" Ash shouted.


"Isn't bad enough that you have ruined the live's of pokemon. Isn't bad enough that you destroyed family's, My Family!" Ash was on the verge of tears. "Tell me why you you are doing this what could you possibly gain!"

"You have already seen what there is to gain, once this world is consumed by darkness it will be under mine to rule, with the power I could yield. I could conquer the universe if I wanted to.

This time Riley spoke up, "And what will you do, when you have it all?"

"I'll do it all over again in another universe, conquering worlds is good sport"

"You're delusional." Sabrina stated

"Perhaps you're the ones that are delusional, for thinking my only purpose was to destroy. But I am going to teach you otherwise." Giovanni sent wave of dark aura cutting through the air heading straight for!

"Ash!" Everyone shouted in panic.

Ash winced as the dark light to come, but it never did. He took a chance peak to see that Riley and Lucario had created a shield of aura to protect him.

"So you are an aura user" Giovanni closed his eyes, "Judging by your output, you only have the power of a normal human. I'm sad to say that it would be almost to easy defeat you."

"Well let's put that to the test shall we. Lucario Bone crush" Riley's Lucario leapt at Giovanni, it's bone club swinging.

"How pathetic." Giovanni raised his hand and a blasted a beam dark energy.

"Dodge it now Lucario." Lucario didn't need it's masters commands to evade the attack but even then and it's incredible speed it could still feel the beam grazing some it's hairs. "Keep going, together Aura sphere!" Riley and Lucario gathered their energies for another attack

Team Rocket Time

"Oh my Meowth, did you guys see dat pokemon take out da twerpette's Blazeiken." Meowth, Jessie and James were still their wagon watching the scene unfold.

"Doesn't it look familiar" Jessie asked

"I can't tell, you humans all look the same?"


"You know if you tilt your head it kinda looks like the boss."

"Then we should catch it and bring it the boss, Imagine him waking up in da morning and looks out his window for a beautiful sunrise view, but when he looks out he see's that his view has been blocked by mountians overnight. He decides to smash them mountains, unfortunately the bosses Giant Mountain Smashing Mech is out for an oil job. So all he'd have ta do is call upon his fateful look-alike companion to do the job for him, It would almost feel like he was smashing them mountains with his own two hands. And during breakfast with his doppleganger he'll say"

Meowth began to mimc Giovanni's voice "I am so grateful for Meowth and friends for getting me this absolutely handsome pokemon for me, I think I will reward them with the highest of Team Rocket honors.

"That's brilliant Meowth" James said excitedly

"We'll be rich"

"We'll be famous"

"We'll be the cat's Meowth"


"Mime Mime"

Sabrina looked on as Riley and Lucario fought hard against their opponent, (Giovanni seemed to almost be playing with them) then she looked back at the onlooking trainers and pokemon about to join in the battle as well"We shouldn't have come here. Everyone back to the car"

"Then why did we come here." May asked

"Riley said that we would gain strength by coming here, but it doesn't matter now"

"What about Riley and Lucario, and that mad man that they're fighting." Richie asked

"You saw his shield, Normal attacks bounce right off, we have to leave while Riley's holding him off"

"We can't leave him, who's going to teach Ash" Misty asked "Why would we even come here"

"I-I," Sabrina stopped, she had no a clue on who would teach Ash other then Riley. She tried looking into the future but it was to blurry for her to see it. "I don't know"

"I think I know someone who might" Ash said

"Well don't just stand there get to the car!" Max said half running towards old Bessie already. Everybody else quickly piled in drove off as fast as old Bessie would allow.

Riley and Lucario had entered a stand off with Giovanni. His clothes had been torn to tatters and his hat was a dozen yards away, he felt his Aura being strained to the limit, and he saw Lucario had a few dark spots that look to black to be normal bruises.

"You must be feeling pretty small right now, this isn't a fight among equals. It's a nussience like a fly to a Rydon" After Giovanni spoke the sound of a revving an engine and and the screech of tires could be heard. "And now even you're friends have abandoned you."

"Abandoned ha, I've been waiting for them to for ages. There is just one last thing to do." Riley walked up to a temporally baffled Giovanni. "AURA STORM!"

"Ash where are we going." Sabrina asked

"Cameran palace."

"Why didn't we get out of the wagon when we had the chance!" Jessie shouted

"It was your idea." James shouted back

"Enough of your nonsense James. Meowth where are we going!"

"I don know, how about we pull over for directions."


"Looks like Team Rocket's driving off again..."

Author's Notes

Hello Hello Hello. I'm sorry for this late update as usual, but this time I don't have a simple or minsucle excuse to give. But a chain of Fortunate and Unfortunate events. First off the beginning of the school year is always tuff, especially when you are planing on being a film maker.
Second came in October Pokemon X and Y came out and thus the revival of the spirit to write stories (Even if they took a backseat to the real pokemon games)
Third Is the most tragic, During the holiday season my grandmother died and the whole faimliy spent a month sorting things out from the funeral to the will. As well as rescueling the family Christmas party to a later date
Fourth if any of you have been following me for long you know I take vacations in the winter, Had some fun in the sun.
And Finally I have picked up some film making projects, I have been working on them for awhile and they are all due on March 20th.

So yeah you can say that I've been busy.

Also I have finished writing the next chapter in my Bleach fic so check that out as well